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.But that was not the case.The occupation of Tarsis had long beenplanned-planned, in fact, by another Dragon Highlord, for this land was under the command of thered dragons.The blue dragons and their Dragon Highlords controlled the north, yet here I stand, in these frigidsouthlands, Skie thought irritably.And behind me is an entire flight of blue dragons.He turned his head slightly, looking down upon his fellows beating their wings in the early morning, grateful forthe hot springs' warmth which took the chill from their tendons.Fools, Skie thought scornfully.All they're waiting for is a signal from the Highlord to attack.Tolight the skies and burn the cities with their deadly bolts of lightning are all they care about.Their faith in the Dragon Highlord is implicit t.As well it might be, Skie admitted-their master had ledthem to victory after victory in the north, and they had not lost one of their number.They leave it to me to ask the questions-because I am the Highlord's mount, because I am closest tothe Highlord.Well, so be it.We understand each other, the Highlord and I.'We have no reason to be in Tarsis:' Skie spoke his feelings plainly.He did not fear the Highlord.Unlike many of the dragons in Krynn who served their masters with grudging reluctance, knowingthemselves to be the true rulers, Skie served his master out of respect-and love."The reds don"t want us here, that's certain.And we're not needed.That soft city that beckons you so strangely will fall easily.No army.They swallowed the bait and marched off to the frontier:'"We are here because my spies.tell me they are here-or will be shortly" was the Highlord's answer.The voice was low but carried even aver the biting wind."They.they.:' grumbled the dragon, shivering and moving restlessly along the ridge."We leave the war in the north, waste valuable time, lose a fortune in steel.And for what-a handful ofitinerant adventurers:""The wealth is nothing to me, you know that.I could buy Tarsis if it pleased me:' The DragonHighlord stroked the dragon's neck with an ice-caked leather glove that creaked with the powerfulmovements."'The war in the north is going well.Lord Ariakus did not mind my leaving.Bakaris is a skilled young commander and knows my armies nearly as well as I do.And do not forget, Skie,these are more than vagabonds.These '.itinerant adventurers' killed Verminaard.""Bah! The man had already dug his own grave.He was obsessed, font sight of the true purpose:'The dragon flicked a glance at his master."The same might be said of others:'"Obsessed; Yes, Verminaard was obsessed, and there are those who should be taking that obsession snore seriously.He was a cleric, he knew what damage the knowledge of the true ;gads, oncespread among the people, can do us," answered the f-Iighlord."Now, according to reports, the people have a leader in this human called Elistan, who has become a cleric of Paladine.Worshipersof Mishakal bring true healing back to the land.No, Verminaard was farseeing.There is greatdanger here.We should recognize and move to stop it-not scoff at it:"The dragon snorted derisively."This priest -Elistan~ doesri t lead the people.He leads eighthundred wretched humans, former slaves of Verminaard's in Pax Tharkas.Nowthey're holed up inSouthgate, with the mountain dwarves:' The dragon settled down on the rock, feeling the morningsun finally bringing a modicum of warmth to his scaled skin."Besides, our spies report they are traveling to Tarsis even as we speak.By tonight, this Elistan will be ours and that will be that.So much for the servant of Paladine!""Elistan is of no use to me:' The Dragon Highlord shrugged without interest."He is not the one I seek:'"No?" Skie raised his head, startled.'Who, then?""There are three in whom I have particular interest.But I will provide you with descriptions oar all of them-"The Dragon Highlord moved closer to Skie- "because it is to capture them that weparticipate in the destruction of Tarsis tomorrow.Here are those whom we seek.:"Tanis strode across the frozen plains, his booted footsteps punching noisily through the crust ofwind-swept snow [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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