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.Nimisha's ShipBy Anne McCaffreySynopsis:Parts of Nimisha's Ship are reminiscent of the melodramatic intrigue and romance among lords and ladies in Anne McCaffrey's first SF novel, Reestoree (1967).Here, though, danger and drama are downplayed while the course of true love--plus the joy of friendship--moves to center stage.Nimisha, heir to her mother's wealth and high status, tomboyishly prefers the spaceship yards of her absentee father.She sneaks off to work with him and emerges as a gifted ship designer.One day, testing a splendid new space-yacht, she falls through a wormhole to a far-off region of the galaxy.This contains a planet of unfriendly beasties--mostly leathery-winged avians, easily shot down by Nimisha's yacht AI--and stranded wormhole victims: a haggard human party easily put right by medical treatment, and midget aliens who are easily befriended.Romance soon blooms for Nimisha, and she settles down to have the nicest human castaway's babies (twins, then triplets).Meanwhile, rescue missions are on the way, one by the long, slow route and one by accidental wormhole encounter.Happy family reunions follow, with a certain twinkly charm but no real suspense or surprise.It's a comforting, unthreatening read: McCaffrey addicts will love it, but newcomers may prefer to start with her tougher, grittier SF adventures like the classic Dragonflight.To a courageous and generous young woman for the greatest gift one woman can give anotherAcknowledgmentsOnce again I am thankful to my first readers who keep me from making egregious errors or mistakes.For Nimisha's ship, I owe harry alm in his capacity of naval architect and my son, todd j.McCaffrey, for their input, timely additions and corrections.Marilyn alm, lea day, and mary jean holmes have all read and made suggestions for which I am truly grateful.To j.R.Holmes, a special thanks for his valuable contribution of panspermia.An unknown number of online folks have inadvertently helped me name my characters.Syrona gave me permission to use her name as a main character and I ruthlessly borrowed others.And, as always, my gratitude to vaughne hansen in virginia kidd's office and especially to my editor, shelly shapiro.Chapter 1Lady Rezalla Boynton-Chonderlee was often bemused and puzzled by her body-heir, Nimisha Boynton-Rondymense, as the child began to develop a personality.She was, indeed, all and more that a womb-mother could wish in her body-heir: beautiful, gentianeyed, intelligent, healthy, and obedient in almost every matter.Lady Rezalla considered the infrequent displays of temper and minor rebellions against necessary protocol only to be expected in the very young.Nimisha was certainly not as wayward or overindulged as some of the children of her contemporaries.However, as Nimisha grew past the nursery stage and started the formal tutorial lessons, she showed decided preferences that were unexpected.She loved to take first mechanical and then robotic units apart, a hobby that struck her womb-mother as unusual.Lady Rezalla consoled herself that at least Nimisha showed an aptitude for something that kept her occupied for hours.Lady Rezalla knew that some of her social peers had difficult children with tendencies to be violent or abusive as the very young often were.Even in the best families.She privately admitted to some anxiety that Nimisha's mechanical avocation might be considered "quaint" for someone in the most prestigious social level of acclarke city on vega 111.On the positive side, the boynton-chonderleerondymense connection was sufficiently powerful to permit much that might have been censured or condemned in a lesser family."it's in the genes she inherited from me, rezella," lord tionel rondymense-erhardt remarked on one of his visits to see the daughter he had contracted to provide lady Rezalla.Though he would have been perfectly willing to have had a much longer contract with the elegant Rezalla, she had never given him the least bit of encouragement for an extension.This disinterest both annoyed and intrigued him since he was much in demand as a sire in the best acclarkian circles.Still, he enjoyed her company and excruciatingly accurate remarks about their society and peers.She was not averse to his visits since she felt that her body-heir by him was quite the best of the lot he had so far sired.She was less sanguine about the way he encouraged Nimisha in her whimsical bent, happily answering her questions or giving her a pointer when she seemed at a standstill in reassembling what she had taken apart."It has obviously escaped your attention, my dear Rezalla," he remarked one day after explaining to Nimisha the function of the tiny chips she had spread out on the floor, "that she invariably improves the design and function of whatever she's tinkering with.I find that most ingenious of her.Most ingenious, if she continues to develop this aptitude, why I might just leave her my ship yard.No one else I've sired shows the least bit of interest in spaceship design Much less doing any work of any description.I have grave concern that what nine generations have built up in the rondymense ship yard might decline and disappear in the next one.""My body-heir," lady Rezalla replied, rather more dismayed than pleased by lord tionel's remarks, "will have no need for unsuitable bequests, lord tionel.""You were happy enough to find ten thousand shares of rondymense stock in her birth-gift portfolio," he remarked.Then he went on in his softest, most persuasive voice, his blue eyes dancing, though his face had assumed a properly repentant expression."Don't be angry with me, rezie.There's nothing unsuitable about a firm that has been designing spaceships and in profit for over two hundred years.Surely the financier in you appreciates that!"the point was well taken, lady Rezalla had to admit in all fairness She herself had increased her holdings and wealth due to a nearly infallible instinct for the profitability of new businesses.Tionel was not given to casual remarks [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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