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.The kitchen, dining and living area consumed the main room, with a very small bedroom and bath to one side.A set of French doors opened off the living area onto a deck facing Moon God Lake.Fawn hadn’t planned to spend the night, but as she cleaned and stocked the cabin for habitation, the idea of becoming mentally prepared and comfortable with the place appealed to her.Tomorrow was the beginning of the full moon phase and the thought of spending the next two nights alone with Nash Blackthunder had stirred Fawn’s lycan senses.Refusing to be intimidated by the event or the sexier-than-sin were, Fawn decided that spending twenty-four hours alone in the cabin would make her feel more in control.By the time Nash arrived, the cabin would feel like home.When Elder Stone had told her the name of the werewolf the Arasani had chosen she’d managed to school her reaction, but her heart had thumped in wild anticipation.She’d worked closely with Nash planning the biannual treks, and when he had focused his brown eyes on her, Fawn had definitely felt the heat.A relationship with Nash beyond pack business was out of the question and Fawn hadn’t stepped an inch over the line, except in her dreams.Now the lines had disappeared and Nash was hers for the full moon phase.She wondered if this was how her ancestor, Talon, had felt about Moonflower and why he had tattooed her with his personal symbol, four claw marks running diagonally across the belly.Talon and Moonflower had met for two nights every summer and winter for years until the Chanta elders forced him to take a mate so that the bloodline was ensured.Talon’s eldest son and his descendants had continued the terms of the treaty and the tradition of the tattoo.Even Damon intended to follow the practice.Now she was expected to demand the same of Nash.Fawn rose from the sofa and walked into the bedroom.The blue-and-white-pattern quilt was cheerful without looking frilly.She’d purchased the quilt, matching pillow shams and sheets several weeks ago in preparation of Damon’s occupation of the cabin.She ran her hand over the cotton material.Part of her still couldn’t believe that her brother was gone.“Damon.Damon,” she whispered.She missed him dearly.Fawn had been so busy with pack duties and the winter exchange, she’d managed to keep her pain and sorrow at bay.But the depth of her loss overwhelmed her and tears welled in her eyes.Tomorrow, she’d wear the mantle of pack leader.Tonight, she’d allow herself to mourn.* * * * *Nash’s breath clouded the cold air as he trotted along the snow-dusted trail.Despite the low temperature and the late hour, he needed the solitude.His powerful wolf’s body relished the physical challenge of climbing the mountain.Tomorrow night, the full moon phase would begin and he was violating the rules by being on Chanta land tonight.The moon rode high in the sky with only the thinnest sliver of dark along its edge.He crested the ridge and stopped at a rocky outcropping that overlooked the Moon God Lake.Moonlight danced on the surface of the water, its silvery light leading to the lakeside cabin he’d share with Fawn.To Nash’s surprise, the building was ablaze with light.As the time of the moon sacrifice approached, Nash’s thoughts had often turned to Fawn and the two nights they’d share in the isolated cabin.He’d started to dial her number on more than one occasion just to discuss the situation, but had resisted the temptation.He was eager and excited, but how did she feel about having sex with him?After the elders had made a formal announcement, Nash had been subjected to myriad reactions from pack members, ranging from heartfelt commiseration to crude jokes.He took it in stride, but no one, not even his father, knew how he truly felt.His closest friends were angry and Nash might have felt the same fury if the she-wolf had been anyone but Fawn.He might be his pack’s designated sacrifice, but for two long winter nights, Fawn would be his.Curious about the lighted cabin, Nash headed down the trail.Reaching the cabin, he reared up and placed his paws on the window ledge and looked into the main room.A fire was burning in the stone fireplace, but no one was visible.He moved to another window.Fawn sat on a bed, tears pouring down her face.Feeling as if someone had punched him in the heart, he left the cabin and raced for the ridge.At the top, Nash lifted his muzzle and howled in pain.Chapter ThreeWaiting.Fawn had never been good at it.Her mother said she’d been born impatient, arriving a week early and a minute after midnight.Fawn paced the cabin, poked at the logs burning in the fireplace, and tossed on a couple more pinecones.He’d come at moonrise and every few minutes Fawn peeked out the French doors that opened onto the deck.Scattered clouds drifted across the sky, but the visible stars were diamond bright in the night sky.The cabin smelled of pine and beef stew.Fawn had prepared supper.The stew simmered in the crock pot and the salad was in the refrigerator.Add a freshly baked whole grain loaf and a bottle of red wine and Fawn believed she had a perfect winter meal to satisfy a hungry werewolf.She glanced out the French doors and saw the rim of the full moon peeking over the mountains.Any minute now, she expected to hear a paw scraping the door.By tradition, the Arasani descendant must arrive in wolven form without the trappings of human clothing.Thankfully, her mother had heard a first-person account from her husband of the details of the exchange.Elder Stone hadn’t been so forthcoming.Just like a man to keep a female naked and at his beck and call for two nights!Unlike her male predecessors, Fawn had gone shopping several days earlier.Fortunately, Fawn had met Nash on several occasions to plan the biannual treks.On one occasion, he’d bent over to tie his shoe and Fawn had caught a glimpse of the size label on his jeans [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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