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.Hunter was the only man who could elicit such a reaction from her.“Don’t stop, please.” Kerri felt like the child her parents thought she still was.Begging.It seemed so beneath her, and yet she didn’t want Hunter to finish, for it meant this would all be over.“Don’t!”The bed creaked, just like that first night together.But this time it wasn’t from their naughtiness taking control.It came from Hunter’s earnestness as he let himself finally believe that Kerri was back in his arms.Or so he told her through his deep grunts and hotter breaths in her ear.For a man who had just scaled the wall to her balcony, he could thrust with more power than he had ever given her before.All of this, and more, brought Kerri to that place where nothing else mattered.It didn’t matter what had kept them apart for so long, or what made this passion so forbidden.All that mattered was that they were here, now, together and unafraid of what would come next.Probably because what came next nearly blinded her.Her sudden wail invited Hunter to groan against her throat, his thrusts slowing but not lacking in power.He had found her core, and now Kerri was a slave to the wave of pleasure washing over her and pinning her beneath this wonderful man.Hunter soon followed.Just as Kerri caught her breath again and felt the last wave recede, Hunter came into her a final time, stilling himself there as he groaned long and hard into the brunt of her shoulder.Kerri let one leg drape across his hip, and then she sighed again, as content as she could be given the circumstances.How this felt was so different from their first time together in this room.Back then it was risky, adventurous, and with no strings attached.Now they were drawn together by those strings, as woven by the stars mocking them in the sky.If Kerri closed her eyes she could feel those strings pressing upon them, suffocating them, letting her know that she was trapped in a love most blissfully foul.It wasn’t fair.At this point in her life she should have been free from the pressure of her parents.So of course this sort of thing happened to her.Why can’t I have both? That proverbial piece of cake sat in front of her, and she only wanted a taste a day for the rest of her life.“We have to do something,” Hunter mumbled into her ear.He was still inside her, and the thought of him pulling away to even hold her from behind was threatening.For when he pulled away, there was no guarantee he would ever be there again.“We can’t behave like this forever.I can’t keep sneaking into your room like some dumb teenager.We have to take matters into our own hands.”Kerri was surprised to hear him so clearheaded so soon after lovemaking.He must have been thinking about this long before he showed up.“What do you propose we do then? It will be at least another two months before we can even think about being seen together again.And that’s if my father wins and the status quo continues.If your father wins… I don’t even know.”Now Hunter detached himself from her, rolling over to button himself up just like he had that first night.When he told me who he was.Kerri could still remember her indignation.How quickly that congealed into love of all things.“Our fathers can piss off.So can our mothers.I know my mother wasn’t any help making our case.Can’t imagine yours was much better.”Probably worse.“Our families are never going to see eye-to-eye.If anything, the election ending will only quiet things with the media when one of our fathers falls into obscurity.But let’s face it, Kerri, it’s our families’ reactions that will matter the most.And they will never allow it.Certainly not your parents.I could get my father to ignore it after a while, but he still wouldn’t condone it.”The more Hunter kept talking, the more hopeless it all became.“Then what do we do? Don’t just destroy me like that and then offer no solution.”He was quiet for a bit, his fingers lingering over his final button before he let out a sigh.“I have a solution.But you won’t like it.”“How do you know? I’ve surprised you before.”“Yes, but not like this.”Kerri put her hand on his arm.“Tell me.And hurry, before my senses come back to me.”This time the silence was matched with a grim face and a grimmer tone of voice when he finally did speak again.“We need to get out of here.”“What?”Hunter turned toward her, that flash behind his eyes more telling than any of his words.He’s gone crazy.Was this what had he been planning all along, or was this a sudden thought to occur to him? Either way, Kerri braced herself for what he said next.“I don’t mean tonight, but definitely sometime soon.I can make the arrangements.”“What are you talking about? Hunter…”“Look, they’re not going to take us seriously if we sneak around some more.They’re not going to give us their blessing as long as they can weasel around and find excuses to keep us apart until we ‘get over’ each other.”“If I can’t get over you in three months…”“Right.That’s why we’ve gotta get out of here [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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