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.I don’t deserve to be ruler.I should go to prison for what I’ve done.We don’t have prisons for children, but Father should think of something.I will be brave and face my punishment.Maybe ten or fifteen years will be suitable.“Does anyone smell rabbit?”Turren blinked.“What?”Captain Pembrost sniffed the air.“I smell it too.I think we’re by Silver Lake.If I were scared, that would be a good spot to go.” He mounted his horse and shouted, “Everyone, back on your horses.”The goo-slicked soldier took two tries, but he climbed on his saddle.Pembrost nodded at the man and continued forward.Plant monsters don’t cook.With his hope renewed, Turren sped his horse on and caught up with Pembrost.The captain tried to wave him to the back, but Turren shook his head.“If he’s hurt or in danger, I will help him.”“Fine, but you will run if I order it.”No chance in hell.“Yes, Captain.” Pembrost can heal most wounds, but I don’t know about amputations.If Sebastian is missing any limbs, I’ll tell Father to give Sebastian enough money to live like a normal man.No more plants attacked them as they rode to the lake.Everything seemed as calm as when they’d first entered the forest, as if it was resting.The captain pulled back long branches barring their way and a clearing opened in front of them.Light sparkled off the palest lake Turren had ever seen.Its waters were almost white, and lying down on a bundle of bedsheets was Sebastian.He still wore his cloak, so Turren couldn’t tell if the boy was intact.The captain motioned for the others to stop while he progressed farther.Sebastian stirred and lifted his hands over his head in a long yawn.“What are you idiots doing here?”Turren’s jaw dropped.He’s safe.All that worrying and him gone for days and that’s the first thing out of his ungrateful mouth? He dismounted and stalked to Pembrost’s side.“We’re here because you foolishly ran away.You could have been killed! We could have been killed!”Sebastian sat up.“The latter is true, but the former is impossible because I’m an Orwell.” A vine similar to the ones that had tried numerous times to yank them off their horses slithered to Sebastian’s side, and he petted it like a dog.“You can return and tell my father I’m fine.I don’t know what possessed him to send you after me.” He lay back down and ignored them.“I’m sorry, sir, but you will come with us.”Sebastian looked at the captain and all the guards standing behind him.Then his gaze fell on Turren.Giving him the same disdainful look as Lord Orwell had, Sebastian stood up and brushed off his cloak.He dismantled his fire pit and gathered his things together.“Hey, those are my supplies!” the goo-covered soldier spoke up.“I thought my bag came undone.”“It did,” Sebastian said.“I found it on the ground, and since I didn’t know who it belonged to, I used it.”An itch developed behind Turren’s ear.“You’re lying.You stole it.”“His Highness shouldn’t go around making baseless accusations, especially when his morals are in question.” Sebastian walked to the soldier and gave him the bag.Turren stomped to Sebastian.“I have to take responsibility for my actions and so do you.You ran away and now you’re lying.And you called me a thief earlier when it’s obvious you’re the same.” He flicked the side of Sebastian’s hood.“What kind of honest person wears a hood even when there’s clear weather?” Sebastian said nothing.“I said, what kind of—” Turren grabbed for the hood.The hood shifted, and he caught a glimpse of light green eyes that gleamed like peridots.A palm slammed into his midsection.Falling to the ground, Turren gasped painfully for breath and waited for the captain to come to his defense.There was no movement.Fine, I will settle this on my own.Turren stood up slowly, and Sebastian’s hooded face followed his every move.“I don’t like to be touched by fools.Do it again, and I’ll put you back on the ground.”Weeks of playing at the Orwell house and he’s finally looking at me.I can do the honorable thing even if he doesn’t deserve it.Turren bowed.“I’m sorry.About losing my temper… and the book,” he murmured.“I can find another copy.”Sebastian laughed.“I won’t hold my breath [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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