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.DUSTY”Then suddenly theambulance flipped overand flipped off a cliff.I prepared to die whensuddenly, a blue lightsurrounded me and I wastaken to Heaven.I hearda voice, it must’ve beenGod.He said he needs mefor another greatadventure, should Ichoose to accept, it willbe my most challengingever.I would have tostop Satan and Hell fromtaking over Earth.I saidI accept.Suddenly,everything got black.Iawoke sitting in my poolin my backyard.To becontinued in my newseries, ‘The Flames ofHell!’”The class erupts into APPLAUSE.Dusty is elated.Mrs.McWick looks worried.CUT TO:INT.CLASSROOM - LATERThe class is empty.A MAN and WOMANsit in the small desks – DUSTY’SPARENTS.Dusty’s father wears a MILITARY UNIFORM and thick STANDARDISSUE GLASSES.Mrs.McWick sits on her desk.She’s holding Dusty’s composition notebook.MRS.McWICKDusty is a naturalleader.The kids in hisclass will follow him, nomatter what he does.He’svery popular.And he’svery confident.Dusty’s parents smile.MRS.McWICKAnd he’s very, very creative.The storiesthat he writes are.She flips through the notebook.MRS.McWICK.very interesting.DUSTY’S MOMThat’s nice.MRS.McWICKBut, they’re also quitetroubling.DUSTY’S MOM(concerned)Why troubling?MRS.McWICKLet me read a sample fromhis newest story foryou.She puts on her glasses and looks at the notebook.Dusty’s parentsuneasily look at each other.MRS.McWICK“He grabbed me by my throat and looked into myeyes, closely.Suddenly,I started shaking.Ibroke into a cold sweat.My eyes turned yellow, mypupils turned beet-red.Igrew blood-red fangs.Igrew black three-inchnails.I started bulgingout with muscles and myclothes ripped off.Igrew two huge wings outof my back.Thump!Satan’s body fell, hissoul was possessed insideme!”She lowers the book and looks to Dusty’s parents.DUSTY’S MOMSatan?She looks to Dusty’s father and he uncomfortably clears his throat.MRS.McWICKLike I said, he’s verycreative.But you can seewhy I find this troubling.DUSTY’S MOMBut, he’s just a boy.Theother kids must--Mrs.McWick grabs another notebook from her desk.MRS.McWICKThis is from a storywritten by a girl inDusty’s class; “The ponyflew through the air andgave me a kiss.I huggedher and told her I lovedher.Then, we went to thepark and saw threebutterflies.Then, we ateten pounds of ice creamand took a nap.”Beat.DUSTY’S MOMBut it’s not very good isit?Mrs.McWick places the notebook on the desk.MRS.McWICKIs everything okay at home?Dusty’s parents awkwardly look at each other.FADE TO BLACK.eight“Hi this message is for Mr.Frank Fisher Jr.This is Ellen Bergenmen from the registration office at Newman Community College.”I had a toothache.A very, very bad toothache.“We’re calling to inform you that since we have not received payment for this semester’s classes you have officially been dropped and will have to reregister if you plan on attending Newman this semester.”It rattled my skull.It shook my existence.“If you have any questions about loans, financial aid or payment plans please, feel free to call us at 732 555-8686 and we’ll be happy to point you in the right direction…”I hadn’t been to the dentist in years and didn’t plan on going any time soon.“Hope is not lost Mr.Fisher, remember that.We’re here to help…”But this was the most severe pain I’d ever felt in my entire life.“So, give us a call back and we’ll try our best to answer any questions you might have.Thank you and have a lovely, lovely day.”I was having a lovely day.It’s always a lovely day, for tooth decay.Click.“Open up and say Ahhhhhh…” I said to my reflection and opened my mouth as wide as I could.I angled my head so the light from above the mirror could shine on the monster.It was toward the back of my mouth and was already turning black and bleeding.It hated me.It was out to get me.It wanted me dead.So I quickly realized that there was nothing I could do but completely and totally ignore the son of a bitch.Despite the severity of the ache I chose to disregard it.I decided that it was not my tooth.It was not in my mouth.It was not me and should not affect my life [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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