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.“He has a point,” Banning said with a grimace.“I know Zane isn’t happy that Darcy be avoiding coming here.His feelings were hurt thinking Darcy didn’t want to be his friend anymore now that he be mated.”“Aye, we thought ya just wanted him for sex,” Brian stated sheepishly, glancing from me down to his toes.“And how could ya not want our hot mate for ya self?”I took a deep breath before answering, understanding now that it was their insecurities they were projecting onto me and their behavior was not really a reflection of me.“Because mating is just as sacred to warriors as it is to your family.Trying to steal Zane would only hurt him, and I would never do that.” I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow at them.“And he’s really not my type.That’s why we never dated.A few quick fucks was all we’d ever been beyond friends.”“And sometimes sex just be sex,” Rory said as he walked out of the greenhouse and stepped up behind them, teasing them with his fake brogue.“Now leave the lad alone and ask why he be here.”“That’s starting to get annoying,” Brian grumbled good-naturedly as he elbowed his friend in the side.I glanced over their shoulders, noticing that the greenhouse looked like a whole new building instead of refurbished.The construction that the Mariuses, warriors, and everyone else in the community had done was great.Since Brian and Banning’s gift was the ability to affect plant life, producing supple fruit and vegetables, even in winter, a greenhouse was a good fit for them.I just wanted to be the one who tested all the grub before it was sent to the warriors.“And maybe give an apology for making me feel so unwelcome at my friend’s home,” I added, not willing to let this drop so quickly.I didn’t like interference in my friendships, and they’d treated me as if I’d done something wrong.Which I hated!“Aye, we’re sorry, Darcy,” Banning said earnestly and nodded.“We hope ya forgive us and start coming around.Our mate misses his friend, and we’d like the chance to get to know ya.”“Funny you should phrase it that way,” I replied with an evil grin.“With everything that’s gone down with the demons and Cyrus’s family, the warriors not on assignment are being farmed out to stay at civilian homes.We’re starting regular patrols and moving some of the smaller families into the bigger houses, consolidating covens, too.”“Yeah, we’re getting some new vampire friends moving into the Dragos estate next week.I guess they’re crafters and Isaac’s going to let them build a workshop on the property.” Rory looked ready to bust at the seams at the idea, hopping up and down and smiling more widely than usual.“Ya such an art whore.” Brian snickered, shaking his head.“Hey, I don’t have sex for the stuff,” he scoffed, turning his nose up in offense.“I appreciate the arts and things of beauty.It’s more jealousy.I’d love to be able to do what they can, but I have no talent.”“Interior decorating is a form of art in my opinion,” I said with a shrug.“I’ve seen how you’ve turned around Isaac’s house, Rory.I think being able to see a space and make it welcoming while beautiful is just as hard as seeing something to put on a canvas.”“Really?” he asked, his face heating up from the praise and turning a light shade of pink.I hadn’t always gotten along with Isaac, thinking he was a dick, but I was trying for Zane.And Isaac was different than he was a century ago… We all were.But I did really like his mate.If I was ever going to consider mate stealing, not that I would, it would be Rory.“Aye, what ya have planned for our house be a thing of beauty,” Banning answered as he wrapped his arm around his friend.“Ya have talent in a different way.”“Thanks.” He giggled, leaning into the half hug.“Anyways, I think things are going to start getting really interesting around here.Liven up some of the stuffy founding families.”“And get us some help around here.” Brian chuckled.“The warriors be clueless when it comes to how to be gentle with plants.”“Anyways,” I drawled, shaking my head and trying to get back on point.“Zane asked the coordinator to assign me here.I’ll be here when he’s at work, guarding you, and then I get a break when he gets home before we sleep.Are any of the guest rooms habitable yet?”“Not really,” Brian said with a wince as he glanced back in the direction of the house.“If ya don’t mind a night on the couch, we can do it first thing tomorrow when the workers get back.Ya going to have to bear with us.”“That’s not a problem.” I chuckled, having slept in way worse places.I was just glad we got past this awkwardness.It was then I saw a wolf slowly approaching from several hundred yards away.It was lifting its nose every so often as if sniffing down a trail.“The wolf acclimating here okay?” I wasn’t sure why I cared, but something about the wolf pulled at my heartstrings.I couldn’t imagine being trapped in an animal form.Even though I’d never seen him before, when Zane told me about him, I wanted to help.Not that I had any clue how to, but who wouldn’t want to help the little guy?“Yeah, he’s got lots of room to play and helps keep the vermin away,” Rory said with a smile before his face fell.“I don’t know how long he’s been stuck as a wolf, but it’s not good.Maybe some safety and friends can help him get out of it.”“He’s gorgeous,” I whispered as the wolf started running to us.“I’ve never seen one of his coloring.” While the twins had bright red hair, the wolf was more of a shimmering, deep auburn.The color and shine made me think of almost maroon satin sheets.Which was weird [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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