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.‘Shit!’ she heard JD shout.She stopped walking and turned back.His voice betrayed a note of genuine annoyance.‘What is it?’ she asked.‘It’s nearly twelve!’ JD seemed panicked and was looking around him.‘What’s so bad about that? Have you got to be home?’‘No, no, it’s nothing like that.Look, I’ve gotta rush.I have to pick my little brother up from church.He’ll get panicky and upset if I’m late.’Beth took a step towards him.‘I’ll come with you, if you like.’‘Nah.Thanks for the offer, but my brother will get all excitable if he sees you and we’ll never get him home.Then my mom will go nuts if he’s late.’‘Well, I can wait here for you, if you can come back.’ Beth couldn’t hide the fact that she didn’t want the evening to end, and she definitely didn’t want to head back home to her stepmother just yet.‘You sure?’ asked JD‘Sure I’m sure.And I’ll tell you what.If you can make it back here by one o’clock, the end of the witching hour, I’ll let you take me out.’JD grinned at her.‘See you at one then.Wait for me on the pier.Be careful though, there’s some weirdos around tonight.’ With that remark still floating in the air he turned and dashed off in the direction of town.The promenade was still deserted and the waves were breaking softly against the harbour wall just a few feet from where Beth was walking.The ocean air was refreshing as it filled her lungs and she took several deep breaths of it.At last she was finding out what it was like to be truly happy.After less than a minute she reached the pier and stepped on to the creaky wooden boards that led out over the water.The pier was no more than fifty yards long and was a little rickety, but it yet hadn’t been deemed unsafe by the Mayor.Beth walked along it until she reached the end where she stood leaning over the wooden railing, looking out over the ocean.The moon was still shining brightly and she lost herself in it, gazing at its reflection across the rippling waves and smiling both inwardly and outwardly.The gentle raindrops that had been splashing on her face intermittently for the last few minutes began to drop a little more frequently.Not that she minded.Nor did she care, either, that she had promised her stepmother that she would be home by midnight.Unfortunately, there are many unwritten rules in Santa Mondega.One of them clearly states that no one is allowed to be happy for long.There’s always something bad on the horizon.In Beth’s case it was a lot closer than the horizon she was gazing at across the sea.Just a few yards away from her was one of the most unpleasant members of the undead world.If she had glanced down she would have seen the fingertips of two bony hands clinging on to the end of the boardwalk.The hands belonged to a vampire.His clawed feet were dangling in the water beneath him.The waves were washing around his ankles because the tide had risen significantly while he had waited patiently for a gullible innocent to come and stare out at the ocean.Beth was that gullible innocent.Feeding time.FourSanchez hated going to church, so he made a point of not doing so too often.This, though, was a special occasion, by all accounts.With that in mind he’d picked out his best clothes: a pair of blue jeans with no rips in them, and a white polo neck sweater with no visible stains on it.He’d even put some mousse in his thick black hair to give himself that slicked-back, hey-man-you-are-way-too-cool, look.They owed tonight’s special event to the new preacher who had recently taken over at the local church, and had a passion for trying new things.The latest fad involved inviting all comers to a midnight mass on Halloween, which was to feature a special guest appearance from what the Reverend claimed was ‘the greatest rock ’n’ roll act in Santa Mondega’.He hadn’t revealed the name of the act, so on the off chance that the act turned out to be some cheesy Osmonds-type group Sanchez had come prepared, bringing along a brown paper sack containing some rotten fruit to throw at anyone whose musical talents didn’t meet his exacting standards [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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