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.“Seven!”She downed the rest of her champagne and set the glass on thebar.Determined to be by Roy’s side at midnight, she started walkingtoward him.He really did look handsome in his black suit.The lab coat heusually wore over khakis and a button-down shirt didn’t do himjustice.And the air of confidence about him added to his allure.He looked like he was in his element, whereas she was definitely out ofhers.“Six!”Suddenly, a hand reached out and clutched Roy’s arm, stoppinghim in his tracks.His head swiveled to see who’d waylaid him.Astunning redhead with Mae West curves flashed a big smile, grabbedthe back of Roy’s head, and glued her mouth to his.“Five!”Janis clenched her teeth so hard she swore she heard the enamelcrack.She wanted to pull the skanky bitch off her date and slap her silly.“Four!”10Gale StanleyShe’d seen the woman once before.But she’d been wearing awhite nurse’s uniform instead of a strapless black cocktail dress that fit her like a second skin.She sat at a reception desk in front of Roy’s office and acted like his guard dog.“Three!”Maybe Roy needed a guard dog.His status at PhiladelphiaHospital had grown since some mysterious benefactor funded a newaddition.With the building complete, Roy had been named head ofthe Foundation for Infertility and Reproductive Medicine.The FIRMturned out to be a major coup for the hospital.The sprawling complexthat had once been a public charity hospital had gained new respectand became a major player in the world of research.Roy had highhopes of achieving a major breakthrough in the treatment ofinfertility.“Two!”She’d been so thrilled when Roy asked her to be his date.He’dchosen to share his success with her and show her off to hiscolleagues.Now it looked like she was being played as his secondfiddle.“Happy New Year!”At the stroke of midnight, popping balloons sent streams ofconfetti pouring over the excited crowd.She lost sight of Roy and the redhead, and she bit back hot tears.The crowd shifted, and Janis caught a glimpse of Roy.Shewatched the redhead pull a tissue from a tiny beaded purse and dab athis face.She wanted to claw the woman’s eyes out.The woman had given her a hard time the day she’d stopped atRoy’s office.She’d made a big show of checking Roy’s calendar andletting Janis know she wasn’t on it.If Roy hadn’t stepped out of his inner sanctum, Janis might not have gotten to see him at all.He’d brushed off her questions about the redhead.He paid thewoman to screen his visitors.She had only been doing her job.Captive11Had Janis been stupid to believe him? Her inner critic said yes.The subversive voice berated her.What did you expect?She’d known Roy was out of her league as soon as she met him.His dark good looks drew glances wherever they went, but more thanthat, Roy was husband material—a doctor.The nurses probablyswarmed over him like bees to honey.No wonder he rarely asked herto meet him at the hospital.She’d been a fool, running out to get her hair and nails done.Buying a new dress.Suddenly she felt dowdy and unattractive.Shesmoothed the taffeta over her hips.The full skirt couldn’t competewith the redhead’s short, slinky model.She tried to look invisible.Not that anyone would notice her.They’d all paired off, lip-locked and groping each other in an erotic celebration of the New Year.Why had Roy chosen her when he could have had his pick of somany others? They had so little in common.He’d always lived in thecity while she’d grown up in the wilds of Pennsylvania.He haddegrees up the wazoo while she stopped at a high school diploma.Why did she feel so inadequate around him? She did a bang-upjob managing her brothers’ apartment building, and she’d alreadysigned up for classes so she could become a licensed real estate agent.She’d given him all the power in this relationship because she’dviewed him as perfect.Obviously, he was far from it.If she couldn’ttrust him, then maybe he wasn’t the man for her.Right then and there, she made a New Year’s resolution.From now on she would speak hermind and stand up for herself.Janis took a step toward the door.She refused to stand alone likesome lovelorn loser while her date kissed another woman across theroom.If she had to spend her New Year’s in the ladies room, so be it.Suddenly, strong arms circled her waist and pulled her in.Roy’sdistinctive cologne, a citrus fragrance, flooded her nostrils.Sweet relief filled her.He hadn’t deserted her completely.Suddenly her new resolve kicked in.12Gale StanleyGet a backbone, girl!She would not let him get away with this.She twisted in his arms, and he planted a big sloppy kiss on hermouth before she could open it to bawl him out.Ugh!His kisses never made her toes curl and especially not with theredhead’s saliva still in his mouth.Janis swore she could taste her.But he held her so tight she had no choice but to endure hisenthusiastic smooch.She detected interest in another part of hisanatomy.The hard ridge of his cock pressed against her, finding hercore like a homing pigeon.When he pulled back, she lost it.She put her hands on hisshoulders and shoved.“Where were you?”Roy’s hurt expression almost looked genuine.He backed off andraised his hands in surrender.“Hey, calm down.I’m a doctor,remember? My work doesn’t shut down for the holiday like yours.His brow wrinkled, and his face took on a sullen look that signaled his disapproval.“Research takes priority over a holiday party.” His backrigid, he folded his arms over his chest [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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