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.Caked dirt fell off of her as she ran for the nearest wall, and she prayed that she could get enough of it off of her to call to Cirrus.A stepladder rose up to the wall's defensive platform in front of her, and she took it in three long strides, barely touching it with her hand.One of the legionares, a guard on the wall, turned toward her and blinked in shock at her.Amara made a ridge of her hand, let out a shout, and drove her hand into the man's throat, never slowing.He tumbled over backward, gagging and choking, and she ran past him, to the wall, and looked over.Ten feet down to the ground level, and then another seven or eight feet of ditch lay beneath her.A crippling fall, if she didn't land correctly."Shoot!" someone shouted, and an arrow hissed toward her.Amara threw herself to the side, grasped the top of the wall with one hand, and vaulted it, throwing herself out into empty space."Cirrus!" she called—and felt the stirring of wind around her, finally.Her fury pressed up against her, turned her body to a proper angle, and rushed down beneath her, so that she landed on a cloud of wind and blowing dust rather than on the hard ground of the ditch.Amara gained her feet again and ran without looking back, stretching, covering the ground in leaps and bounds.She ran to the north and the east, away from the practice fields, away from the stream, away from where they had left the gargant and its supplies.The trees had been cut to make the walls of the encampment, and she had to run across nearly two hundred strides of broken stumps.Arrows fell around her, and one struck through a hanging fold of her skirts, nearly tripping her.She ran on, with the wind always at her back, Cirrus an invisible presence there.Amara reached the shelter of the trees and paused, breathing hard, looking back over her shoulder.The gates of the camp swung open, and two dozen men on horses, long spears gleaming, rode out and turned as a column, straight toward her.Aldrick rode at their head, dwarfing the riders nearest him.Amara turned and ran on through the trees as fast as she could.The branches sighed and moaned around her, leaves whispering, shadows moving and changing ominously around her.The furies of this forest were not friendly to her—which made sense, given the presence of at least one powerful woodcrafter.She would never be able to hide from them in this forest, when the trees themselves would report her position."Cirrus," Amara gasped."Up!"The wind gathered beneath her and pushed her up off the ground—but branches wove together above her, moving as swiftly as human hands joining together and presented her with a solid screen.Amara let out a cry and crashed against that living ceiling, then tumbled back to the ground.Cirrus softened her fall with an apologetic whisper against her ear.Amara looked left and right, but the trees were joining branches everywhere—and the forest was growing darker as the roof of leaf and bough closed overhead.The beating of hooves came through the trees.Amara struggled back to her feet, the cut on her arm pounding painfully.Then she started running again, as the horsemen closed in, behind her.She couldn't have guessed how far she ran.Later, she only remembered the threatening shadows of the trees and a burning fire in her lungs and her limbs that even Cirrus's aid couldn't ease.Terror changed to simple excitement, and that transformed, by degrees, to a sort of exhausted lack of concern.She ran until she suddenly found herself looking back—and into the eyes of a mounted legionare, not twenty feet away.The man shouted and cast his spear at her.She stumbled out of the path of the weapon and away from the horseman, into a sudden flood of sunshine.She looked ahead of her and found the ground sloping down for no more than three or four strides, and then ending in a sheer cliff that dropped off so abruptly that she could not see how far down it went or what was at the bottom.The legionare drew his sword in a rasp of steel and called to his horse.The animal responded as an extension of the man's body and pounded toward her.Amara turned without hesitation and threw herself off of the cliff.She spread her arms and screamed, "Cirrus! Up!" The wind gathered beneath her in a rush, as her fury flew to obey, and she felt a sudden, fierce exultation as, with a screaming whistle of gale winds, she shot up, up into the autumn skies, her wake kicking up dust devils along the ridge that cast dirt up in the face of the unfortunate legionare and set his horse to rearing and kicking in confusion.She flew on, up and away from the camp and paused after a time to look behind her.The cliff she'd leapt from looked like a toy from there, several miles behind her and one below."Cirrus," she murmured, and held her hands before her.The fury gusted and swirled a part of itself into that space, quivering like the waves rising from a hot stone.Amara shaped that air with her hands, bending the light, until she was peering back at the cliff through her spread hands as though she stood no more than a hundred yards away.She saw the hunting party emerge and Aldrick dismount.The legionare who had seen her described her escape, and Aldrick squinted up at the sky, sweeping his eyes left to right.Amara felt a chill as the man's gaze paused, directly upon her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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