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.If it’s something you can’t handle, ask Zeb to take care of it.Thanks.” He turned back to Kelly.“Zeb’s the second priest in charge after Scott.He’s taking care of the day-to-day matters relating to the Center.”“I just want to tell you again how sorry I am about the loss of your brother.I can’t understand why anyone would want to kill him.I considered Scott to be a good friend.I’m getting married in a few weeks and he told me if my Catholic priest couldn’t marry us because my fiancé’s divorced, he’d be happy to perform the ceremony.It was a very kind and thoughtful gesture for him to make and I really appreciated it.”Luke wiped a tear away from his eyes.“I’m sorry.As much as I’ve cried in the last twenty-four hours, I didn’t think I had any more tears left.It seems surreal and although Scott and I were estranged for a number of years, in the last year we really became close.It was a brother thing, I guess.He couldn’t understand why I was so intent on following the gods of commercialism and I couldn’t understand why he was following the teachings of the Eastern ways.What a stupid waste of time for both of us! And now he’s gone.” He shook his head from side to side as if that would get rid of the grief he was feeling.“I know it may be premature, but are you planning on running the White Cloud Retreat Center yourself or will you be asking some other Zen priest like Zeb to assume the role of Master?”“I don’t know.I’ve been a Zen student for a few years and although Scott was a Zen Master, the Center has never been strictly a Zen Center.By that I mean all kinds of different beliefs were studied here, not just Zen Buddhism.Scott embraced all beliefs.I could run the Center as a non-denominational Center, but what most people don’t know is that Scott actually ordained me recently as a Zen priest.“He conducted a very simple ceremony called a Tokudo for me.It was attended by only the nuns and priests who are in residence here.I took some vows and agreed to devote my life to Buddhism.He chanted a few verses from the Buddhist texts and gave me some robes and food bowls.“The bowls he gave me were strictly ceremonial.In some countries, even today, the monks leave their monasteries at dawn with their bowls and the villagers put food in them.According to tradition, giving food to the monks is considered a way of gaining merit.In some monasteries a monk isn’t allowed to consume food after midday and isn’t allowed to store food overnight.The monk is expected to live on whatever’s offered by the villagers, that’s why so many monks are vegetarians.That was it.”“You’re kidding! I thought you had to do a lot more than that to become a Zen priest.”“No.Some ceremonies are very elaborate and others are almost dirt simple.Knowing Scott, you can imagine he’d go for the dirt simple, so theoretically I’m a Zen Buddhist priest.I became a vegetarian after I’d been here at the Center for a few weeks.The cook here is so good that I’ve never missed not eating meat.I’m divorced, so although I haven’t been celibate, I could be, even though that’s not a prerequisite to being a Zen priest.Scott certainly took his vow of celibacy seriously, probably to the regret of some of our female students.Drinking wine isn’t a problem, although there are a couple of winemakers in the area who would love to see the Center no longer produce wine.I’ve heard rumors they’re pretty jealous of our success.I’m not surprised to hear that given how good the Center’s wines are and their reputation for excellence in the wine industry.“Luke, let’s talk for a minute about who might have killed Scott and why.What about religious zealots? Cedar Bay is a small town and this whole area is pretty conservative.Did Scott ever mention that someone may not have been happy that the Retreat Center was here? It’s certainly not a bastion of old line Christian thinking.”“Kelly, I’ve racked my brain trying to come up with who might have had some motive for wanting to kill Scott and I haven’t come up with an answer.Sure, some wacko could be responsible, but they would have had to have taken part in the walking meditation or else laid in wait for Scott in the forest.The forest area that surrounds the Center is pretty impenetrable.Neither of those options seems to make a lot of sense.”“Well, I’m sure this is a distasteful thought, but could it have been someone who’s a resident here at the Center?”“It could be anybody, but the nuns and priests here loved him.And why would someone come here to study with him and then kill him? That doesn’t make any sense either.”“I agree [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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