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.I don’t know what he will do to me if you don’t come.” Katrina tried to be as pathetic as possible, saying Elijah had been adamant that she get her brother there or else.“Please, Will, do this for me.I need your help.”Will relented.“I’ll see what I can do.” He hung up, wondering what on earth he was getting himself into as he went to bed.Elijah’s obviously still blaming me for her stunt, he thought, as he lay in bed unable to sleep.If I go there and speak to him about it, he might let her out of the contract, or he might call the authorities and have us both hauled away in handcuffs.It definitely felt like a very bad idea, but he couldn’t just leave her there.She really sounded scared this time, and Katrina didn’t scare easily.If it got Katrina off his back and out of his life once and for all, then it might well be worth the trip.He laughed out loud at himself, and Todd jumped.He patted his head.“It’s okay, boy, go back to sleep.I’m just losing my mind.”“Katrina always gets what she wants,” he muttered and fell into a restless sleep.It was early morning when Will boarded the small plane in Billings that would take him to a remote airfield near the Hunter estate.There were only five people on board: three older women together, an older man by himself, and a young man, also alone.The older gentleman seated across from him attempted to engage him in conversation almost immediately after they boarded the plane.“Where you headed?” he asked.“To visit my sister.” Will didn’t maintain eye contact and hoped the man wouldn’t pursue it any further.He wasn’t in the mood to discuss this matter with a planeload of strangers.But, unfortunately, that wasn’t meant to be.“She lives pretty far off the beaten track, doesn’t she?” The man smiled as he continued his idle questioning.“She’s staying with friends.” Will knew it wasn’t exactly true, but didn’t know what else to say without telling more than he should.Will again tried to avoid eye contact and began reading a pamphlet, but the questions persisted.“Who is she visiting? I know most of the folks in this area.”“She’s staying with the Hunters.” The silence fell hard.He could feel the speculation circulating through the plane like a tornado.Before, everyone had been talking amongst themselves; now, everyone was listening to them.The plane was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.“Elijah Hunter?” the man asked, considerably taken aback by his statement.“Yes, she’s staying with Elijah and Martin at their ranch.” Will again tried to end the conversation but the man was tenacious.“Do you know the Hunters?” he asked, his eyes searching Will’s face as if he wasn’t sure how to proceed.“No, I don’t know them at all.” His tone was a little sharp, but the man did not pick up on Will’s irritation.“Elijah Hunter is a hard individual to get close to.He’s a self-made man, you know,” the old gentleman began without prompting.“He built that small ranch into an estate that is the largest in the county and one of the largest in the state.” He pondered a moment before continuing.“Elijah is a formidable man and not someone to trifle with, I’ll tell you that.Ask anyone who has dealt with him and they will tell you he can be as hard as a rock and as tough as nails.” He sounded as if he spoke from experience.“Martin, his brother, isn’t so bad.Martin can be reasoned with, and he has an even temper.Elijah is cold and unpleasant, every day of the year.” He paused for a few minutes.“Your sister must be very special.Elijah doesn’t usually tolerate guests.”“Oh, she’s special, all right,” Will answered sarcastically.The man rambled on for quite some time, or so it seemed.He explained that Elijah was very suspicious and even antagonistic with most people, strangers in particular.He’d had a long, hard life and it had taken him many years to achieve his present financial level.Will continued to nod appropriately throughout this conversation, which made it appear as if he were actually listening.There wasn’t anything that the man was telling him that he was at all interested in.He couldn’t care less how Elijah built his fortune or what his opinion of others were based on, but he continued to listen and nod.All that was expected of him was to meet with Elijah, see if he could be of any help to Katrina, and then leave.Will had no intention of remaining at the Hunter Ranch any longer than absolutely necessary.Besides, it seemed like the entire situation would be best handled legally.Katrina didn’t have $500,000 left and probably had little prospects for more, so what could they really do? If they couldn’t prove the blackmail angle, then all they had was breach of contract.It seemed like days before the plane finally landed rather than the actual twenty minutes it took to arrive [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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