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.They were loud and boisterous, and College Boys9Chris knew they thought they were helping.But really, he just wanted time alone.“I’ve got everything I need.”“Uh…cool.” Don nodded a good-bye.“See ya at dinner.”Chris knew his friend wanted to say more but was glad he didn’t.“Bye.” Chris didn’t want to be standoffish.In fact, that’s why he’d chosen to move when an empty came open in Cooper Hall, on the other side of campus from his old room in Nicolson.The room was miniscule, but it was a single.Chris wouldn’t have to feel guilty for ignoring his roommates when he wasn’t in the mood to talk.Flopping onto the bed, Chris lay back and looked at the ceiling.It felt almost like leaving home all over again—though the journey from Nicolson Hall to Cooper couldn’t really be compared to coming to college in Vermont from his small town and community college in Tennessee.He smiled, realizing how stupid it was to think of the room change as a big deal.Chris would still see the guys from the team at practices and sit with them at the cafeteria.He had Economics with their goalie.Anyway, Chris wasn’t exactly alone in Cooper Hall.He didn’t know too many of his hall mates, but he and his next-door neighbor had met on a precollege camping trip.Peter, the guy’s name was.Peter Cohen, if Chris remembered right.And despite that thing that happened between the two of them in the tent, he’d liked Peter a lot.Chris stood abruptly, wanting to move around and distract himself as he always did when he thought about that thing.It was nothing, really.He’d just had a perfectly natural reaction to being in close quarters with the other guy.Hell, Chris still sometimes got hard from the hum of the clothes dryer—it didn’t mean he was gay.It didn’t matter to Chris, either, that Peter was gay.In the tent, Peter had been totally cool when he’d woken up to Chris spooning him.Chris remembered the way Peter had stammered, holding up both his hands and saying, “I didn’t try anything! I swear.”10 DaisyHarrisChuckling under his breath, Chris started piling his folded pants in the bottom drawer.He thought about how panicky the other guy had been.It was funny at the time, and if roll call hadn’t happened only a moment later, Chris thought the two of them might have laughed about it over breakfast.When he finished unpacking his clothes, Chris constructed a bookcase out of two-by-fours and cinder blocks.His textbooks only took up half the length of the wooden plank, so he arranged his bathroom supplies along the shelf.The thing spanned the entire length of the room.From what Chris had heard, the singles had been doubles once.The college had divided each room in half with a bit of framing.He’d finished with the first three boxes, shoving more stuff in the closet than it seemed like the closet could hold, when he heard the sound of a door opening.The noise was so loud and near that he thought someone had opened his door and his neck snapped around, but no one was there.That’s when Chris heard voices and realized it must have been Peter’s door that had opened.“Ten inches, girl! I’m not even joking.I could have sucked that shit all night!” The voice talking rose and fell and was so loud that Chris knew the speaker must have wanted other people to hear.“Shh! Will you shut it, Nathaniel? You know…” It was Peter speaking.Chris remembered his voice from the camping trip.He hadn’t talked to the guy, actually, hadn’t done more than nod hello when he passed him on campus, since that morning, but he remembered Peter’s New York accent.“Your new roommate?” Clearly, Nathaniel wasn’t taking “shh” to heart.“Yoohoo, straight boy.You there yet?” Nathaniel practically shouted.He knocked on the wall between the two rooms and it sounded as if the noise had come from next to Chris’s head.He wasn’t going to pretend he wasn’t, so Chris shouted back,“Yeah.Settling in nicely, thanks.” He added a whip of sarcasm, making sure that this hidden Nathaniel didn’t think he was scared.College Boys11Chris might have been from the ass end of nowhere, but he’d been on a liberal campus for seven months.He hadn’t been freaked out by the hazing from the soccer team seniors when he arrived at school, and he wasn’t scared of a flamingly gay dude, either.“Geez, you don’t have to shout,” Nathaniel said back.“I didn’t know you were there already.” The way the guy said it sounded like he was talking in a completely normal tone of voice, which was weird since there was a wall between them.Chris stared at the beige expanse separating his room from the one next door.He frowned, not knowing if the conversation was over.“Um…” The single, hesitant syllable identified it as Peter.“Yeah, I don’t know if they told you this when you agreed to take the room, but you can hear right through this wall.”Chris paused to think about that.Peter was right—he could even hear the other guys’ footsteps.“No, they didn’t mention that.” He sat on his bed again, feeling a little disconcerted.He’d wanted a room alone, not another pair of roommates.“Do you guys both live there?”He didn’t know why they were still talking through the wall when he could have just as easily joined them in Peter’s room or invited the two of them over [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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