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.I feel faster.Stronger.” I held my hands out in front of me and gazed at the black scales that shined like black sheets of ice in the sun.“I feel like I could fight anyone, anywhere, and win.” I flexed them.“I was strong before, but now, well, I just want to test them out.”“Whoa,” she said, “you really are infatuated with yourself, aren’t you?”“Well, no, it’s not like that.I’m just amazed.”She giggled.“I’m just teasing you, Nath.I really like them too…”She trailed off, her light eyes glancing away.“But?” I said.She reached over and rubbed my arm.Her eyes brightened when she did it.“Oh, but nothing, Nath.I trust you and I’m thrilled for you.Who wouldn’t want to be a Dragon anyway? And Nath, you know I think the world of you.I always have.You’re a hero.You’ve done great things and you’ll do more…”She did it again.Trailed off and glanced away.“But?” I said.“As long as you stay on the right path.Let us help with that, Nath.Why do you rebel?”“Because I’m a rebel,” I said, laughing a little.But it wasn’t very convincing.Not to me or her.“Oh Nath,” she said, “you just have to be careful.This world, Nalzambor, it has a way of changing people who aren’t careful.I lost some family because of that.I don’t want to lose you too.” Her eyes watered up and she was looking right at me.It got me, right in the heart, the Dragon heart.And I felt guilty.Unlike the others, Sasha had a way of saying things in a manner that I would listen.I think it helped that she was pretty and her soft voice gave me chills.I cleared my throat.There was a lump in it still.I did it again.“Sasha,” I said, touching her hand, “you don’t really think anything will happen to me, do you? I’m a good Dragon, remember.I’ll never turn evil.” I said it as if I was trying to convince myself.That bothered me.“Look, I know I have to be careful and that I can’t run off on my own like I did before.But, what if it happens anyway? Didn’t you say something about it mattering more what’s on the inside that on the out?”She nodded.I went on.“And, we don’t know that Black Dragons were all evil.Maybe just some of them.Aw … I don’t know, Sasha.” I shook my head and ran my fingers through my mane of hair.I blew a puff of smoke.“Wow!” she said, “I’m impressed.When did you learn to do that?”“I’ve been practicing when no one is looking—what now?”I glanced back.Brenwar, Shum and Bayzog were galloping towards me.“Aw, here comes another lecture.” I started to fan the smoke away, but thought better of it.“Alright, there’s nothing I can do about … what’s going on?”They galloped right past us and Brenwar was yelling.“Are you coming or not, Dragon?”Sasha and I looked at each other and then our eyes followed them.Up ahead, miles distant, was a Giant black plume of smoke.I might get to test my arms out after all.Whatever it is, I hope it’s big.Dangerous.Because if it is, I’ve got a surprise for it.“Let’s ride, Sasha! Yah!”CHAPTER 4Selene sat with her scaled black tail coiled around her, petting her Drulture as the great doors opened.The Lizard Men led a large Man inside.He wore dark crimson and purple robes and was accompanied by two Dragon-like men.The Draykis.The Man stopped at the edge of her throne’s dais, kneeled, and bowed his big shoulders.The Draykis kneeled at his side.“I come as you wish, High Priestess,” the Man said.His voice was dark and cheerless.“My life is yours.”It warmed her cold heart whenever he said that.“Arise, High Cleric,” she said, “and tell me what you know.”He nodded, rose and pulled back his hood.The High Cleric’s bald head was covered in colorful tattoos.They moved, shifted and changed.Different shades.Different hues.The Man’s face was hard.Not old.Eyes dark and mean.His hands were thick and calloused.A heavy war mace hung by a strap over his broad shoulders.He looked more like a warrior than a cleric.A destroyer, not a healer.“The Draykis are excellent soldiers.Hunters as well.” He ran his hand over the amulet that controlled them.“Nine Dragons have been captured in the last month.Our poachers are in good order.”“Any unusual run-ins, Kryzak?” she said.“No, Selene,” he said, “not as I’d hoped to report, I’m afraid.”“Selene?” she said, leaning forward.Kryzak shrugged.“You know how deep my love is for you, Selene.” His eyes sparkled and flared.“I’ve died once for you.I’ll do it again.”She eased back into her chair.Kryzak was the only Man who spoke to her so informally.He’d earned it.He used it.She liked that about him.Cold.Confident.Fearless.“Of course, Kryzak, but mind your tongue.You might lose a soldier if he followed your insubordination.”“Certainly,” he said, nodding, “And if he did, I’d kill him myself.”He stood still, chin up, arms folded behind his back, waiting.She sat, quiet, thinking.Nath Dragon had disappeared once more.But he would show up.He always did.Even Finnius the Acolyte had tracked him down, but the High Cleric Kryzak could do better.He never failed any charge.Not once.Not ever.The Man was on a mission.Her mission.The mission of Barnabus.Capture the Dragons.Sell the ones that could be sold.Kill or turn them.But most importantly, stop Nath Dragon.Run the world.“Find him, Kryzak,” she said.“Grind him down.Torment his friends.His allies.No mercy.I want him weak.His purpose meaningless.His focus frayed.”Kryzak caressed the long wooden handle of his war-mace.The wood was weathered.The flanges of the head a dark iron metal.He nodded.“Our spies are everywhere.As soon as he shows, I’ll know.Track him.Trip him.Snare him.Bust him up.Break him.It will be a pleasure.”“Don’t get too carried away, Kryzak,” she said, “I want him alive, but his friends, his allies―do with them what you wish.”He patted the head of his mace.“Then his friends and allies,” he said, glowering, “will be dead.Or horribly mutilated.”Her black tail uncoiled from her body, stretched out, and brushed his rugged face.“My resources are yours,” she said.“I have many.Be sure you keep me informed.”“As you wish, Selene,” he said, closing his eyes.“You touch inspires me.” He smiled and stroked her scales [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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