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.Rapp watched her.He knew her well.As well as he knew anyone.The rubbing of the eyes was not a good sign.That meant her head hurt, and in all likelihood the discomfort was due to the pile of crap he'd just dumped on her desk."Let me guess," she said as she looked up at him with tired eyes, "you want to eliminate him."Rapp nodded."Why is it that your solution always involves killing someone?"Rapp shrugged."It tends to be more permanent that way."The director of the CIA looked disappointed.She shook her head and placed her hand on the closed file."What do you want me to say, Irene? I'm not into rehabilitation.This guy had his chance.The French had him locked up for almost two years.He's been out for six months, and he's already back to his same old tricks.""Have you bothered to think of the fallout?""Not really my forte?"She glared at him."I've already talked to our French colleagues.They're as pissed off as we are.It's their damn politicians and that goofy judge who let the idiot go."Kennedy couldn't deny the fact.She'd talked to her counterpart in France at length about this individual and several others, and he was not happy with his country's decision to set the radical Islamic cleric free.The counterterrorism people in France didn't like it any more than they did."This guy is a known entity," Kennedy said."The press has written about him.They covered his release.If he turns up dead, they're going to jump all over it.""Let them jump.It'll last a day or two…maybe a week at the most, and then they'll move onto something else.Besides…it'll serve as a good message to all of these idiots who think they can operate in the West without fear."She looked back at him, her eyes revealing nothing."What about the president? He's going to want to know if we had a hand in it."Rapp shrugged."Tell him you don't know anything about it."Kennedy frowned."I don't like lying to him.""Then tell him to ask me about it.He'll get the picture, and he'll drop it.He knows the game."Kennedy leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs.She looked at the far wall and said, more to herself than to Rapp, "He's a cleric.""He's a radical thug who is perverting the Koran for his own sadistic needs.He raises money for terrorist groups, he recruits young impressionable kids to become suicide bombers, and he's doing it right in our own backyard.""And that's another problem.Just how do you think the Canadians are going to react to this?""Publicly…I'm sure some of them will be upset, but privately they'll want to give us a medal.We've already talked to the Mounted Police and the Security Intelligence Service…they wish they could deport the idiot, but their solicitor general is hell-bent on proving that he's Mr.PC.We even have an intercept where two SIS guys are talking about how they could make the guy disappear.""You're not serious?""Damn straight.Coleman and his team picked it up this week."Kennedy studied him."I have no doubt that our colleagues will privately applaud this man's death, but that still doesn't address the political fallout."Rapp did not want to get involved in the politics of this.He'd lose if that's where they ended up going."Listen…it's bad enough when these religious psychos do their thing over in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, but we sure as hell can't let it happen here in North America.To be honest with you, I hope the press does cover this…and I hope the rest of these zealots get the message loud and clear that we're playing for keeps.Irene, we're in the middle of a damn war, and we need to start acting like it."She didn't like it, but she agreed.With a resigned tone she asked, "How are you going to do it?""Coleman's team has been in place for six days watching him.This guy operates like clockwork.No real security to worry about.We can either walk up and pop him on the street, in which case we might have to hit anyone who's with him, or we can take him out with a silenced rifle from a block or two away.I prefer the rifle shot.With the right guy, the odds are as good and there's less downside."Her index finger traced a number on file and she asked, "Can you make him disappear?""With enough time, money, and manpower I can do anything, but why complicate things?""The impact will be significantly reduced if the press doesn't have a body to photograph.""I can't make any promises, but I'll look into it."Kennedy began nodding her head slowly."All right.Number-one rule, Mitch, don't get caught.""Goes without saying.I'm very into self-preservation.""I know…all I'm saying is if you can come up with a way for him to never be found, it might help.""Understood." Rapp reached down and grabbed the file."Anything else?""Yes.When you get back I need you to meet with someone.Two people, actually.""Who?"She shook her head."When you get back, Mitch.Meanwhile, you have my consent.Make it happen, and call me as soon as you're done."2MECCA, SAUDI ARABIAI want a man killed."The words were spoken too loudly, in front of far too many people and in a setting that hadn't heard such frank talk in decades [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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