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.And speaking of clothes, why do you buy him the most expensive gear on the market? Around here, don’t you know that you’re setting him up to be robbed?”“You sound jealous.You could have those things, too, if you do like I told you.I shouldn’t have to buy you clothes anymore—you’re old enough to do what you need to do.Anyway I’m done with this conversation, Xavier! You always want to play daddy to Alfonso.Now here is the opportunity.It’s up to you to look after your baby brother and keep him from getting robbed.As for me, I have to give Nate his food—excuse me.”Ne Ne occupied the upstairs bedroom, which she accessed through a door off the kitchen and next to the bathroom, carefully carrying the tray.“Ne Ne, get my grub up here now and come please your man!” Nate yelled down the stairs when the door opened.Ne Ne shut the door behind her and, after hearing the locks click into place, Xavier knew that his mother was through with their conversation.Xavier was frustrated, but he couldn’t do one thing about it.He simply shook his head and opened up the basement door to the sounds of gunfire.Alfonso was down there playing Scarface, the PlayStation 3 version of the movie.“Say hello to my little friend.” Alfonso mimicked Tony Montana’s most famous line of the movie.Xavier dumped his book bag in a corner and started down the dark stairwell.He had to walk through the washroom to get to the den.Ne Ne had nice furniture in the living room and didn’t allow anybody to sit on it.On the day the delivery truck had driven up and dropped off the furniture, the room in the basement became Xavier’s and his brother’s spot.The light was bright inside the den.There, sitting on an old worn-out sofa, was a light-skinned kid who shared Xavier’s facial features.Alfonso didn’t look like he had a developmental impairment, and he most certainly didn’t talk like it, but Xavier knew better.He had lived with the young boy all of his life.Too many times he had watched his baby brother stumble and fall without tripping over anything.Watched him become frustrated in trying to express himself.Right now, Alfonso looked like a happy little boy enjoying PlayStation 3 behind those dumb sunglasses.Because the back of the couch faced the door, Xavier’s little brother wasn’t aware that he was being watched.Alfonzo ran another line from the movie.This was usually the time that Xavier would intervene and check him for saying something stupid, but he let the youngster have his fun.Besides, half the time Xavier didn’t think that Alfonso was aware of what he was saying.With his left thumb, he guided the direction arrows on the controller, and with his right one, Alfonso rapidly pushed the fire button to shoot up a couple more gangsters on the twenty-seven-inch flat screen.Alfonso was rocking an orange Polo shirt with the huge signature jockey and horse logo, black Levi’s, and one of the hottest pairs of Air Jordans.They were the number 11 editions, the sneakers with the patent leather traveling around both sides to the back of the shoe.Xavier was brutally aware of what kind of trouble Alfonso could get in flexing them.In Xavier’s hood, a twelve-year-old boy had been gunned down for his 11s a couple weeks back.Xavier left and walked back into the washroom, the world heavy around his shoulders.The streets were dangerous and preyed on kids without a clue.He didn’t know what he would do if something ever happened to his little brother.Alfonso was innocent.His only fault was being born into this trifling hood.Xavier had to figure out a way to keep him away from the bad element inside the neighborhood, and he would do it, even if it meant dying for it.Xavier usually went down to the basement and leaned against the washer to think.Sometimes it was the quietest spot in the house.Also, it always helped him to focus when he was near something of his father’s.Although Xavier was never good with a hammer and nails, his mind processed things much better any time he was near his old dude’s workbench and tools.He sure missed his dad.Xavier’s parents had never married.The old man had gone to jail before they had a chance to go to the altar, so Ne Ne had been left holding on to her maiden name, Alexander.Xavier was just six at the time that his father was sentenced.Ne Ne never mentioned anything about him—except when she was angry, and then she would blame Xavier’s old dude, Noah Hunter, for everything wrong inside her world.Xavier could remember when he was younger, sitting by the phone for hours waiting for his father’s collect phone call.But after a month or two, the calls stopped and his mother told him that his father wasn’t calling anymore.Since then, he hadn’t heard from the old dude.Not even one letter.Nothing.There was something fishy about the whole thing, and Xavier would bet that somehow Ne Ne was behind it.Being the man of the house wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.Xavier had to come up with a solution to keep his baby brother, Mr.Scarface, out of trouble, and Ne Ne was coming at him with the pressure to boot.All Xavier wanted to do was be a teenager and go to school, earn the kind of grades that would boost his GPA, and hopefully a university would break him off an academic scholarship.Maybe the life that he wanted for himself was merely what his mother quoted—a pipe dream.The situation at school was real and driving him on a collision course to have a throwdown with Dylan, but his one shining moment was meeting Samantha.She wasn’t like the other girls at Coleman High and he knew he had to move on her before the other cats started spitting their corny rap.She was fly, feisty, and dressed like her parents had loot.He was broke with dirty sneakers.One thing he knew was that girls looked at how clean a guy’s sneakers were and determined from there.Coleman High was home to quite a few dudes that rocked expensive designers and some ice cold jewelry pieces.Samantha would have her pick.The thought led to Xavier glossing over his mother’s proposition.From a business angle, it made a heck of a lot of sense.Bringing more money into the crib would improve all of their lives.With that kind of cash, he could move his little brother out of the hood and into better surroundings.Xavier would also be able to compete for Samantha.With no loot, Xavier figured that his chances of getting with her would be one-hundred-percent wack.She would never hook up with the likes of a dude like him, unless he clocked mad paper.Xavier could do this.There were scores of students looking to pop pills at his high school.The move would be easy.He would get in, make his paper, and get out [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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