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.” It took a minute for the words to sink into Matt's sex-addled brain, but when it did, he reached for the supplies and readied himself.Jody turned over on his stomach and pulled his knees up under him.Matt was on him and all thoughts ceased to exist.There was nothing in this world but this beautiful, sun-tanned body beneath him, making the most exquisite noises as he slid deep inside, taking what they both seemed to desperately need.It was over way too soon, the afterglow way too short, and awkwardness set in.“Are you going to be in town long? Can I see you again, tomorrow?” Jody asked as Matt came out of the bathroom and started dressing.“I'm leaving first thing in the morning.”“Damn.I was hoping for another visit.” He gave Matt a radiant smile.“I'm afraid that won't be possible.” Matt slipped his shoes on, then his shirt.“I've got an early flight.”“I don't suppose you could change it to a later flight?” Jody coaxed.“I'd love to, really, but this is a business trip.I have a schedule I can't change.”“Well damn!” Jody walked him to the door.Matt turned and pulled him into his arms with one last long kiss.“Thanks.It was great!”“More like incredible,” Jody said with a wistful smile.“Yeah.It was.” Matt opened the door and left, walking the mile back to his hotel, and went straight to bed.He awoke the next morning, rested and eager to get on with his assignment.Once it was over, he made himself a promise to get out and get laid more.He always felt so much better the next day.He even toyed with the idea of a quick run to the Sheraton but decided against it.He'd just have time to grab a quick breakfast before heading back to the airport, and right now, food seemed a priority.Another day spent in the air and he arrived in Tokyo; suit, tie, shiny shoes, wig, and thick glasses.He was thoroughly sick of flying now and cursing the day he'd ever heard the name Nicholas Kehr.His night's sleep in Tokyo did little to revive him, and he was on the first flight to Hong Kong the next morning; arriving late in the afternoon.He waited until after dark before driving his rental car to the prison to circle the neighborhood and scope out the area.He found a small, wooded park nearby and decided that would be where he'd park, then returned to the hotel to wait.At two a.m., he left the hotel by a side door, carrying his small pack with him.He parked among a small copse of trees, a distance of approximately a quarter of a mile from the side fence of the prison.He slipped into his fatigues and cap, checked the contents of his pack, and began preparations.He assembled the small, plastic dart gun from other plastic items disguised and allowed through customs.He squeezed the tooth paste out of the tube until the dozen small capsules popped out into the palm of his hand.Pulling the tiny points from his hair brush, he assembled his darts.The night was pitch black, and he saw no one on his walk to the prison.His wire cutters made short work of the fence, and in moments, he was across the open field and flat against the side wall, waiting for the guard to turn around and head back in his direction.He eased his way behind a dumpster, waiting.It all went down very quietly.The guard walked by him, Matt stepped out and fired the dart gun, catching the guy on the side of his neck.The guard grabbed his neck, and in two seconds, was unconscious on the ground without uttering a sound.Matt pulled him into the shadows.The clock was now ticking.The anesthetic would keep the guard out for at least thirty minutes.Matt had to get inside, find Kehr, and get back out before the guard came to and sounded an alarm.Matt used his pick and was in the back door in less than a minute.A quick glance at his diagram of the prison, and he headed down the darkened hallway toward the prison office.Through the open door of the office, he could see two men on duty; one looking at a magazine and the other sitting behind a desk, watching a fight on television.He'd have to be careful and not miss.The one reading the magazine was actually closer and the easier shot, but he went for the one watching television first.He was at the desk, closest to the alarm.He stepped into the doorway, took his shot, and the guy at the desk keeled over.The other guard jumped up but Matt got him in the cheek.He shoved the guy at the desk out of the way, sat down at the computer, and typed in the words written on his papers.The name Nicholas Kehr came up, along with symbols Matt translated as 'third floor cell nineteen'.He headed back down the hallway to the stairs and went up, carefully looking around at the top of each landing before going to the next.The guard at the desk on the third floor had his head down, snoring.Matt thought about passing him by but didn't dare take the chance.A quick hiss and the dart found its mark.Matt eased down until he came to cell nineteen then used his pick to open the door."Kehr?" he called in a loud whisper.He took out his pen light, and in seconds, realized the cell was empty."Shit! Where the hell are you, Kehr?" Matt wiped the sweat from his upper lip with the back of his hand, trying to think what to do next.It was too late for a prisoner to be out of his cell for any normal reason; the only thing left was to try the sick room, which he passed back on the first floor.If Kehr wasn't there, he didn't know what else to do.He made his way back down the stairs to the door with the big, white cross on it.It was dark inside.Using his pick, he passed through the outer room and entered the back area where three of the six beds were occupied.The first guy was in traction with a broken leg [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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