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.‘Are you sure it will be safe?’He smiled at her to ease her fear.What they had decided to do was indeed dangerous in these troubled times, but he was quietly confident that the strength of his love would be sufficient to overcome the threat.‘I am sure.’Gently they kissed.3On the surface of the planetoid the tripod-based gun pulsed with a new purpose.The electrons that once drifted aimlessly, now formed themselves into a laser-thin beam stretching from the base to the nozzle, as if hungry to escape the confines of the glass barrel.They were held in check for the moment, as inside the planetoid the final positioning of the cross-hatching, marking the field which the gun would cover, was verified on an intricate display panel.The creature who checked the positioning was the evil Dwarf Mordant.He was chuckling to himself with pleasure at the thought of the mayhem he was about to unleash.A dribble of saliva escaped his mouth and trickled down his chin.With force of habit his tongue unrolled and licked it back into the scaly toothless hole from where it had emerged.Meanwhile his webbed, three-fingered hands flicked over the control panel, tuning the beam and verifying the area on the planet he was about to attack.The two eyes on stubby flexible stalks above his forehead watched screens at opposite ends of the panelling.Occasionally, out of a lifetime’s habit, he also scanned the ten crystal globes that rested in pride of place on top of the panel.Not really expecting them to shine with life –but ever hopeful.The cold yellow eye at the centre of Mordant’s forehead steadfastly watched the gauge that indicated the power level achieved by the gun.Finally, as the gauge reached maximum intensity, Mordant was satisfied.He gave a high-pitched chuckle full of a wicked, childish glee – then pressed the button that would release the laser light to do its evil work.The planetoid bucked as the gun fired, and Mordant shrilled a happy cry.‘Go get them, gun!’In the laboratory Ravlos stopped working, his gentle face suddenly suffused with evil.Silently, he laid the piece of equipment he was holding down on the workbench and turned to look at his wife Kareelya, still busy near by, with loathing in his eyes.His hand stretched out to lift up a heavy length of pipe that was lying on the bench, and he quietly crossed towards her, hefting the metal in his hand.It was obvious he was intent on clubbing her down.He was still a short distance from her when an animal roar of fury escaped his throat.Kareelya looked up alarmed, her eyes momentarily tinged with fear as Ravlos ran towards her, ready to smash her skull with the pipe.But before he could reach her, he was pulled up short and fell heavily to the floor.He scrabbled wildly at the heavy duty chain he found was shackled around his ankle and fastened off to the wall nearest to him.But it was no good – he could not reach her.After her momentary fear Kareelya too had changed.From being a sweet and loving wife, she also turned into a savage snarling animal.She grabbed the nearest implement with which she could inflict damage (in her case a sharp cutting tool) and strained to reach Ravlos.Her struggling was in vain.She too was shackled around her ankle, chained off to the opposite wall to Ravlos, and also just out of reach.Unable to attack, they ended up facing each other at a distance of a few feet, making ferocious guttural animal noises of rage – desperate to inflict hurt, but too far apart to succeed.At the same second, on the high cliff-face, Mariana looked peacefully out to sea.Behind her Locas stealthily approached.The same look of murderous madness was in his eyes as was in the eyes of Ravlos.He was intent on killing his love.At the last moment Mariana turned, but it was too late.Without hesitation Locas pushed her as she turned and she only had time to scream, ‘No, Locas!’ before she plunged over the cliffs to the rocks far below, his name echoing away on her lips.And Locas, without remorse, simply threw back his head and howled a wild laugh.Inside the distant planetoid the laugh was echoed by the evil Dwarf Mordant.The terror was once more successfully unleashed.Mordant flicked a toggle switch and the cabin was suddenly filled with the noise of the mayhem and murder that was under way on the whole of the continent of Tranquela.And he laughed uproariously with the joy of it.4Inside the TARDIS the Doctor finally stopped his dashing about the cabin and ended up once more blankly staring at the control panel.Having managed to keep out of the way and stay silent for what she considered quite long enough, Peri decided to ask the obvious [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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