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.He and his brothers had learned the language as children when a visiting Spanish were had spent time in their pack.Luc had picked up the language quickly but it had taken his brothers longer to learn, but he loved being able to say things he didn’t really want anyone but his brothers to understand.Of course he could just use their mind link but he had warped sense of humor sometimes.Without warning, Lucien settled his lips over hers, gently sipping at hers until the tension invading her rigid muscles dissipated and she leaned into his body.He sipped and licked her lips until Tessa gasped in surprise.Taking advantage, Lucien deepened the kiss by thrusting his tongue into her mouth and groaned with arousal at the first sweet taste of his mate.Lucien didn’t relent from the kiss until Tessa responded by tentatively placing her tongue against Lucien’s and melted into him.He was staking a claim in front of the man he suspected had hurt his mate, and was also trying to goad him into doing something stupid.If the guy got angry enough and assaulted him or his brothers he could have his ass arrested.His groan of need must have brought her back to the present and she placed her palms against his chest to push him away.Lucien allowed Tessa to break the kiss, but would not allow her to move away from him.He could still smell her fear beneath her desire and wanted her to feel cherished and protected.The more he touched her the more she relaxed.When she placed her hands against his chest to put some space between them, he took her hands, turned them palm up, and placed a kiss in the center of each palm.He needed to feel that he was protecting her and didn’t want to relinquish his hold on her.His wolf was pushing at him to mate her and even though he pushed his animal back down, he felt more in control when he was touching her.He gently lifted her by the waist and pulled her onto his lap, snuggling her head against his chest and holding her warm soft, body against his.She sighed with contentment, relaxing against him totally.The stench of her fear left and in its place he could only smell her desire.She sighed again and he felt her lips kiss him lightly on the neck.He wanted to smile with contentment and satisfaction but he wouldn’t let the asshole see how he felt.He gave the other man a hard glare.“Tessa does not want to talk to you or even see you, so I suggest you leave now.Go back where you came from and do not come back.If I catch you anywhere near her again you will not like the consequences.”The asshole glared at Tessa and Lucien was glad she had her head tucked beneath his chin and her cheek resting against his chest.She wouldn’t have to see that angry look from the fucker.His eyes flicked to Lucien’s and he let the fucker see his determination to protect Tessa.The prick couldn’t hold his gaze for long and he quickly lowered his eyes to the table.Good, so now you are beginning to get wary, my friend.Let’s hope you will not be back.A rumble of fury escaped him when his wolf heard what the prick said before he walked out the door.“This isn’t over, bitch.”Tessa squirmed on his lap and Lucien loosened his hold on her, but when she continued to wriggle his cock began to throb and he growled with desire.Her little backside was pressing against his hard cock and he was having a hell of a time controlling his wolf and his desire.She must have felt his erection poking into her hip and ass, because all of a sudden she stopped moving.“If you keep squirming like that, little bird, I will have you naked before we get home,” Lucien said in a low husky voice.“What do you mean? I’m not going home with you.I am leaving for my vacation.” Tessa lifted her head and glared at him.“He was the one that did this to you isn’t he?” Lucien stroked her face beneath the bruise on her skin, not wanting to cause her any more pain.“Yes.”“Do you honestly think you’ll be safe from him if we let you leave alone?”“I…I…” Tessa bit her lip and looked fearfully at the door before meeting his eyes again.“We can protect you, Tessa.Please come to our home where you’ll be safe.”“I don’t know you.”“You’re right, you don’t, but do you honestly think any one of us would hurt you?”Tessa frowned as she once more nibbled on her bottom lip.He wanted to pull that lip into his mouth and soothe it with his tongue, but he held back.Even though he’d already kissed her in a show of possession for the asshole, he didn’t want to push his luck again.He and his brothers needed to gain more of her trust first.Hopefully once they had that they could begin to court her.“No.”Luc heard Gabe and Rafe sigh with relief and it was only by sheer will that he held in his own sigh.“There are other people who live at our house.It won’t be just the four of us.”Gabe reached out and took Tessa’s hand in one of his.“We would never hurt you, honey.Please come home with us so we can protect you?”“If I decide I want to leave later, you won’t stop me?”“No,” Luc answered, and hoped to God that she would decide to stay.“Okay.Thank you.”Lucien’s tension eased even more now that Tessa had relented to coming home with them.He took hold of her chin and held her gaze to his.“Thank you, Tessa.You won’t regret your decision.”Luc lifted her from his lap and placed her on the seat next to him.Gabe moved out of the booth and Tessa followed.Lucien quickly gained his feet and when he came up to her side he clasped one of her hands while Gabe took the other and Rafe led the way out of the inn.He couldn’t help looking down at her as they walked.She was so small compared to them.The top of her head didn’t even reach up to his shoulders and, although for a woman she was of average height, man did she have some curves.She wasn’t one of those model-slim women he would be scared to touch in case he hurt her.Tessa Michaels was voluptuous and had something to hold onto.He could just imagine grabbing hold of those delectable ass cheeks and keeping her still while he pounded into her from behind.Her eyes got to him every time he looked at her.They were a deep soulful brown with sadness and pain lurking in their depths.Luc had plans to change that look.By the time he and his brothers were finished with her that sadness would be replaced with happiness and he never wanted to see pain in her eyes again.“Which car is yours, Tessa?” Gabe asked, although the question wasn’t necessary since Luc could smell her scent on the vehicle, but he was glad that Gabe had asked the question.Tessa pointed to a late-model four-door sedan.“Why don’t you go with Luc and let me drive your car, honey? I’d hate for you to get lost.”Tessa released Luc’s hand and began to rummage around in her purse [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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