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."Unfortunately, all of these entertainment avenues that Landseer Enterprises has been slipping into are much less obvious and overt in regards to success," Lucent said."I don't believe the issue resides in quality or quantity, so much as persistence and dedication.""You don't think we can do anything, then?" Asher asked.It sounded odd coming from Lucent, but who knew?"The advice is sound," Lucent said."Finding more authors will increase the awareness of Landseer Publishing and bring prestige to that aspect of the business.It's possible that the music industry will benefit from similar treatment, along with filmography and everything else.It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, though.That's all.""Bitter, because.?""Miss Tanner and Mrs.Landseer try their best, which is all anyone can ask of them.Bringing in new authors seems to downplay their efforts and qualify them as 'not good enough,' which may lower their sense of self worth and lessen their enthusiasm in continuing with their endeavors.""Oh," Asher said.He thought he should say more, but he wasn't sure where to go from there."Indeed," Lucent agreed."Perhaps they should write something else instead?" Asher offered."Or is it too soon to tell? Perhaps they just need more books out? Can we do audiobooks? Elise and Jessika could narrate them, couldn't they? That'd save costs, and be a fun sort of experiment, I guess.Can we get into the trade paperback business, perhaps? Move from electronic to physical, offer a wider variety of content? Landseer Publishing is just starting, so we need to keep expectations in check, don't we?"Lucent frowned, blinked, stared at the folder of documents in front of him, stopped walking, frowned again, and."Lucent, what's wrong?" Asher asked."This is between you and I," he said."Also, to preface what I'm about to say, I mean this in the nicest of ways." Lucent cleared his throat before continuing."I'm unsure if I would feel comfortable with Miss Tanner narrating her book for a public audience.""She wrote the book, though.She published it and everything.People have bought it, haven't they? We gave away—" Asher paused to check the paper in his hand."Is this a lot? We've given away nearly 3,000 copies through promotional efforts.That seems alright, doesn't it?""According to my sources, an excellent free promotional period is more akin to tens of thousands of copies downloaded, so in those regards Miss Tanner's e-book is performing below average, as well.I haven't informed her of this as of yet, and I'd appreciate it if this remained between you and I.""Alright, so.?""My caution comes from the fact that her sole book as of now is of an extremely erotic nature and I believe she'll narrate it as such," Lucent said.Asher blinked, frowned, stared at the paper in his hand, blinked again."So you're saying that she'll get too into the sexy parts?" he asked."Wouldn't that potentially be good? I mean, we've never really considered adding phone sex operators as a part of our business operations, but it sounds nicer if you sell erotic audiobooks doesn't it?"Lucent scowled."Audiobook narration isn't nearly the same as phone sex.""I'm just saying that it could appeal to some sort of demographic.People buy the book, don't they?" He checked the number of copies sold thus far."Is this good?""Not particularly.""Oh.""I approve of Miss Tanner's enthusiasm and curiosity in exploring her ideas, but I feel as if she may be better served—and that Mrs.Landseer may also be better served—by writing to an audience that prefers longer works.This allows us more vantage points to access, if you will.Audiobooks and trade paperbacks, yes, but also film opportunities, as well.""I suppose you don't want to turn her current book into a short film? Have her play the starring role?" Asher stifled a laugh, and forced himself to stifle it further when Lucent jerked his head to the side and stared at him with an expression bordering on horror."What!""You'd play opposite her, of course! We wouldn't just hire some random person [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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