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.Hawkins Ranch: Quick to the Hunt9Chapter OneAprilAware of the eyes watching him, Hunter swallowed down the comment that hewould test his new gloves at his apartment and bring them back if they didn’t fit.Uncomfortable as hell, feeling on display, he slid the black leather onto his damagedhand.Hunter had lost his pinkie and ring fingers on his left hand over a year ago.The scar tissue had completely healed, but he’d never acclimated to leaving hisdamaged hand uncovered.He had never gotten used to the questions that camefrom complete strangers as a result; he hated even more the memories of so manyother crushing losses the curiosity stirred in him.Don’t think about being overseas.Think about your new job.Hawkins Ranch had hired Hunter a couple of weeks ago.Unfortunately thegauze bandages he’d been using to cover his missing digits weren’t working out for ajob on a ranch.Right away he’d realized he’d need something more durable thatwouldn’t snag or unravel while doing so much physical labor.Through Risa Boone’sstore, Nate’s Bait and Saddle Shop, Hunter had been able to place an order for aspecially made glove.Hunter adjusted the glove on his hand, letting his thumb and two fingers slipthrough the appropriate holes, and nearly sighed as smooth, cool leather coveredthe area where his ring finger and pinkie used to be, protecting it and the other scartissue mapping his palm.He worked the extra-long armhole up past his wrist,careful to keep his shirt cuff over his arm, blocking as much skin as he could fromprying eyes.Finally he pulled the tabs across his forearm that would tighten theglove and keep it from catching on anything while doing ranch work.A creamy hand came into Hunter’s vision but quickly pulled away beforetouching the leather.The hand belonged to his sister, and the withdrawal was yetanother time she stopped herself from doing what came so naturally to her.Shewanted to soothe and show her love for him, but she’d picked up on Hunter’s bodylanguage not to and respected it.Every time she pulled away, it pierced Hunter’ssoul.He wished he could open his mouth and tell her to look at his wound, touch it,and do everything she wanted to try to make him feel better.But he couldn’t.Justletting her and Risa look at him right now stirred up a quickening in Hunter’sheart.He had to take repeated deep, slow breaths to keep at bay the desire to cutinto his skin with his pocketknife.10Cameron DaneUsing his other hand, Hunter fingered his knife in his pocket.Just the contactwith the hard metal casing helped settle him enough to go on.Take another breath.Once done Hunter even managed to lean his hip against the counter, hold up hisgloved hand, and grin at his sister.“What do you think?”“It looks good on you,” Sarah replied, giving him a quick squeeze around thewaist and then allowing him his space again.“I like it.”From the other side of the counter, Risa whistled softly.“It looks prettybadass, if I’m allowed to say that.” She waggled her brows at him comically.“Youhave a black glove now to go with the black Stetson.Plus you’ve got the stubbly jawthing going.I think you’re starting to look a bit like an outlaw.”“He did cut his hair though,” Sarah told Risa.“He’s back to having this littlecowlick I used to remember from when we were kids, so that takes some of the edgeoff the bad boy thing.”Hunter couldn’t believe it, but his shoulders loosened and a rusty chuckleactually escaped.Maybe for the first since he’d come back to the States.“I meant doyou think it’s practical?” he asked.“Not if I look good in it.Will it hold up at work?”Sarah turned to Risa with an unspoken What do you think? in her raised brow.“Oh yeah, I think so,” Risa answered.“The workmanship is top notch, sothere’s nothing to worry about in that regard.It’s just going to be a matter ofgetting used to it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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