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.VIRGIN IN HEAT:The Beast's Forced MatingByBree BellucciSMASHWORDS EDITION* * * * *PUBLISHED BY:Bree Bellucci on SmashwordsVirgin In Heat: The Beast's Forced MatingCopyright © 2012 by Bree BellucciThis book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.Adult Reading MaterialThe material in this document contains explicit sexual content that is intended for mature audiences only and is inappropriate for readers under 18 years of age.* * * * *VIRGIN IN HEAT:The Beast's Forced Mating* * * * *Charlotte breathed in deeply as she set foot out into the bright sunshine.The air was fresh and fragrant and she shook her head in amusement as she heard her two small sisters bickering inside the cabin.She set off away from the cabin towards the lake.Her skirt swished in the high grass and she absentmindedly pulled at her braided hair.The lake was a vibrant blue and the surface sparkled in the mid-day sunshine.Charlotte enjoyed her family’s trips to the lake and she knew how fortunate they were to be able to vacation in such a beautiful spot.The leaves on the trees past the lake were swaying in the gentle breeze.Charlotte was always drawn to the woods, and she could spend the day getting lost in the bushes and shaded under groves.“Charie!” came a high-pitched voice, and Charlotte turned around to see her youngest sister, Abigail, come barreling down the hill towards her.“What are you doing, Charie?” she asked, brushing her golden hair out of her face.Abigail had the same bright green eyes as Charlotte, but where Charlotte’s hair was auburn and dark, Abigail’s was light and blonde.“I’m going to pick some flowers for us to keep in the house.”“Ohhh, can I help?”“I thought Mama wanted you and Bessie to stay inside and help her uncover the furniture and sweep?”Abigail frowned at having been discovered.“I don’t want to,” she whined.Charlotte kneeled down so she could look directly at her little sister.Abigail was six years old and small for her age.“Abby, why don’t you want to help Mama and Bessie?”Abigail pouted.“Bessie is mean to me.She always does this.” Abigail stuck out her tongue and made a face.Charlotte suppressed a giggle.“You need to just ignore her.”“But I don’t, Charie! I stick my tongue right back at her! And Mama always sees me do it!”“Well, that’s why you need to ignore her,” Charlotte chided.Bessie was eleven years old and she was definitely the feistiest of the three girls.Abigail sighed.“Alright,” she conceded, giving Charlotte a quick kiss before she turned around and began running back up to the house.Charlotte watched as Abigail’s little legs carried her back to the cabin, her pink skirt flapping from the exertion.Charlotte continued towards the lake thinking of how much she loved her two sisters.At twenty years old, Charlotte felt protective of both of them.She had remembered when each one was born, and she had tirelessly helped her mother take care of them.Charlotte’s father’s business took him away a lot, and many times it was only Charlotte and her mother taking care of the family.Charlotte often wondered if her mother had wished for a son so he could have been the man of the house when her father was away.Charlotte reached the lake and in an impromptu decision, she decided to take her shoes and socks off and dip her feet in the water.She unlaced her boots and pulled off her socks before sitting on a small patchof sand.She slid her feet into the water and smiled as the cool water washed over her toes.She sat like that for a number of minutes, until she began to feel guilty.There would be plenty of time for rest and relaxation but now she needed to help her family open the cabin house for the summer.She loved this first week at the lake because it was usually the only uninterrupted time her father was able to get away from work, not to mention that it was so lovely to finally celebrate the summer after the cold, miserable winter months.What she didn’t like about the first week at the lake was all the work that went into opening the house for the season.The cleaning, sweeping and preparing was exhausting.Knowing that she needed to get back to help her family, she put her shoes and socks back on and began to walk the perimeter of the lake to gather flowers.She was lucky that her mother gave her such an easy task for the afternoon.Charlotte knew her mother pitied her.During the winter, a young man named Edward, who was both handsome and successful, had pursued Charlotte.He and Charlotte had a few chaperoned dates and there was a rumor that he would ask for her hand by the spring.Charlotte was smitten by Edward’s charming personality.However, at the start of the spring there had been a huge scandal with one of the other girls in town announcing that she was pregnant with Edward’s child and he would not take responsibility.Their families tried to cover up the scandal, forcing the two to marry and then shipping them off to another state to live with the girl’s aunt and uncle where no one would know she'd gotten pregnant out of wedlock.The news upset Charlotte deeply and she was both hurt and horrified by Edward’s behavior.Charlotte’s father had nearly wept with relief when he realized that his daughter had been spared almost certain ruin by marrying such a man.Charlotte’s mother on the other hand had understood how the news had devastated Charlotte and she tried to comfort her the best she could.Charlotte sighed as she thought of Edward and his bride, living together in a faraway town, expecting their first child together.While Charlotte did not want to marry a man who would be unfaithful and promiscuous, she was still wistful of what she thought they had shared during their short time together.A sudden rustling in a nearby bush caught Charlotte’s attention.Was it an animal? She stopped picking flowers and moved towards the edge of the forest where she had heard the sound.The bushes rustled again.“Hello?” she asked quietly.She knew there could be no one else here, they were probably the only family for miles.She turned back to look at the cabin and then saw a flash of brown out of the corner of her eye.She whipped back around and peered carefully into the forest.Whatever it was had gone back into the woods.She looked back towards the wildflowers and knew she should go back to what she was doing but she couldn’t help being curious.A low moan came from deeper in the woods and it suddenly struck her that an animal might be hurt.She hurried towards the sound and she felt the temperature change as she moved into the shade.She was wearing short sleeves and she shivered slightly.She walked quietly among the earth, not wanting to scare or frighten the animal.She heard the whimpering again and she thought it almost sounded human, but she knew that was silly.She crept silently towards the sound, being careful not to step on any branches.A large bush came into view and Charlotte thought the sound was coming from behind the large shrub.Carefully, Charlotte peered around the bush and saw a large, majestic wolf whimpering and licking at his leg.Charlotte felt a surge of fear but was also drawn to the vulnerable animal [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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