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.The dead fought silently and seemed all the more terrible for it.“Elyne!” a shout from Montimort warned her when one of Dhafiyand’s undead servants tried to bash her from behind.The boy shadowed her every step, flicking spells into the crowd.But the undead seemed indestructible.Every blow, every spell, barely slowed them as they strove to reach Lord Neverember in his cabin.Dhafiyand surveyed the carnage with the same calm he had once displayed arranging the papers on his table.He stood in the center of the deck, directing stinging tendrils of darkness and whips of flame against any who dared attack him.Sarfael battled vigorously to overcome the Red Wizard’s undead minions and reach his former master, but a tall skeleton armed with a wicked long blade barred his way.The skeleton forced him back, back, across the deck until he was stopped by the bulwark.Sarfael spun, whirled, and drove Mavreen’s blade with desperate force down on the right shoulder blade of the skeleton.The bone cracked.The creature swung its own great blade at Sarfael’s head, but he rolled aside and the skeleton’s sword sank hard into the wooden bulwark.The skeleton jerked back but the abused bone of the shoulder shattered, leaving its arm dangling from the sword as it staggered into Sarfael’s next blow.He cut through the neck and sent the creature’s skull rolling.Then he looked to the center of the fight and, for the first time since Mavreen died, his heart quickened in fear.For a bright redhead could be clearly seen advancing upon Dhafiyand.With Montimort at her side, Elyne advanced step by deadly step through the swaying, pushing mass of Nashers, Tarnian guards, and undead on the deck.With deft strokes, she drove Dhafiyand’s fighters back into the blades of her students, protecting Nasher and Tarnian alike.Her calm voice cut through the din of clashing steel and cries of alarm.Sarfael dived after the intrepid pair, determined to overtake them.Elyne fought her way to within a sword’s length of Dhafiyand.The Red Wizard lifted his hands and a swirling shield of darkness rose before him.Elyne struck and struck again, but the shield held.Dhafiyand’s malevolent gaze rested on the swordswoman striving to reach him.He drew a great breath and raised his arm.A spear of glowing iron appeared in his hand.Sarfael shouted a warning, but she was too close to the Red Wizard.Dhafiyand hurled the spear at her.Montimort let out a terrible cry and leaped between Elyne and Dhafiyand.The bolt of red-hot iron pierced his chest.Blood flew in all directions.Montimort dropped like stone to the deck.With a choked exclamation, Elyne fell to her knees beside him, trying to shield the boy’s body with her own from the fight still swirling around them.Sarfael closed the gap between himself and Dhafiyand.He lunged forward as Dhafiyand finally turned to face him.“You told me there were no Red Wizards in Neverwinter,” Sarfael said, dodging the spinning shield of shadow that Dhafiyand directed against him.“I lied,” said Dhafiyand with a slight smile.“After all, deception is my trade.”Parnadiz charged the Red Wizard with a roar, using the same bullish tactics that he once tried against Sarfael in their mock duel.With an impatient swat of his hand, the Red Wizard knocked him halfway across the ship.Charinyn cried out.She pulled her cape from her shoulders.With one practiced flick of her hand, she dropped it over the startled Dhafiyand’s head.The man clawed at the fabric, dragging the cloak off his face.In that single moment of distraction, Sarfael drove Mavreen’s sword deep into his former master’s heart.The Red Wizard’s mouth opened, but no sound came out.He swayed in place.Sarfael pulled the sword out for a second strike.But it was not necessary.Dhafiyand crumpled into a heap of dark robes.All around the deck, the undead dropped as their master died.Dhafiyand already forgotten, Sarfael hurried to Elyne’s side.She kneeled next to Montimort, cradling the boy’s head in her arms.“Why didn’t you change, little rat, why didn’t you change?” she whispered to him, her voice breaking with every word.“Why did you have to find such courage today?”“I’ll call for a healer, there must be one on this ship,” Sarfael said.But she raised her tear-stained face to him and he knew it was too late.He reached out a gentle hand and closed the dead boy’s eyes.Lord Neverember emerged from the cabin looking flushed and angry.He shook off the restraining hands of his bodyguards and stepped over the body of Dhafiyand.One of his boot heels skidded on the bloody deck, but he righted himself, snapping out an order in passing to the men clustered around him.One dropped to his knees to search Dhafiyand’s corpse as Lord Neverember strode to the gangplank.“I am more than pleased to congratulate the brave sons and daughters of Neverwinter, who so valiantly defended our person against this insidious plot,” Lord Neverember waved over the ship’s railing at the gathering crowd below.“Their bravery shows that the enemies of the new Neverwinter shall not prevail [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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