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.He left the club at about midnight, and when he got home, he took a shower, threw on a robe, and sat in front of his computer for while.He told himself that he was going to check work e-mail, but mostly he just stared at the screen, thinking about Craig.Why not?That was the question that was tops on his mind.Other than some vague unease about Craig’s emotional state, which was really none of his business, Doug couldn’t come up with a real reason not to.Craig was a big boy.He knew Doug’s reputation.He’d said so himself.If Craig balked in the middle, Doug would respect that and back off.Doug could think of worse people than himself to be the guy’s first time.He would never hurt Craig or force him to do something he didn’t want.The same couldn’t be said for everyone out there—his own first time was a prime example of that—so really, why not?Doug made himself some coffee and got dressed in a pair of jeans and a sweater.It wasn’t his usual club wear, but he didn’t think Craig would mind.He pulled his leather coat back on against the chill of late fall in Detroit and drove back to the club, arriving in the parking lot just as Gigi’s was closing up for the night.When he spotted Craig coming out the back door with some of the bouncers, he got out of his car and walked partway across the lot, stopping about ten feet away from them.Craig noticed him immediately and stopped in his tracks.The bouncers stopped talking and swung around, eyeing him cautiously.The bigger of the two, Eric, recognized him after only a second and waved.“Hey man.What are you doing back so late and all by yourself?”Doug had fucked Eric a couple of times when neither one of them had found anyone else of interest, and Doug considered him as close to a friend as he got at Gigi’s.He smiled lazily at the man.“I’m here to talk to my favorite bartender.”Eric’s thick eyebrows rose to his hairline as he turned back to look at Craig.It was dark, but Doug would have bet money that Craig’s face was bright red at that moment.“All righty then,” Eric said, “I guess we’ll be leaving you two alone.Come on, Ted.”Eric grabbed the other bouncer’s arm, dragging him across the parking lot.Doug watched them go with a smile.He and Craig would probably be number one on the gossip mill by tomorrow night.When he turned back, Craig was walking toward him.“Hey,” Craig said, shoving his hands into his leather jacket and stopping a few feet away.“Hey, yourself.”“What are you doing here? I thought you went home.”“I did.I came back.”Craig scuffed his boot in the loose gravel of a pothole.His eyes were firmly fixed on the ground.“Why?”“I told you I’d think about what you asked, and I have.”Craig looked up at him.“And?”“And, I’m saying yes, conditionally.”“Meaning?”“Meaning I’d like to ask you a few things first, but I’d rather be someplace a little warmer when I do it.”Doug raised his eyebrows and quirked a smile.Craig’s shoulders visibly relaxed and he chuckled.“Yeah, okay.I live around the corner.It’s a shitty little place compared to what you’re probably used to, but it’s warm.The parking lot’s gated, but I can’t guarantee your car’s safety, not in this neighborhood.”Doug felt his smile widen.Craig was cute, trying to look after him like that.“Don’t worry about it.That’s what insurance is for.”When Craig led him into his apartment building a short while later, Doug had to admit that Craig was right.It was definitely not what he was used to.The building was obviously old and rundown.The elevator smelled faintly of cigarette smoke and a few other things that Doug didn’t want to identify.He didn’t say anything, but he was careful not to touch the walls or anything else he didn’t have to.At least Craig’s apartment was on the top floor, so he didn’t have to worry about what was living above him.It was a tiny one bedroom with ancient beige carpeting and dingy vinyl vertical blinds.Craig’s furniture was secondhand and a little shabby, but he obviously took pains to keep the place as clean as it could be.“Do you want a beer?” Craig asked as he walked into the tiny kitchen and pulled a bottle out of the refrigerator.“Sure.” He really didn’t want the beer, but Craig looked like he needed one, so Doug accepted it to be polite.Doug draped his coat over the back of the lumpy couch and took a seat, waiting for Craig to join him.Craig returned from the kitchen a moment later, handed him the beer, and set his down on the coffee table before taking off his own jacket and sitting in the small wood chair next to the couch.Doug relaxed against the back of the couch, waiting for Craig to make the first move.The younger man looked tense, but this was his place and his show, so Doug wasn’t going to push [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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