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.He hates that blondie who dumped him.Suffice it to say, he hates everything right now.“You seem hammered.” A recognizable friendly vice speaks from his left.Adam turns and catches sight of the same attractive guy who was unintentionally stealing his drinks before.He is smiling.Adam’s drunken eyes manage to catch the slight dimple on the guy’s right cheek.Why the hell is he smiling? Adam is sure he already looks shitty in his drunken state.This guy is simply being unfair by smiling.Of course he’d be the one to hog the girls, thought Adam sullenly while looking around – but oh, wait! No girl.Gay bar.Right.“That was the aim.” Adam manages to slur back.“Bad day, huh?”“More like bad night.” Adam mutters, “Dumb blondes.”The guy chuckles, “I can hook you up with a brunette if you want.Fine number.”Adam turns to him, taking in the brunette hair of the guy.That’s a nice hairstyle, he thought absentmindedly.The guy’s hair is neither too long nor too short, only flicks of them falling over his eyes.Most of the hair stands upright, but surprisingly Adam can see no trace of hair gel.He will probably try something similar the next time he gets a haircut.His inebriated mind slowly take up the words of the stranger.Once the words sink in, Adam raises his eyebrows at the guy, “Dude, you’re hot and all.But I am not gay, thanks.”The guy’s eyes widen to the point of looking comical.Then he abruptly starts laughing making Adam jump a little at the suddenness.“I am sorry.” He says between chuckles, “I forgot that we’re in a gay bar.It’s good you’re not gay, else I may have offended you.”“Offended me?”“Yup.I was talking of a brunette girl.See that one over there.” The guy points to his table where a bunch of people are sitting.Adam is lucky he can still see this guy, forget noticing someone sitting faraway.But nonetheless, he nods to the guy.The guy continues, “She has been pretty suggestive through the night.I’m sure she won’t mind some company.”“You’re a great guy.” Adam slurs.“Hooking up your friend with a complete stranger.Keep it up.” With that Adam turns and orders two more shots for himself.This time tequila.The guy cringes, “She’s not really my friend.More like a friend of a friend.”“Then it seems like you want her off your hands.”“Desperately.” The guy immediately replies.Adam laughs drunkenly but quickly sobers up, “God, first I get dumped and then I become a guy’s charity case.This night’s getting too long.”“Jeez, you’re miserable.” The guy mutters, smiling.“I got dumped.For the first time in a very, very long time.Sue me for being miserable.Like,” Adam turns, fully facing the stranger now, “how does one even dump this?” he pointed to his face, making the other guy chuckle.“Are you cranky because she dumped you or because you’re getting no sex tonight?” the guy asks incredulously, “Because if it’s the latter, then the night is still young.”“Both, actually.” Adam slurs back after a moment.“And,” he waves at himself, the other guy minutely leaning back to avoid being hit by the drunken hand, “I’m not really in the state to go out and look for some action elsewhere now.And I really appreciate the sentiment, but no, I don’t want your leftovers.”The guy laughs.“A promiscuous guy with a pride.You’re certainly not enough drunk.”Adam hums, his eyes falling back at the guy’s dimpled cheek.Why the fuck does he has a dimple? “I am never enough drunk.” Adam slurs back, “I handle my alcohol so fucking well, I can drown this whole bar down in one go and go to a war.”Ten minutes later Adam is heaving over the toilet seat, his head spinning as he tries to make sense of his surroundings.Once done puking for all he is worth, he is picked up and dragged towards the sink where he blearily cleans his face and mouth.“Drink this.” The dimpled guy says, thrusting a water bottle in Adam’s direction.“Fuck.” Adam rasps out as he grabs the bottle.“Fuck, you’re kind.” He mumbles more to himself than his companion, “Good looking and kind.Fuck, don’t hog the girls.”“It’s a gay bar.” His friend for tonight replies, amusement flickering in his crinkling eyes.And that dimple.Fuck, he is smiling again.“Gay bar.Yup.Right.” Adam grumbles.“I need to brush.”Through a series of events that Adam fails to remember, the dimpled guy is next dragging him out of the cab.Adam manages to wobbly walk up to his apartment, with a lot of support from the dimpled guy of course, who is smiling and chuckling once in a while as if the situation cannot be more amusing to him.Once inside the apartment, Adam makes a bee line to his bathroom, while bumping into several things on the way.Cursing and forcing his eyes to focus clearly, he finally manages to reach the bathroom sink.His co-ordination not at par, the dimpled guy comes to his rescue again as he prepares his toothbrush for him and then leaves Adam alone in the bathroom.Once convinced with the hygiene of his mouth, Adam removes his t-shirt and pops open the button of his denims.He feels slightly, slightly better with the cold against his bare skin.Appreciating the comfortableness, he walks back to his room to find that fucking gorgeous man standing next to his bed.“The fuck you still doing here?” he asks.The guy rolls his eyes, “You’re welcome, buddy.” He quips and throws the water bottle he was holding in Adam’s direction.Though Adam is feeling a little less intoxicated than just moments before, he is still not enough sober to catch the bottle.It ends up hitting his chest making him curse out loud.“Jesus,” the dimpled guy exclaims.He walks and picks up the bottle as Adam rubs the sore spot on his chest, “Did it hit too hard?” he asks, absentmindedly placing his other hand on the spot where Adam is rubbing.Adam drops his hand, leaning back and enjoying the soothing hand now rubbing at his chest.“Your hand feels like that of a girl.” Adam comments offhandedly.The dimpled guy chuckles and playfully punches Adam’s chest.Adam curses again.“Feels like that of a girl now?” the beautiful guy asks.“Oh no.” Adam says, faintly smiling and leaning even back to avoid more attacks, “It’s very manly.”The dimpled guy silently hands over the bottle to Adam who takes it in equal silence.He drinks water while eyeing his companion again.The guy is looking right back at him.Slightly sober, Adam is able to better observe the guy.They are of roughly the same height.Now that they are standing so close, without the distraction of the bar around them, Adam finds himself noticing the minuscule things [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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