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.Brew's blue eyes bored into him and the plethora of emotions that seemed to flicker like a slide show were almost too much for him to witness.The waitress brought them a carafe of coffee and their mugs.Brew waited until she finished pouring their first cups and walked away before he spoke again."You haven't returned my calls." Brew ignored Rick's question."I want to know why."Couldn't just ask 'why' could you, low flyer? No, you wouldn't just ask.Rick wanted to be pissed about Brew 'demanding' an answer instead of asking, but he couldn't be.Strangely, he was reassured by Brew's demand and tried to fight the warm feeling that filled his chest and gut that the reassurance caused.Regardless of how the demand made him feel, he wasn't going to make this easy for the agent."You are a smart man, agent.I would have thought you would have figured it out by now." Rick looked away, wishing for his bangs to be loose again, and wasn't sure why he was beating around the bush with his answer other than to antagonize the bear of a man across from him."Honest communication, Rick." Brew quoted the binder he had assembled before the op."You have fucking nerve," Rick's warm feeling disappeared and his angry gaze shot back to Brew just as the waitress returned with their food.How dare the son of a bitch preach to him about honest communication after using him like he did on the op."Fuck this," Rick said and stood from the booth.He'd call a cab to get home but he wasn't sitting across from the man for another second.He was so pissed off that he couldn't trust himself not to make a scene in the middle of IHOP."Sit down," Brew ordered in a calm voice even though he did not feel the slightest bit calm.Rick hesitated for only a moment when he heard the order that sent a shiver of desire through him before he allowed his anger to take over again."Fuck you." Rick started to walk away but when Brew's reply reached his ears, the words brought him to a sudden halt."Is that what it will take?"Brew couldn't believe what he had just said and wasn't even sure he meant the implied offer that slipped past his lips.He hadn't bottomed in fourteen years and didn't particularly care for the experience.When he turned in the booth to look at the kid, his words had the desired effect.Rick stood frozen in place but did not look back at him.Within seconds, Brew slid from the booth, threw money on the table next to their untouched breakfast, and stepped up behind the kid."Let's go."Rick felt the reassuring strength of Brew's large hand as it settled on his lower back and gently pushed him toward the exit.~~~CHAPTER 2Brew held the passenger door open for Rick out of habit; resisting the urge to touch the man as he climbed into car.If the kid did not want to see him any longer then he would accept that but he refused to call it quits while whatever it was between them was hanging in limbo.Brew drove them to Rick's apartment even though he would have rather taken him home to his house in Carrollwood.Rick rode in silence, his mind swirling in confusion like a leaf about to be sucked into a storm drain's whirlpool.He knew that being alone with Brew was not a good idea because he would do all of his thinking with the wrong head and that would accomplish nothing.Said head gave an eager twitch and Rick began to wonder why he hadn't just told Brew the truth about why he had been avoiding him.And what was up with Brew’s comment? The thought of topping Brew was part of the chaotic swirl in his mind.It was so bizarre that even if Rick wanted to do it, he doubted he could.Was that the real Ryan Brewster?Not only a low flyer but a closet bottom as well? Rick just couldn't wrap his mind around the idea no matter how hard he tried.When they pulled into a parking spot in front of his apartment, Rick stopped trying to make sense of anything that had happened since he was forced to face Brew in IHOP.He just sat there staring at his building instead of reaching for the door handle.Whether it was because he was absorbed in thought or because it had become habit to allow Brew to open his door, he didn't know.Brew had not tried to get the kid to talk on the ride to his apartment.He opened Rick's door and the man exited the car without sparing him a glance.Brew watched the tight jean clad ass before him lead the way into the building and he realized he had never been inside the kid’s place before.By the time Rick unlocked and opened his apartment door, his mind had cleared a bit.He entered his apartment knowing that Brew was directly behind him and, again, thought it was a bad idea to be alone with the man.His cock disagreed and that was the problem.Rick's body wanted the man, hell, his heart did too, but his mind just couldn't get past the feeling of not really knowing the agent.Not like he hadn't had random stranger hook-ups before but this…this wasn't just a random stranger.Rick had trusted Brew not to hurt him; trusted him to stop ‘whatever’ at just a word and if he was honest with himself, he still trusted the man in that aspect.But he couldn't get over how Brew lied and used him on the op.Intellectually, he understood but understanding did not make him feel better or fix his trust issue.Brew followed Rick into the kid's apartment, his eyes never leaving the lithe form even as he kicked the apartment door closed with his foot.The sound was louder than Brew intended it to be which caused Rick to turn and lean against the back of the sofa.Every muscle seemed tense and Rick's arms crossed in front of his chest screamed defensive.A few steps forward brought Brew to stand directly in front of his former partner, only inches between the kid's crossed arms and Brew's chest, causing Rick to tilt his head back to maintain eye contact.This close, Brew could see the different shades of green and golden brown that made up Rick's hazel eyes."Tell me," Brew ordered and had no doubt that Rick knew he was picking up the thread of conversation from IHOP.When Rick's only reply was to tilt his head in his inquisitive, bird-like manner, Brew spoke again."If you do not want to see me again until the case goes to trial, then tell me."Brew's steel blue eyes seemed to bore into him as Rick tried to read the guy.Just having Brew this close to him was an exercise in restraint and his only saving grace was that the agent was standing too close to see the effect his dominating presence was having on Rick's body.What could he say? What should he say?The silence stretched on and Brew would rather the kid abuse him with cockiness, or anything really, except what he was currently doing… which was absolutely nothing at all."Damn it, Rick!" Brew stepped back from the kid and ran a hand frustratedly through his hair that was too long."I'm not a mind reader.Tell me what you want from me and don't give me that bullshit answer 'nothing'because if that was the truth, I wouldn't be standing here."Brew tried to rein in his temper.He wasn't sure what or who, the kid or himself, had his ire rising but he hated losing control.Rick had never seen Brew so flustered before and it was not a good look on the man, He still found it amusing though as his eyes followed Brew's hand as he drug it through his hair.What was it about his fucking hands? And what was with the hair? Did he just buzz cut it for the op?"What?" Brew practically barked when a grin spread across Rick's lips and he wasn't sure which urge, to throttle or to kiss, was stronger all of the sudden."You need a haircut," Rick replied and Brew thought he was going to end up with whiplash trying to keep up with the kid's changing emotions [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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