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.“Damn, you got some big titties.” He ran one stubby finger along the satin edge of her corset, fingertips grazing her skin.She fought the urge sock him in the jaw.“I don’t pay you to keep ‘em hidden though.” He started to undo the hooks and eyes, his meaty hands fumbling with the clasps.Her brain raced, trying to come with a way to keep him from discovering the lock kit and gun tucked in her lingerie.She eased away from him and his brow furrowed as he watched her.Then turned and bent over, wiggling her butt.“And what do you think of my ass?”He laughed, obviously taking the gesture as a flirtation rather than the evasion it really was.“It’s pretty fucking fine, too.” He gave it a hard smack.Junior rubbed his palm over the bared half-moon of her left cheek revealed by her panties.“I don’t have time for a fuck now, but we’ll play soon enough.Now get your backside out on stage.”She sauntered to the door, putting a wiggle in her walk.“And take off your top for fuck’s sake, the men paid to see your tits bouncing, not some costume.”She resisted the urge to turn around and punch him in the face, lay his wrinkled butt flat on the floor.Lately she felt out of whack.Things that only should have been mildly annoying made her furious.The rage always seemed ready to bubble to the surface, eager to consume her.But she had to focus on Rose.Not her fury.She gripped the door jamb for a moment and breathed in and out.Slowly, the terrible tension released.Junior seemed oblivious as he opened a desk drawer.With a soft snick, she shut the office door behind her and slanted a glance at the bouncers.They watched the crowd.She eased open the door to the champagne room.Luckily, Cowboy still slept, mouth open, legs outstretched.With any luck, if someone found him, they would assume he’d had too much to drink.She marched back onto stage and danced the rest of her shift.Eventually, she even took her top off for the howling group of army privates and got some gas money for her trouble.One cheap bastard had tried to shove a roll of quarters in her G-string, but she’d told him to save it for his laundry.After the club closed, she actually had to clean the place.The club mentioned the waitress/stripper hybrid aspect, but they’d left out the janitor portion of the job.The girls did loads of glasses, scrubbed down the bar, and cleaned the bathrooms which contained a foul mixture of urine and semen.At the end of her shift, she stopped to check on the biker, but the room was empty.She hadn’t seen him leave, but he hadn’t confronted her about the drugged champagne either.Maybe he assumed he’d gotten drunk and passed out for a bit?Thank God.All of the other dancers had left as soon as they’d finished cleaning.But she lingered as she grabbed her gear, hoping to overhear some nefarious plans.No such luck.Junior and his buddies seemed to be more interested in counting the registers down so she’d given up and left.She headed to her Silverado outside.The staff parked behind the Pussycat Palace, so the lot was deserted, except for a couple of Harleys.The overflowing Dumpster stunk to high heaven.Texas in June could be ungodly hot.Even in the wee morning hours, the temperature hovered in the eighties.During the day, it easily shot up around the century mark.A pebble skittered across the pavement behind her, alerting her to another person’s presence, but before she could turn, an arm clamped over her ribcage and a hand settled over her mouth.Chapter ThreeDaisy tried to bite her attacker, but he kept her lips plastered against her teeth.“Keep quiet and I won’t hurt you, Wildcat.”Crap.Cowboy!“Let me go, asshole!” she mumbled.Evidently, he understood her muttering.“Consider yourself lucky, if a guy pulled this shit on me, he would be in a world of pain right about now.”She tried to break free, but he jerked her back against him.“Stop it! I’m not letting you go until I get some answers.”He placed his mouth against her ear, his breath ragged.She wished he didn’t give her a case of the naughty shivers.“Why the hell did you drug me?”He knew! When in doubt? Deny, deny, deny.“I’m going to remove my hand from your mouth.If you scream, or draw attention to us in any way, I’ll throw you over my handlebars and we’ll take this someplace real private,“ he growled in her ear.Oh hell no!“Nod if you understand,” he snarled.She nodded.He released her mouth she sucked in a wobbly breath.Pissing off bikers? Not the best idea.“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she lied.“Not my fault you can’t hold your liquor.”He laughed, a low rumble in his chest.“That is a load of horseshit and you know it, Wildcat.Start talking.”Okay, denial didn’t work.Time for plan B.She stomped the top of his boot with her high heel [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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