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.If he can’t understand that what I found out could save our lives, then…’I’d turned away from him, tuning out his naïve logic, and looked out of the window across the river to Usk town proper.The street lights still glowed, of course, but the houses were dark.Something caught my eye, further to the left.I leant in against the glass, trying to catch sight of it again, shutting out Danny’s theoretical drivel.‘What…what…what the.? Dan, just shut up for once and look at this.Get over here.’Danny flipped the remote control onto the bed and came over to the window.‘What are you going on about? There’s nothing… What the.?’I guess he’d seen it.It was a building, had used to be the Cardiff Arms pub—the tallest building on the main street, just over the bridge into Usk, and someone was in the top room, turning the light on and off.I rushed over to the light switch and starting rhythmically responding to their signal, assuming that Danny would have the common sense to keep watch to see if our reply had any impact upon the regularity of their flashing.After a few seconds, I realised he wasn’t even at the window anymore.He was at his computer.‘Danny?’‘This ain’t the dark ages, bro.Well, not yet anyway.I’ll find them on Facebook and check out who it is.Go get me the Yellow Pages; the ground floor is a hairdresser’s now.I bet it’s the staff, and I bet the shop has a Facebook page.Matt, I know you are the older brother here and, to a certain extent, ‘in charge’, but you want to find out what’s going on over there, you need to get me the Yellow Pages.’Suddenly realising I’d been standing there frozen the whole time, I did as I was told, digging it out of one of the kitchen drawers, smiling at Jenny and the kids but subtly signalling with a nod that Nick should follow me.Halfway up the stairs, I stopped and turned to him.‘Kids okay? You okay with Dan?’‘Yes, mate.The children said he told them to stay well back.What’s this about?’‘There are others, alive, over in town.I think.Dan’s about to find out for sure and maybe find a way to communicate with them.’‘Who? Where? Who?’ Nick shook his head.‘How?’‘Let’s go find out, but please remember, he’s a bigger idiot in front of a computer than he is the rest of time.’Nick and I flanked Danny as he sat over his computer, hammering away at the keyboard.There were five of them holed up in the top two floors of the building, two men and three women.They had barricaded themselves in from the shop upwards and felt that they were pretty safe.They could hear noises below them, but as far as they could tell, not even the shop on the ground floor had been broken into.They still had running water but they had no food.They had used the internet to stay in touch with the authorities and people they knew outside of Usk, but we were the first from the town itself.It turned out that Danny had been at the same stage himself.‘And you didn’t think to tell us?’ I asked him before Nick had a chance to.I gestured with my hand, ‘calm down’, before our guest exploded in rage.‘There was nothing to tell, bro.Same info as we were getting off the news.If there was anything different, do you think I would have kept it to myself? And no one I know locally was on line.With all the cars we saw heading out, I’d assumed everyone had gone.Gone or…you know.’Yeah, we knew, but saying it out loud made it seem that more real, and after he’d said it I’ wished he hadn’t.The brief silence between us was permeated by the constant wave of hungry groans outside.How the children had blocked it out amazed me.‘They’ve all been using their personal Facebook accounts to make sure their family and friends are okay,’ Danny continued, ‘and they only logged onto the shop account when they saw our lights, hoping we would make the connection.Lucky for them we did, huh? The shop was shut when things turned bad, so they locked it up tight, grabbed a laptop, and sealed every door as they worked their way to the top of the building.’Danny’s fingertips flew across the keys, sending and receiving messages in seconds [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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