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.” He won’t.He’ll give me excuses why he couldn’t shower before I got home.Recently, he developed a fear of showering in an empty house.His therapist called in a new medication, but it only seems to make him more of a zombie and has done nothing for his fear of cleanliness.“Four? The days sure go by so fast.” He rubs his hand across his unshaven face.He’s not even forty, but you’d never know by the amount of grey in his beard.“Gotta go, Dad,” I hold my breath and give him a peck on his head.---Friday evening at Darby Springs Mall is crowded as usual, leaving the only parking spaces ridiculously far from the doors.During my lunch period I’ll move my car closer so I don’t have to get security to walk me to my car after work.I ease the Charger between two SUVs, barely clearing the one on my right.Aunt Laney gave me her old one as a graduation gift during my senior year.Old to her is anything older than two years old.She had only owned this one for a year before giving it to me.She even covers the car insurance so it wouldn’t be a burden on me and my dad.“Hey Sam, can you stay until close? It’s the fifteenth which means payday for the military, and they love to come stock up on the protein powder.This is usually the busiest day of the month.” I glance around the store to make sure everything is in order.“Is that what’s going on? I had to restock the powder a couple of times already today.One guy wanted to return something, but I told him to come when you’re working.He said he’d come back tonight,” Sam says.“Will you straighten up the display of Vitamin C? Someone turned all the bottles backwards, it was probably a kid.” Sam’s a quirky guy who spends all of his paycheck on body building powder and his spare time in the gym.He dates a girl I went to high school with, she’s rumored to have appeared in a couple of adult films.She’s a pretty girl but she can’t carry on a conversation without talking about kinky sex.“I’m going to the back to place some orders, if you need me just call,” I say as I turn to the back of the store.“Holland?” Sam’s voice booms over the phone intercom causing me to jump.“Yes, Sam.”***“That guy is here with the return.”“I’ll be right there.”There’s a guy at the register dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt talking to Sam.His short light brown hair is definitely Air Force the way it is perfectly squared off on the back of his neck.I remind myself that I’m the assistant manager and not to be intimidated.“Hi, I’m Holland, what can I help you with,” I ask as I step behind the cashier counter.Another pretty-boy airman with his deep dimple and flawless skin.There’s no way he’s much older than I am, that’s good because I don’t typically back down to people my age.Older guys in the military scare me, they seem so hard and angry.“Hey Holland, Sam here told me to come back when you’re here to refund this powder.”The first thing I notice are his eyes, pale blue eyes…incredibly pretty blue eyes and smile.The manager-in-training classes I took told me to always hold the customer’s gaze.They obviously never looked into eyes like his.It takes everything in me not to shift my eyes away from him.It makes me feel exposed as if he is literally looking into my soul.“Yes sir, is there a problem with the powder?”He’s first to avert his eyes and look down at the jug of Mega Muscle Protein Powder.“It gave me a rash,” he replies without looking up at me.Most of the guys who come in are embarrassed to admit they ended up with a rash.“A rash? Do you have a photo of the rash?” Our return policy on store-brand products are if it gives you a rash, you have to provide a photo.There’s nothing more disgusting than looking at a rash on a stranger.“That rule on your policy is pretty intrusive.When I read it, I was floored that it was a real rule.”Here we go, he’ll turn off the charm and turn into a douche.I’m sure Sam is doing the countdown in his head.“Yes sir, we must turn in the photo along with the explanation in to our corporate office.Our policy is for quality control and has nothing to do with being intrusive.May I see the picture?”He pulls out his cell phone and scrolls through his pictures before holding it up for me to see.Sure enough, it’s a rash… on his ass! He took a selfie of his ass rash in the mirror.He is standing in his boxers and holding one side of them down and taking a picture with his other hand.I need to call Andy and tell her about this, she’s going to die laughing.Dammit! I can’t call her, because she’s dead.“I need a print of the picture,” I snap.My mood has gone from good to pissed in two seconds.“You really need a picture of my ass to give me a thirty-five dollar refund?”I cock my head to the side, my go-to defense pose when I’m hiding my feelings from the world.“I didn’t write the rules, but I follow them.” This is the look Andy called my bitch-face.“Look, I’m not going to go print off a picture of my ass to get a thirty-five dollar refund.You can keep the powder and the money.” He shakes his head back and forth before taking his receipt and folding it up neatly before returning it to his wallet.I stand at the register and watch him walk out of the store.“What happened?” Sam asks.“Nothing, I’m following policy,” I reply nonchalantly.Sam looks at me like he wasn’t buying it for an instant.“Holland, one minute you were okay and the next you flipped and were pissed off.”“I didn’t flip.” I gather up my paperwork to tally out our sales for the day.My dad flips, I just get pissed.“I think there’s Pamprin in the office, if you need it,” Sam says sarcastically.Good thing I like him or I’d write him up just because I can.“I’m not PMSing and just for that, you get to mop the floor tonight.” Without turning around, I head back to the office.When memories of Andy pop into my head, I’m reminded how lonely life is without her.I’ve been going to her grave and sitting there for hours [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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