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.She’d just made a date with the moving guy.How had that happened? On this day of massive change and upheaval it was one more stir of the pot, which she didn’t need.But maybe the distraction would be good for her.She took a shower and shaved her legs carefully, stubble swirling down the drain as she prepared for the evening’s possibilities.In her new bedroom, she searched for clothes to wear.A glance at the bare mattress on the bed made her flush as she pictured an erotic tangle of limbs.She should find her sheets and make it up.Even if nothing sexual happened between her and Ryan, she had to sleep there at some point.As she poked through boxes and put away a few things, waves of anticipation and dread washed through her.She wanted Ryan to come and she wished she’d never met him.Why couldn’t he have been some dull, normal moving guy like Pat, who only wanted to get through the job and be on his way? What had triggered the chemistry between them? Seeing him sparked a fizzy feeling through her body like an electric current.She craved him with an elemental desire beyond her control.He must desire her, too, or he wouldn’t be coming here tonight.The doorbell rang, an unfamiliar tone in an unfamiliar room.Camilla paid the delivery girl for the food and put it in the kitchen.After that she wandered from room to room carrying the painting her mother-in-law had given her, trying to find where it fit.The frame was too ornate and the still life too formal for any wall in this apartment.At last she realized she’d never really liked the painting, and no one would be hurt if she didn’t hang it.She should’ve put the thing in the storage unit or sold it.The doorbell rang again and her fingers clenched the gilt frame.She leaned the painting against the wall and went to answer the door, pulse racing.Ryan stood in the hallway, a bottle of wine in one hand.He wore a T-shirt with the logo of a band she didn’t know and a pair of jeans that made his long legs appear even longer.His hair was damp and the herbal scent of soap and shampoo wafted toward her.He offered her the bottle with a smile.“I don’t really know wines so I hope this is okay.”Camilla matched his self-effacing manner.“I ordered Chinese.I hope you like that.”She stepped aside to let him into the apartment and another whiff of clean male tickled her nose as he passed.Chills flashed through her as if she had a low-grade fever.The hair on her neck prickled, her body responding on a primal level to his proximity.She felt alive and hungry in a way that had nothing to do with the fact that she’d only had a few cups of coffee and a handful of grapes all day.She closed the door as Ryan turned to hand her the bottle of wine.Trapped between the door and the solid wall of his body, Camilla looked up into his eyes.She lost her breath.He was so close, so potently male, and so there in her new apartment.When he smiled, she thought her bones would liquefy and she’d melt into a puddle on the floor.“Hi.” He barely whispered but the word vibrated into her flesh.His gaze was on her mouth.She licked her lips in anticipation.Ryan reached for her waist with his free hand and inclined his head.Camilla lifted her face, rising on her toes and meeting him halfway.Their mouths pressed together in a kiss as soft and gentle as a spring rain, and her body unfurled like dry winter grass brought back to green freshness.Her hands slipped up his chest to grasp his shoulders, hard and warm beneath her palms.Ryan put his other arm around her back and pulled her against him.The wine bottle bumped her rear and his erection pressed into her groin.The solid length woke an answering thickness and tightening in the lips of her pussy.Moisture gathered between her legs.In less than a minute and with only a few slow, tender kisses, he’d aroused her beyond reasoning.She ached, yearning and opening in response.He released her mouth and moved his lips along her jaw, down her neck.Her skin twitched at the small tickling kisses.She could barely keep from jerking away and giggling, and when his stomach growled, she laughed.“You must be starving.You certainly burned off enough calories today.”“I wouldn’t mind burning off some more before we eat.” He nuzzled the soft spot above her collarbone before straightening and looking into her eyes with a question in his.Camilla imagined him lifting her off her feet, pressing her up against the door and fucking her right there, no hesitation and no holds barred.She could have that if she wanted it and the knowledge thrilled her.But she wasn’t quite ready for that wild abandon.Not yet, anyway.“The food’s getting cold,” she pointed out.He released her, his hands leaving heat on her back and the wine bottle bumping her hip as he pulled away.She accepted the bottle from him.“I don’t think I can find my goblets, only water glasses.”“I’m used to plastic cups so it doesn’t matter to me.” He followed her into the kitchen and opened the wine while she unwrapped dishes from newspaper and rinsed them.Camilla smiled and sipped from the glass Ryan offered her.Her husband, the wine snob, would’ve turned up his nose at the idea of drinking this cheap vintage out of a plain glass, but she had to admit to kind of liking the sweet, fruity flavor.It reminded her of the Ripple she and her girlfriends had drunk back in her undergrad days.It was all they could afford and gave them a buzz which was all that mattered back then.Simpler times.Simpler pleasures.The dining table was loaded with boxes so, after they’d filled plates from the various cartons, she led Ryan into the living room.Her couch looked different here, too formal perhaps or too much a part of her old life.Sitting on it beside her gentleman caller, she thought she’d be too nervous to eat, but one forkful of the shrimp fried rice hit her empty stomach and she began shoveling it in.Ryan devoured his with equal gusto, which relieved her self consciousness about wolfing her food.“This is great.Thanks.”“The least I could do.You guys worked so hard today.I don’t know how you do it every day.”“I don’t plan to keep this job forever.I’m taking classes again and this fits around my schedule and pays okay, too.” He slurped in a bite of Thai noodles, which left his lips glistening.Camilla stared his lower lip, plump and shiny and so biteable.“Uh, what are you studying?”“Stagecraft.Lights, scenery, audio, all the backstage stuff.”“That sounds really interesting.What a great field.”“Glad someone thinks so.My dad wanted me to be a plumber so he could add and Son to the side of the truck.And my girlfriend left when she realized I’d never be a financial whiz.I’d almost finished a bachelor’s in business, but after she moved out, I took time off school.I worked at different jobs while I figured out what I really wanted to do.”Camilla finished her wine, a fine, warm glow spreading through her.“Do you want to work in touring shows or local venues? Or do you plan to head for Broadway?”“Anything in the field really.I’ve done some lighting work in a local theater and worked soundboard for a band, but I’m sure it’ll be a long time before I can quit my day job and make a career out of it.”“It’s admirable you didn’t settle for someone else’s expectations [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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