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.Their perceptions, she knew from conversational experience, were based on books and movies and they would think her life was like that.They would imagine all kinds of things and she would be reduced to at best a subject of gossip and at worst the butt of jokes and prejudice.Sometimes Vivienne told herself that was merely her own nervousness talking.She should have no qualms about having pride in all aspects of her life.Hell, if she’d been gay, she would never have hidden it! But perhaps that was different.She wondered at that, and at all those notions of what was “different” and what was “deviant”, and yet none of her speculation made her any more inclined to come out in public as a wielder of whips and control.Anyway it wasn’t just her.If people knew she had a partner of any kind, Vivienne suspected they would begin to ask irritating questions, and if they met her boy, they might well connect him with the IT firm he worked for, which was intermittently involved in the same promotions and projects as her company.It would only lead to more questions, and several of those would probably be more difficult for Ash to field than for her.Besides, Vivienne reflected with a fierce flare of ire boiling within, he wasn’t for them.He was hers.Hers, and no one else’s.As she looked at him across the polished pine table and watched the lamplight shade his lean, slightly uneven features, Vivienne was forced to admit just how possessively she wanted to guard him.Ash grunted with pleasure at the first mouthful of cheesecake, though his expression as he looked at her—spoon still between his lips, his cheeks slightly pink from the wine—grew boyish with tentative excitement.“Really?” he asked, digging his spoon back into the dessert.“You’d want me to come help?”Vivienne picked up a strawberry between her finger and thumb, genuinely surprised by his enthusiasm.“Well—”“Because I’m more than happy to,” he assured her, a glimmer of enthusiasm building in his eyes as he added, “Miss.”Vivienne tried to ignore the pulse of pleasure that word ignited within her.“Hm,” she said nonchalantly, rolling the strawberry gently in her grasp.“I-I’d like to,” he admitted.“Really.”She moved the soft, shiny fruit slowly and watched Ash’s gaze follow it.She had never told any of her colleagues she was in a relationship, much less explained the nature of it.Did she really want to start exploring that potential minefield now? Could she? Part of her—the part that took pride in Ash because he was hers and because he was beautiful—was just a little tempted despite her misgivings.Sometimes, after all, she wondered if she so jealously hid him away out of her own uncertainty.Would it really be so bad to show him off just once? Would it really be that difficult?Vivienne put the strawberry to her closed lips, tracing the fruit around her mouth as she stared at him, watching the way his throat bobbed and his fingers tightened on his spoon.She could do it, she supposed.Have him here, let him meet them all and let him help her prepare.Let him be her official “significant other” for the evening…or something.A fleeting and yet thoroughly beautiful vision of her boy in service moved through her mind.Some suitably pretty outfit—maybe that pair of mesh compression shorts that framed his ass so nicely—with a bare chest and bowtie, a plate of canapés balanced in his hands as he moved silently through a room full of guests.They would all look, all admire, but no one would be permitted to touch him.No one but her.Vivienne’s breath deepened as she pictured the scene and traced the berry down from the fullness of her lower lip to the point of her chin.Its shiny red skin felt so cool against the warmth of her face.She pictured herself sitting in her living room, surrounded by guests as Ash knelt naked at her side.They spent evenings in front of the TV that way sometimes.After a post-scene shower, both wrapped in snuggly bathrobes, she’d curl up on the couch and he would sit by her feet.She could play idly with his hair and feel the weight of his head as he rested his cheek against her thigh.He was so happy like that.So content…and so was she [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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