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.That included the owner.“Mr.Whittaker, I presume?” she asked, pasting on a perky smile of welcome.Though she was tired and more than a little grumpy herself, there was no reason not to give a paying guest a proper welcome.Setting his single bag down on the floor beside his feet, the man nodded.“Yeah, that’s me.” Reaching into his pocket, he drew out his driver’s license and credit card.“Sorry I’m in so late.”Gwen accepted his offering, opening his folio and running his card for the single room he’d reserved.While she was waiting on the printer to do its thing, she programmed a key card that would give him access to the room.She handed it over, along with the paperwork for his signature.“That is a nonsmoking room?”Gwen nodded.“Yes.All the nonsmoking rooms are on the first floor.You’re number twenty-eight.”Blake Whittaker nodded as he signed.“Good enough.There is a reserve on that room in case I decide to stay a second night, right?”Gwen gave him back his card and license.“I’ve got the room on tentative hold until noon tomorrow.You’ll have to let me know by then whether or not you’re going to stay longer.”Whittaker thought a moment, then shook his head.“I’m not sure how long business is going to take.Can you give me until around six to decide?”She shook her head.“Check-out is at noon, and check-in begins by two.That’s the absolute latest I could hold the room.” If he was going to let it go, she’d still have to schedule it for cleaning.Since the maids left by one, that meant she’d have to clean it herself if she wanted it active.“Come on.” Blake Whittaker’s gaze searched for and found her name tag.“Gwen.Surely as manager you’ve got a little pull around here.” He flashed a smile that lit up his eyes.For a moment he was almost animated.“Owner,” Gwen corrected.“And you let me know something by at least four or I’ll go ahead and charge your card whether or not you stay on.”He nodded.“Not going to miss a dime, are you?”She widened her smile.“Not in this economy.”Whittaker turned toward the wide bay windows overlooking the distant water.“You can save me a little time tomorrow by telling me the best way to reach Little Mer Island.Do they still run a skiff for tourists to see the lighthouse?”Gwen shook her head.The island tours had ceased a couple of years after her parents were killed, and that had been over sixteen years ago.The fact that he had some familiarity with the island pegged him as a former local.“The island is closed to visitors nowadays,” she answered, keeping her answer short and simple.“The owners prefer their privacy.” If Whittaker entertained any notions of seeing the famous landmark, he’d have to do it from a distance.Shifting gears, he said, “I’m actually going there on business, not to see the sights,” he countered.“I understand Kenneth Randall lives there with his wife, Tessa.She’s the actual owner of the island, right?”Gwen’s heart lurched.“Yes, along with her sisters.” She narrowed her eyes.“And I’m one of them.”Square jaw hardening, he nodded.“I know.That’s why I’m talking to you.”Oh, yeah.He was a real funny guy.Just the kind she didn’t like.“So what do you want?”Blake Whittaker reached back into his pocket.He flashed a badge.“FBI,” he said crisply.“I’m Special Agent Whittaker, from the field office in Boston.”Gwen looked long and hard at the identification he presented.Damned if it didn’t look real.Invisible fingers clamped tightly around her throat.Her attitude vanished.This could be serious.Very serious.What could the FBI possibly want with her brand-new brother-in-law? “I—I don’t understand.What’s going on?” Her voice was little more than a nervous squeak.Whittaker noted her distress.“Now, calm down,” he countered.“It’s a routine follow-up.I just want to talk to them about the day Jake—” He broke off, fumbling for a small notebook.Trying to clear her mind, Gwen suddenly felt both sick and shaky.She considered her options for a few seconds, then decided it wouldn’t be worth trying to pretend she knew nothing.Lying would only make things worse.Mouth cotton-dry, she forced the single word out.“Massey.”“Jake Massey.Right.About the circumstances under which he disappeared.”The invisible fingers moved higher.Gwen’s head felt as though it were being squeezed in a vise grip.“I was under the impression the coast guard had already investigated the matter and concluded it was an accident.”Whittaker tucked his badge away.“This is just a follow-up, ma’am.Nothing for you to get alarmed about.It’s standard procedure.”Hearing his words of reassurance, Gwen naturally assumed the worst [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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