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.Cole lengthened his strides.“With time running out on us, why don’t we tackle the obvious first? Let’s see what the lord of the castle has to say.” They walked from the crowded village down the main road toward the castle.The road twisted and many times their view was obstructed by trees from the forest on either side of the dirt road.With just the slightest touch to Cole, Gabriel stepped into the forest as the castle came into view.Cole knew Gabriel would scout the castle while he talked to the baron.Cole gazed at the massive wooden gate that was shut and the two guards that stood outside.As he passed villagers that were turned away, he began to wonder why the baron kept his castle sealed off to his villagers.“What business do you have with the baron?” one guard asked as Cole approached.“I’m a knight from a distant castle.I’ve heard great things about your baron and I wish to offer him my services.”“We have plenty of knights.”Cole inhaled deeply and crossed his arms over his chest.“Shouldn’t that be the baron’s decision?”The two guards looked at each other and laughed.“Unless you have an invitation from the baron himself, you don’t gain entry into the castle.” Cole stared at the pair of guards before dropping his hands and turning on his heel to walk away.Half way back to the village Gabriel joined him on the road.“It smells,” Gabriel said.Cole glanced over his shoulder to see more villagers turned away.“Aye.What lord doesn’t allow his own people inside his walls?”“One that has something to hide.”Cole nodded.“And the quickest way to discover what he has to hide is through his villagers.” He turned to Gabriel to see his silver eyes alight with anticipation.“You have a plan.”“I have a plan,” he said and quickly turned back toward the village.Chapter TwoShannon O’Malley seethed.Never in her life had she ever felt so alone—or weak.Her chest still heaved from her frantic escape from the upstairs window.She had nearly made it too, but then Benton had suddenly appeared to stop her.Yet again.Benton Ducre.She hated the name as much as she hated the man.He held her prisoner at the tavern, forcing her to work, and always keeping a close eye on her.Even at night, she had a guard outside her room.The man was becoming a serious pain in the ass.Why it was so important that she stay within reach at all times, she had no idea.All she knew was that one minute she had been minding her own business driving down the Chicago streets and then the next, she was standing in thirteenth century England.“Anon,wench!”Shannon jerked at the voice behind her.Her eyes stung with unshed tears, her face throbbed where Benton’s meaty fist had rammed into her, and her pride was bruised from not having made her escape after careful planning for two weeks.She was hanging onto her sanity by a thin thread that had already begun to unravel.If she ever made it back to her time she was going to need serious psychological help.With shaky hands, she reached for the mug of ale Benton had filled.Just as her hand closed around the thick mug, Benton’s closed around hers.His dark hooded eyes glared at her.She stared at his square face, flat nose, and protruding brow, and all she wanted to do was run.He was a mobster.Oh, they might not be in Chicago, hell, they weren’t even in the twenty-first century, but he was a mobster.“If you ever try that again ….” His gravely voice trailed off.She looked into his beady black eyes and shivered.He didn’t have to finish the threat.She knew exactly what would happen to her.With a jerk, she wrenched her hand out of his, sloshing ale over the both of them.Her legs grew steadier with each step she took away from the bar, but the rage only increased.She would make Benton and his cronies pay if it was the last thing she did.“About bloody time,” the man said when she delivered his ale.She swallowed the bile that rose in her throat at his blackened teeth and greasy hair.It was just one of the many reasons she hated this hell hole she was in.She wanted to return to her twenty-first century where people bathed, brushed their teeth, and maintained general hygiene.As she turned away, he grabbed her hand.What was it with everyone grabbing her? She wanted to scream.Didn’t anyone follow the personal space rule in this century?“A nice set of tits ye have there,” greasy said as he hauled her onto his lap.“With those tits in me face, I could forgive ye anything.” Shannon guessed that most women would have been glad to receive such a compliment, but all she wanted to do was elbow him in the face.She tried to squirm out of his lap, yet he held on like a dog with a bone.He laughed in her ear, his vile breath choking her.“Ah, ye like the feel of me pecker against yer backside, aye?”Shannon stilled instantly.She glanced at Benton, and there must have been something on her face to alert him that she was fast loosing control because he hurried around the counter and pulled her out of Greasy’s lap.“Enough, Thatcher.You’re wife is waiting for you,” Benton said.She watched as the man’s smiled vanished at having her yanked from his lap.She wondered if there might be a fight, giving her another chance at escape.“Ye’ve never stopped us before, Benton,” Greasy said as he slowly stood.Benton glared at the man until Greasy sank back into his chair.“This is my tavern, Thatcher.What I say goes.If you don’t like it, leave [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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