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.""I've got a cadaver dog and his handler coming in in the morning, just on the off chance that this wasn't the only body buried up there.""Good idea, though God knows the last thing we need is some serial killer or a multiple murderer on the loose around here."There was a long pause before Louis said he agreed and then hung up.As soon as he had, Paxton settled down to write up his findings in detail.Once he finished, he sent a copy along with the dental imprints on to Louis and then headed home.It was, after all, Sunday and he wanted to spend at least some time with the twins.He chuckled to himself when he realized that, even at home, he wouldn't really be away from the job because Danny at least would badger him to death with questions about the skeleton.14An Honorable ManEdward KendrickCHAPTER THREEMonday, Sept.13"Mr Leonard, why are we going home with you?""Because your father asked me to take you, Denny,"Jordon replied as he put the papers he needed to grade into his briefcase."What about Mrs Sanderson?"Jordon shrugged."No clue, Denny.Your dad just called and asked me to take you with me.""Why?" Danny asked as the twins followed Jordon from the classroom."He didn't really say other than that he'd be late getting home."Danny looked at Denny then said gleefully, "I bet they found another body.""Okay, ghoul," Jordon ruffled his hair, "let's keep the speculation to a minimum.It could be anything including going out to dinner with friends."Denny stated quite seriously, "Dad doesn't have any friends but you and the guys he works with.""Come on, Den, he does too," Danny protested."There's Uncle Louis and the lady at the grocery store and a15An Honorable ManEdward Kendrickcouple of people at the hospital.Oh, and Gram and Gramps too.""They aren't home; they're off in Europesomewhere.""Well yeah, but still.""Boys, can it for now, okay?" Jordon waited until they were in the car before getting in too, then reminded them to buckle up before he took off toward his place."Can we stop for burgers?" Danny asked; a pleading note in his voice."Dad never lets us.""Never?" Jordon cocked an eyebrow as he looked at him in the rearview mirror."Well, almost never," Danny hedged."That's better.Sure, we can stop but I'm not buying enough to feed the Army."Denny looked up from the book he was reading toask, "How 'bout the Navy?""Or the Marines?""How 'bout we forget it and make you both salads for supper," Jordon said with a straight face."No!" The twins looked at him in horror before realizing that he had pulled into the local fast food joint.They were out of the car almost before he'd finished parking, just in case he changed his mind.16An Honorable ManEdward Kendrick* * * *Paxton arrived at the scene with one of hisassistants to find Louis and his men standing at the edge of a large brush and grass-covered area in the trees, about a thousand yards from where the first skeleton had been discovered.In the center of the area stood a young woman holding the leash of a dog who sat excitedly a few feet in front of her."Why haven't you started excavating?" Paxton asked his brother-in-law."Figured you'd want to be here from the git-go,"was his response as he signaled for his team to get to work.Once they started, the woman led her dog away andtwenty careful minutes later, they found the first bone.After that it was only a matter of time and patience before the whole skeleton was unearthed.The grave was shallower than the first one by a couple of inches but just as long and wide.The skeleton had been laid out in the same fashion, on its back, arms and legs extended."A male this time," Paxton said after examining the pelvic girdle as he bagged it.The skull told him the manner of death was the same as the woman's from a first look."Now if they died at the same time then we may have a jealous husband or wife to look for," Louis17An Honorable ManEdward Kendrickcommented."Big 'if'.We won't know until I can send a bone out to be examined." Paxton was sitting on his heels by the grave.Now he took a brush and carefully stroked it over the dirt which had been under the skeleton.When he'd finished, something shiny was revealed.Using a pair of tweezers he lifted it up.It was a wide gold, incised band."Possibly a wedding ring," he said as he dropped it into an evidence bag [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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