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.Cadderly reached up and grabbed her wrist and pulled her around and down, over his shoulder so that their faces were close.The two were lovers, committed to each other for life, and the only reason they had not yet been married in open vows was that Cadderly did not consider the priests of the Edificant Library worthy of performing the ceremony.Cadderly gave Danica a little kiss, and both jumped back as a blue spark flashed between them, stinging their lips.Immediately, both turned to the entrance to the chamber on the cave's left-hand wall, and were greeted by the joined laughter of Dorigen and Shayleigh."Such a bond," remarked Dorigen sarcastically.She had been the one to cause the spark—of course it.had been the wizard.Once an enemy of the band, indeed one of the leaders of the army that had invaded Shilmista, Dorigen, by all appearances, had turned to a new way of life and was going back with the others to face judgment at the library.22R.A.Salvatore"Never have I seen such a spark of love," added Shay-leigh, shaking her head so that her long, thick mane of golden hair fell back from her face.Even in the dim light streaming in through the cave's eastern door, the elf's violet eyes sparkled like polished jewels."Should I add this to your list of crimes?" Cadderly asked Dorigen."If that was the greatest of my crimes, I would not bother to return to the library beside you, young priest," the wizard replied easily.Danica looked from Cadderly to Dorigen, recognizing the bond that had grown between them.It wasn't hard for the monk to discern the source of that attraction.With her black hair, showing lines of gray, and her wide-set eyes, Dorigen resembled Pertelope, the headmistress at the library who had been like Cadderly's mother until her recent death.Pertelope alone seemed to understand the transformation that had come over Cadderly, the god-song that played in his thoughts and gave him access to clerical powers to rival the highest-ranking priests in all the land.Danica could see some of the same perceptive characteristics in Dorigen.The wizard was a thinker, a person who weighed the situation carefully before acting, and a person not afraid to follow her heart.Dorigen had turned against Aballister in Castle Trinity, had all but gone over to Cadderly's side despite her knowledge that her crimes would not be forgotten.She had done it because her conscience had so dictated.Danica had not grown to love, or even like, the woman over the weeks of forced hibernation, but she did respect the wizard, and did, to some extent trust Dorigen."Well, you have been hinting at this for many days," Dorigen said to Cadderly."Is it time for us to be on the roadf?"The Chaos Curse23Cadderly instinctively looked back to the door and nodded."The passes south to Carradoon should be clear enough to travel," he replied."And many of the passes back into the mountains will be clear as well, the snow fallen from them." Cadderly paused, and the others, not understanding why the mountain passes should be of any concern, watched him carefully, looking for clues."Though I fear that the melt might bring some avalanches," the young priest finished."I do not fear avalanches," came the firbolg's voice booming from the door."I have lived all my life in the mountains, and know well enough when a trail is safe.""Ye're not going back to the library," piped in Ivan, eyeing his giant friend suspiciously."Go," added Pikel, apparently not too happy about it."I have my own home, my own family," said Vander.He, Ivan, and Pikel had discussed this matter many times over the last few weeks, but not until this moment had Vander made a decision.Ivan obviously wasn't thrilled with it.He and Vander were friends, and saying farewell was never an easy thing.But the sturdy dwarf agreed with the firbolg's decision, and he had promised, before and now again, that he would one day travel north to the Spine of the World Mountains and seek out Vander's firbolg clan."But why are you talking of the mountains?" Shayleigh asked Cadderly bluntly."Except for Vander, we'll not have to go into the mountains until we pass Carradoon, and that will entail no less than a week of walking.""We are going in sooner," Danica answered for Cadderly, thinking that she had the man's mind read.She found that she was half right"Not all of us," Cadderly stated."There would be no need."24R.A [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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