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.I want her to fight me, I want her to deny everything in some false attempt at defiance, and then I want to break her down until she never thinks of defying me again.That would be all according to plans.That's not how it worked, though.*** ChastityHe sliced through my clothes, but he didn't hurt me.His cuts were smooth and sleek, practiced.He must do this a lot.I wasn't the first one he's done this to, I realized.His hands moved with steady determination, never wavering.He knew exactly what he wanted to do and exactly how he wanted to do it.He was going to hurt me.I shouldn't be admiring him like this.Maybe he wasn't, though.He wasn't hurting me now, was he? I didn't know this man, I didn't know anything about him, but he looked painful to me.Agonized.Maybe he needed something.Maybe he was doing this for a reason.He seemed driven and with purpose.It was foolish of me to think this, because he admitted he was going to fuck me whether I wanted him to or not, but I thought he might just need someone.Maybe there was something wrong with him.Maybe I could help him.Maybe I would be able to show him that not everything was bad and there were some good things in life, too.After he finished with my clothes, he went to get a drink.Without anything to keep me warm, I shivered.I thought that was why I shivered, but I didn't know if it was that or if I wanted him to continue.If I wanted him to take me, to be rough with me, to fuck me.All the rest of my life was filled with peace and gentle touches, but for some reason this seemed so much more real.I was twenty-one years old now.It was my birthday yesterday.Maybe it was still my birthday now, but I didn't know what day it was anymore.I'd gone out drinking with my friends, and planned on having a good time.In my pants, shred to tatters by his scissors, was a piece of paper from a fortune cookie I ate.The actual cookie was probably on the ground outside the backdoor of the club from when I threw up, but I still had the fortune that went along with it.Today is a day of many changes.This was a change.A big one.This was wrong, but it was real.It was exhilarating in all the worst ways and I knew I shouldn't be excited by it, but I was.I wanted to feel real and alive.I wanted change."I'm cold," I said, but I didn't know if I was.He smiled at me."I'll warm you up, love."His words were so soft and sweet that I almost believed them.I wanted to believe them.He'll unshackle me and take me down and we'll lay in bed together, happy, forgetting any of this ever happened.Why did you kidnap me? That's what I would ask him.Are you lonely? Do you need someone? Because.because maybe I.I can.He slapped me hard and my head jerked to the side.I opened my mouth to gasp and he slapped me again, this time on the other cheek.Before I knew it, his hand was in my panties, cupping the front of my body and feeling the warmth of my core.Oh! No, I wasn't cold anymore.I was hot.I was.His hand moved further, dipping a finger into my wet slit.I didn't mean to be aroused, and I didn't know what I was aroused about.Maybe not aroused, but excited.I was excited at the possibilities.At the raw reality this man possessed, at what he could show me about really being alive.It was a sick idea, a depraved obsession, and I knew this, but that didn't stop me.He moved gently, soft, then hard, pressing against me and pinning me to the wall.My senses and my body were reeling at his touch, unsure whether to push against him or to pull away.I did both, one after the other, sometimes the same as him, but other times fighting against him.Yes.please.fuck.fuck me.He was squeezing my.my pussy.my cunt! I could be dirty, too.I could be real and raw and rough just like him.He was squeezing my cunt, two fingers pressed deep inside of me, holding me like I was some fruit he stole from a basket, ripe and ready to eat.I felt owned, wanted and needed.He told me his name before, whispered it harshly into my ear.Noah.What a sweet name.What a lovely, beautiful, handsome, raw and real name.That was who was doing this to me.No one else could, no one else would.Just him.Noah.Suddenly he slumped to the floor.I blinked open my eyes, trying to figure out what went wrong, feeling lost without his vicious fingers inside of me.Someone covered my eyes with a blindfold and stuffed a gag in my mouth, then unshackled me and threw me to the ground.(Day Four)Name: Noah (Surname unknown or unnecessary)Age: 28Birthday: November 14thHeight: 6' 1" / 185cmWeight: 187 lbs / 84.8kg (Fit)*** NoahI wake up and open my eyes and I'm not in my house.I'm not in my fucking training room.I'm not fucking the shit out of that fucking bitch, Chastity White, and she's not begging me to stop.None of the fucking things I should be fucking doing are fucking happening and I'm really pissed off about it, actually.I am not patient or understanding when it comes to this, and I never will be.I wanted to get everything over with, and now I can't.I don't know what happened and I don't want to know.I was probably arrested.I think about that sometimes, wondering what would happen if it ever happened.It's unlikely, because I'm careful and I'm good at what I do, but there's always the possibility.Someone might rat me out.How entertaining would that be? Really entertaining if you think about it.Why would anyone think about it? This isn't the sort of thing people put a lot of time and effort into worrying over.It's something that happens to anyone else but them.You can't relate.You can never relate.So that's that.I look around, expecting to see police interrogators.There's none of that, though.I'm in some pure white room with white walls, white tables, white everything.Everything's white.Fucking white.What the fuck is this about? White is the most fake color I can think of.Everything about it is a lie.There's some woman wearing white standing in front of me, too.Her skin is tanned and she's got pitch black hair, but her dress is so white it's almost colorless.The bodice clings to her upper body, accentuating her breasts and her curves, but it loosens from the waist down, hiding her hips and her legs in free, flowing cloth.It's a simple dress, nothing fancy about it.I don't know why the fucking dress fascinates me so much.It's not even the dress that does it, it's her.Her in the dress, her standing there, staring at me, smiling.I realize that it's not even really her that does it, either.It's me.It's the fact that I'm standing here, chained to a wall, shackled and caged, while this bitch dressed in white just stands there in front of me, pristine and perfect.Who the fuck does she think she is?Out of the corner of my eye, I see Chastity White shackled on an adjacent wall.She's awake and staring at the woman in front of us, too.Fuck.What's she doing here? She's not involved in this.She's my fucking victim.Fuck, fuck, fuck."Noah," the woman in white says, inclining her head slightly in a nod."It is a pleasure to finally meet you.I have heard so much about you, that I admit to being curious.I do not know if you will be what I expected, but I am very intrigued."She speaks with a perfect, even tone, almost regal.Classy and sophisticated, that's what that is.I don't like it.It's fake.All of this is fake.This white room, her white dress, her steady, majestic voice, talking to me like she's a fucking princess or something.She doesn't know who the fuck she's dealing with.I have no idea how she knows my name."Who the fuck are you?" I ask her.She smiles sweetly and sighs."We will need to work on your vulgarity," she says."The fuck?"She ignores my annoyed confusion."You may call me Angeline."Oh shit.This isn't good.When I don't say anything, she smiles again, pleased with herself."You know of me?" she asks."I know of an Angeline," I say."Excuse me if I've got my doubts about you being her, love.""Understandable [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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