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.TWO LANCES OF ENEMY 'MECHS POURED FROM THE JUNGLE.Aris opened a general line to the company."Fall back.Repeat, fall back to southern bank.Jumping 'Mechs take to the air.Fire Lance break off now.Yan Lu, take rear guard.You'll have to walk backward in order to keep your good armor toward the enemy."Yan's Thunder had the best armor of any of Aris' Battle-Mechs, and it could sustain hits better than anyone else's.And the machine's autocannon would keep the opposing 'Mechs from following too closely.His defense laid as best he could, Aris pivoted his Wraith and ran to the edge of the riverbank.At a stretch, the 'Mech could jump just over two hundred meters.It's gonna be close, he thought, triggering his jump jets for the third time this battle and angling for the far shore.And then incoming rockets made him realize that getting to the other side of the river had just become the least of his concerns.BATTLETECHLE5604BINDING FORCELoren L.ColemanROCPublished by the Penguin GroupPenguin Books USA Inc., 375 Hudson Street,New York, New York 10014, U.S.A.Penguin Books Ltd, 27 Wrights Lane,London W8 5TZ, EnglandPenguin Books Australia Ltd, Ringwood,Victoria, AustraliaPenguin Books Canada Ltd, 10 Alcorn Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4V 3B2 Penguin Books (N.Z.) Ltd, 182-190 Wairau Road, Auckland 10, New ZealandPenguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, EnglandFirst published by Roc, an imprint of Dutton Signet, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc.First Printing, June, 199710987654321Copyright © FAS A Corporation, 1997 All rights reservedSeries Editor: Donna Ippolito Cover art by Bruce JensenMechanical Drawings: Duane Loose and the FASA art departmentREGISTERED TRADEMARK—MARCA REGISTRADABATTLETECH, FASA, and the distinctive BATTLETECH and FASA logos are trademarks of the FASA Corporation, 1100 W.Cermak, Suite B305, Chicago, IL 60608.Printed in the United States of AmericaWithout limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE AT QUANTITY DISCOUNTS WHEN USED TO PROMOTE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES.FOR INFORMATION PLEASE WRITE TO PREMIUM MARKETING DIVISION.PENGUIN BOOKS USA INC., 375 HUDSON STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10014.If you purchased this book without a cover you should be aware that this book is stolen property.It was reported as "unsold and destroyed" to the publisher and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this "stripped book."This story is dedicated to my parents, LaRon and Dawn Coleman, who have both contributed much to my career and my appreciation of family.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSI would like to charge the following people with aiding and abetting a known author:Jim LeMonds, who gave me my initial tools.Keith A.Mick, for that first invitation.Ray Sainze, wherever he ended up, for sharing his fascination for BattleTech—it was contagious.Tim Tousely and Matt Dillahunty, who keep putting my computer back together.Everyone associated with "the gang"—that is, the Eugene Professional Writer's Workshop.Jon, Jak, and Tom, who first drew me in and made me feel welcome.Jerry, Kathy, Steve, Chris, Ray, Dan, and all the others who I haven't seen recently.Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rush, who have both done so much for my skills and my career.Greg Gordon, the man in the know.Bryan Nystul for my first BattleTech job.Mike Stackpole, Blaine Lee Pardoe, and Annalise Raziq, for their advice.Donna Ippolito, who worked very hard to help me get this story out.Heather Joy Coleman, a willing partner in my life.My sons, Talon Laron and Conner Rhys, who make everything worthwhile just by being there.PrologueCelestial PalaceForbidden City, SianSian Commonality, Capellan Confederation21 February 3058Ion Rush, Master of Imarra, toured the third-floor ballroom of the Celestial Palace, trying to avoid the other guests.He sipped occasionally at a light, dry wine that left the tang of plums on his tongue.Attired simply for the evening, he wore the dress uniform of House Imarra.An ivory-colored suit trimmed heavily in what was commonly called Liao green.Gold buttons decorated the sleeves, and the crest of the Capellan Confederation rode on a patch at his right shoulder.The Imarra uniform did not sport the narrow cape of the regular Capellan Armed Forces, and Ion had chosen to forego his ceremonial katana sword and medals.The Celestial Palace, seat of government for the Capellan Confederation, was currently hosting its biggest celebration of the year outside of the Chancellor’s birthday.The Chinese Lunar New Year.Its fifteen days of celebration and ritual observances gave the normally reserved Capellan citizens a chance to unwind, relax.If that is so, then why am I so tense ? He accepted a jiaozi from the tray of a passing server and bit into the spicy meat dumpling, concentrating on its rich flavor rather than the question he’d asked himself.The ballroom was nowhere near filled to capacity, but still Rush guessed that at least two hundred people milled about the spacious floor, making small talk, drinking wine, eating jiaozi or the sweet rice pudding niangao that was also a favorite of the New Year celebration.Red bunting and ribbon had been strung everywhere, the bright, cheerful color meant to reinforce the festive mood.The buzz of half a hundred conversations warmed his ears, but none engaged him as he continued his solitary patrol.Not because he could be easily ignored.Ion Rush was not a small man, nor usually one of quiet disposition.With close-cropped blonde hair and broad Slavic features he was obviously not a member of the Directorship, the Confederation’s bureaucratic and administrative caste, which took such pride in breeding themselves ever closer to their ideal of sharp-eyed, dark-haired Asian ancestry.Nor was he a member of the Intelligentsia, the technicians and scientists who made up the other high-ranking caste present at the Chancellor’s celebration [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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