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.You'll be the most impartial and independent news source out there.And you'll get to keep your car."Marco sighed.Dale Hargrave was exactly the asshole he couldn’t stand, not only because they thought they were right about everything but because most of the time they actually were.He knew he wasn't good at this hardball stuff and it was probably the reason his company had been struggling since the day it began.No matter what he did the business just went deeper and deeper into debt."So what's the catch?" He said."I'm not a business major but even I know there's no such thing as a free lunch, not even from a billionaire with more money to burn than half the small nations in the UN."Dale resisted smiling.Wins like this were commonplace for him but for some reason this was all the sweeter.That sexy little minx thought she had outsmarted him, but he would see her on her back again soon."There's no catch Marco.None at all.Everything is up to your discretion which I will trust unconditionally."Marco shook his head."There's always a catch Hargrave.Unless I know what it is up front then it's no deal.""You're trying my patience Marco.I told you there's no catch, but let me illustrate to you what I understand by the word discretion.Imagine for a moment that one of your young reporters decided to publish groundless allegations regarding a prominent business family.Would you allow that to happen?""If the allegations have no basis in fact then no, of course not.""Good.Then we're on the same page.Now imagine that this same reporter, desperate for a story, had gained personal access to a member of that family and made secret recordings of conversations between them.Would you condone that?""It depends what the story was.""Would you condone your reporter getting into bed with her source and fucking him in order to get her story?"Dale watched Marco dispassionately.His people had informed him of their suspicions regarding Marco's emotional attachment to Lindsay.What better way to mess with the guys head than to reveal this harsh reality to him.Dale could live with her ruthless actions, he was used to people bending the rules to get what they wanted, but what about this guy and his idealistic world view of absolute right and wrong?"I wouldn't condone that at all." Marco said in a low, shaky voice."And most of all I wouldn’t believe it.""Well you better believe it Marco.Trust me, in my world it's not that uncommon for women to go these lengths to get what they want.Now let's say, for arguments sake, that this business figure went off record and told this reporter whatever he thought she wanted to hear just to keep her hot, do you really think that kind of talk constitutes evidence of any kind?""Of course not.AltNews isn't involved in blogosphere gossip.We reveal important and relevant news, always backed up by hard evidence.""That's what I thought and I presume that's why none of that ridiculous pillow talk that Lindsay and I engaged has appeared on your little website in the last few days.That's what I call discretion and that’s what I'm talking about."Marco was bristling with anger, jealousy, hatred, but he was cornered and he knew it.For now at least."Let me put it another way Marco.You don’t have jack on me or my family and you never will.And don't give me bullshit stories about revenue generating stories in the pipeline because you and your team wouldn't know how to generate revenue in the US mint.""Fuck you Hargrave."Dale smiled in response.The last resort of the totally outmatched; foul language."I don't think so." He said."Now let me be clear, if I rescue this sinking ship then what I expect in return is an immediate end to this campaign of groundless harassment against me and my family.If you don't accept my offer and decide to fight it out then make no mistake, you and your little media circus here will learn all about what it means to play with the big boys.Is that clear enough for you?"Marco was shaking.He was being fucked.That much he knew.He was being fucked by the asshole who had fucked the woman he loved.As far as his fevered brain could make out there were only two possible options here.Number one, flip over his desk and lunge at Hargrave's throat.Try to get a couple of good pops in before the far larger and more physical man overcame him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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