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she’d been only an apprentice until a few weeks ago, so no one had told her much of anything, and the rumors were impossibly confusing.What she did know was that Weisshaupt, and the Grey Wardens, represented sanctuary.Elsewhere in Thedas, the world might have gone mad.Elsewhere, she’d heard, entire Circles of Magi had been destroyed.Their towers had been pulled to the ground, and every mage and apprentice inside had been slaughtered—even the little children—for no crime beyond being born with the gift of magic.Other Circles were said to have risen up in rebellion and joined an army of mages massing somewhere around Andoral’s Reach.But that was elsewhere.Not here.Here in the Anderfels, men and women remembered the true dangers of the world, and they did not waste precious lives fighting one another.When the first rumors reached their Circle, the Senior Enchanter had sent a swift message to Weisshaupt, and within days the Wardens’ reply had come back.Any mage who wished to join the Grey Wardens was welcome.No such mage was to be troubled by the templars.The Wardens’ Right of Conscription was inviolate—and that meant its promise of sanctuary was too.Even so, few had chosen to accept the Wardens’ invitation.Becoming a Grey Warden meant a hard life and a sure death, one way or another.It was a noble and ancient order, its tales sung by bards across Thedas … and no one, absolutely no one, save the truly heroic or the truly desperate, wanted to become a member.Valya wasn’t sure which she was.But she knew she didn’t want to die fighting templars, and she knew the Grey Wardens, even more than the Circle of Magi, offered a place where an elf could stand equal to any human.Nowhere else in Thedas could give her that.So she had packed her few belongings and announced that she would accompany Senior Enchanter Eilfas and a handful of other junior mages to Weisshaupt.To become a Grey Warden, or die trying.Now, under Broken Tooth’s shadow, she could see the others regretting their decisions.It was as plain as the fear they tried so hard to hide.Templars were fanatics, but they were still men.They could be reasoned with, cajoled, bullied, bribed.There would be none of that with darkspawn.Only a hard life, and a sure death.Valya stepped forward, starting on the steep long road to Weisshaupt’s gates.* * *It was late afternoon when they turned onto the path to Weisshaupt, but it was fully dark by the time they reached its gates.Twice Eilfas had called a halt for water and rest.Life in the Circle’s tower, with all those endless spiraling stairs, had kept the Senior Enchanter reasonably fit for his age, but there was nothing in any Circle of Magi that approximated the road up Broken Tooth.A thousand feet of vertical distance separated Weisshaupt’s gate from the dusty earth.The path that climbed up all that stone was at least three miles of hard switchbacks punctuated by ancient carved steps where the slope was too steep to run smooth.Each step had been worn down by the boots of countless Grey Wardens through the centuries, leaving shallow bowls that sent up little puffs of bone-colored dust as the mages’ robes whisked across them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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