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.When a busty older woman stepped in front of them and grabbed him, Hawk balled his fist to keep from pushing her away and declaring to the room full of strangers that Winter belonged to him.A glance at his brother proved Garrett to be just as affected.“Sweetheart, what happened? It was Scott, wasn’t it? I told you that man was no good for a sweet thing like you.And who are these hot honeys you brought with you today? Research? Or purely pleasure?”The woman’s questions came at machine-gun speed as she led Winter to the booth he’d indicated earlier as being his.Once they reached it, Hawk understood.A bright yellow sign sat at the front edge of the booth stating “Reserved for Winter.”“Anna, these are me mates, Garrett and Hawk,” Winter said in a perfect Irish accent as he slid into one side of the booth.Garrett sat next to him so Hawk settled across the table.She laughed loudly at his accent.Apparently this wasn’t the first time he’d done this.“Your mates, eh? Does that mean you kicked Scott to the curb?”Winter nodded as he settled both casts on the table.He once again looked uncomfortable, so Hawk decided it was time to divert the woman’s concerned nosiness.“Do you have a breakfast special?” he asked without looking at a menu.Anna stared at him as if searching for something.He met her gaze evenly, trying not to shift as she studied him intently for nearly a minute.Then she turned her attention to Garrett and did the same thing.Finally she nodded with a broad smile.“You’ll do.But I’ll warn you now, you hurt my boy and you’ll answer to me.”“Yes, ma’am,” Hawk and Garrett answered as one.“Now, breakfast.I’ll assume you two drink coffee?” She waited until they nodded.“Good, because anyone who doesn’t drink it won’t last long with this one.All right, then.I’ll bring coffee, and your breakfast will be up in a few minutes.” She nodded once again after looking at the three men.Then she walked off without another word.Hawk looked at Winter.“She didn’t ask what we wanted.”“She never does.But you’ll love whatever she brings.She’s magic that way,” Winter said.“I just don’t know how I’m going to eat with these things.”“Don’t worry, sexy, we’ll take care of you.That’s our job now,” Garrett explained softly.“We’ll keep you safe and love you and make you so happy, you’ll forget all about Scott and any other man who’s ever hurt you.”Winter’s eyes grew wide as he digested the solemn vow.He looked at Hawk who nodded his agreement.“You’ll never be sad or alone again, baby.”* * * *Winter swallowed hard before he said softly, “I just hope I can make you happy, too.”Hawk reached across the table and held Winter’s fingers as Garrett dropped a hand under the table and ran it up and down his thigh.“You make us happy just sitting there,” Hawk said softly.“Will you be okay moving to Sanctuary?”“Do you have Internet?”“Yes,” Garrett answered.“Will I be able to leave and go to book signings and conferences and stuff?”“Of course,” Hawk said.“We’ll want to go with you because we won’t want to be far from you for too long.” Garrett answered a moment later.“Mates prefer to spend all their time together, which is why our ancestors settled Sanctuary.That, plus the fact that many people frown on triad relationships.”“Will your family be okay with this? With your mate being a man, I mean.”“As long as we’re happy, our family will be.Plus there’s nothing they can do about it.Fate determined we were mates, and no shape shifter can go against their destiny.Of course it helps that we’re all gay,” Garrett ended with a chuckle.Before Winter could ask another question, Anna returned with three mugs and an insulated pot of coffee.After serving the three men, she handed Winter a tablespoon that had an extra large handle.“You’ll need this to eat with.”“Thanks, luv.” Winter shifted back into his Irish brogue, earning a questioning glance from his mates.With a smile he explained.“It’s a game we play.Anna has always been supportive, and when I got stuck writing my first book she suggested this so I can get in the heads of my main characters.It worked so well that every time I start a new book, I become the main character.I play with accents, and we talk about clothing choices and personality traits.She also shares stories about some of the other customers.I think she’s one of the reasons I get so many compliments from my readers.They like the fact that my characters are sometimes less than perfect with a limp or a scar or a bad attitude [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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