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.Thomas was shaking his head as he laughed."Not this time, cowboy.I never put out on a firstdate."Did this mean he'd been considering puttingout? Eric really hoped he’d been reading the signalsright but he was fairly sure the attraction had beenmutual.Deciding not to push it this time hewhistled for the dogs, who were sniffing atsomething farther down the beach.Saying goodbyeto Thomas, Eric moved off towards the cottage.Hedefinitely needed breakfast.Thomas didn't seem in any rush to move,though, despite his previous statement, becauseEric could feel the man's eyes on his back for quitea while.He chanced a look back.Thomas wasstaring after him, his blue eyes shuttered as hewatched Eric leave.* * * *Eric was exhausted.By the time he unpacked hisgear, all he wanted to do was lie on the sofa anddoze.After not having a vacation longer than fourconsecutive days in two years, the strain wasshowing.He could feel the edges of anothermigraine coming on, even though the last oneoccurred less than a month ago.He needed to find a store somewhere to pick upfood for himself and the dogs, plus some oil for theheater.Eric sat down for five minutes, only to wakeup in almost pitch black.For a moment he wascompletely disorientated, not sure where he was.Then he remembered; vacation, remote cottage,hot neighbor!Banging on the door set the dogs barking.Ericreluctantly heaved himself off the sofa and thenstumbled around to find the kitchen door in thedarkness.On the other side of the door was theneighbor, holding a pot that smelled heavenly.Hehad his free hand raised as if he was about toknock againEric blinked sleepily and yawned again."Evening, Thomas.It is evening, isn't it?"Thomas smiled at him as he held out the pot."Ithought you might not have had a chance to get tothe local store so I brought you some dinner.Beefpot roast." Still sleep-fuddled, Eric made no moveto take it and Thomas' smile slipped a little."Uh, well, maybe I should have asked first."He stepped back as if to leave but fortunatelyEric's brain caught up and he leaped forward tostop his dinner (and hot neighbor — priority on thestomach) leaving."Don't go.I was sleeping.It smells wonderful.Ijust woke up.Would you like to join me?" Aware hewas babbling, Eric shut his mouth with an audiblesnap.Thomas moved past bewildered straight ontothe expression reserved for small children and thementally challenged."Shall we go inside? We couldeat it here but it might be messy without plates andforks.""I— uh— yeah— whatever— plates— yeah.""Babbling again." Thomas said gently as hemoved past Eric into the kitchen.Eric groaned inwardly.He was a grown manbehaving like a thirteen year old on a first date.Hefumbled clumsily for the light switch, still nottotally familiar with the layout of the room (orawake).Thomas saw what he was doing andleaned forward, illuminating the room with one flickof a switch."Sit down before you fall, 'Ric." Thomas said, pushing him into the nearest chair.Eric shook his head to clear the fuzziness."I'mnot normally quite so…""Dorky? Slow?" suggested Thomas helpfully.Eric glared at him."I was gonna say tired.""That'll work too," agreed Thomas as he loaded Eric's plate with enough meat and vegetables tofeed a family of four for a week… or an EricPawlowski.He managed to wait until Thomas servedhimself; his momma had taught him some manners."This is really kind of you," he tried to say around a mouthful of slow-cooked beef melting in his mouth.Thomas shook his head, seemingly amused."Eat, then talk."Eric nodded, scooping more food into his mouththan was really polite.Thomas watched thedemolition of his cooking with increasingamazement."I was going to suggest the dogs hadthe rest," He grinned as Eric whimpered in protest,"but they can have some of the gravy on theirkibble."Thomas loaded Eric's plate up again and satback down to his own dinner, the dogs millingaround their feet in hopeful anticipation of somescraps.Eric pretended not to notice Thomaspassing them some pieces of beef.The pot was totally empty and he'd scrapedaround the inside with some homemade bread,thoughtfully provided by the other man, before Ericsat back, replete.He tried to hide a satisfied belchbut by the twitch of Thomas' lips, his attemptfailed."You do realize I brought enough for three days,don't you?""I thought I'd save time and eat it before it had a chance to go bad.'Sides, tomorrow night I'm gonnatake you out to dinner to say thanks." Eric informed him, then promptly blushed as he realized howpresumptuous he sounded."Done." Thomas agreed."If you like we can go to Bob's.""Bob's?""The local bar.Slightly shabby but great food.You tried to run me down in the parking lot lastnight." Thomas gave him a smirk.Eric sighed theatrically."You're not gonna let meforget that, are you?""Nope." Thomas pushed back his chair andstarted collecting the plates."You don't have to do that.Here, let me help."Eric pushed back his chair and took the pot andtheir glasses over to the sink.The room wasn't verybig and the two men, both over six foot, ended uptripping over each other.Thomas shoved a dishtowel in his hand."I'll wash, you dry.Stay!" he ordered."Woof!" said Eric, hanging his tongue out theside of his mouth like Millie and Toby."Hah! Suppose you think that's funny?""We thought so, didn't we, girl?" Eric scratched Millie gently behind the ears; she leaned happilyinto his touch, obviously enjoying the affection.Helooked up to catch Thomas smiling fondly at both ofthem.The man looked a little embarrassed whenhe realized he'd been caught.They finished thedishes to the accompaniment of Eric's yawning.Thomas stowed the last of the plates away andpicked up his Crockpot [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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