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.And your very best.Can you turn me into Albert Einstein by tomorrow?”Chris rolled her eyes.“It won’t be easy.But I guess I’ll have to try.”“We sure have a lot to do, then! Let’s get going right away.”“We’ll do you first, okay? Come try on my new jeans.I think they’ll fit you just fine, Sooz.I mean Chris!”The girls started for Chris’s bedroom, arm in arm.They were still caught up in the excitement of their plan.Chris said, “You know, Sooz, there’s one thing I have to say about this idea of trading lives with each other”“What’s that?” asked Susan.Chris grinned at her sister.“This plan of ours is so outrageously crazy, my dear twin, so wildly off-the-wall and totally bizarre, that it just might work!”Chapter ThreeFor the next hour the sound of laughter mixed with muffled bits of serious conversation emerged from behind the closed doors of one or the other of the twins’ bedrooms.The girls tried their best to be quiet, planning to hide their little secret from their parents until just the right moment.Fortunately, both parents were out of the way.Mrs.Pratt was downstairs in the family room finishing up her mystery book while checking on dinner every few minutes.Mr.Pratt was out in the driveway washing the car.Even so, Susan and Chris treated the switching of their identities like some top-level spy mission, keeping their voices down to a whisper when they weren’t overcome with giggles.All that secrecy made it that much more fun.“Here are all my fall and winter clothes,” Chris said, pulling open the door of her closet.She was hardly the neatest girl in the world, since her dates and club meetings and long telephone conversations kept her too busy for much serious cleaning.The top of her desk was piled high with papers and books, and her dresser was cluttered with so many bottles and jars that it looked as if they were about to fall off.The pale blue wallpaper sprigged with tiny white flowers was covered with school banners and dance programs and math papers with big red A’s at the top.Even her furry brown teddy bear had ended up on the floor in the corner.But her closet was the one exception.Everything hung neatly side by side, blouses with blouses, skirts with skirts.Chris loved clothes and treated them like valuable possessions.She even hung up her bright tee shirts, forming a rainbow of color between her sweaters and her dresses.“Feel free to help yourself.There’s no reason why everything shouldn’t fit.And you know what I usually wear.” She handed Susan her new pair of jeans.“Right.Jeans and a tee shirt or sweater shouldn’t be too difficult to manage.” Susan grinned.“You’ll see,” Chris returned, pretending to be offended.“There’s nothing more comfortable.Even though I wear my jeans a bit tight.How do those fit?”“Ow! I can’t breathe! I can barely zip these up!”“Good,” her sister said matter-of-factly.“Then they fit perfectly.That’s just how I like to wear them.”“What am I getting myself into?” Susan wailed.“Do you really walk around in these things eighteen hours a day?” ‘“Quiet.You look great.And you’ll get used to it.Now here’s a tee shirt.Robin's-egg blue, one of my favorites.Don’t you dare get it dirty!”“I promise I won’t even sweat in it.Since I can’t breathe anyway.”“We’ll have to set your hair with electric rollers to make it wavy by dinnertime.Then we’ll put in these blue combs.”A few minutes later Chris led her sister over to the full-length mirror that lined her bedroom door.“There!” she cried.“I’ve created a masterpiece!”“Wow!” Susan exclaimed, blinking at her reflection.“Is that really me?”Chris had duplicated her own hair and makeup, as well as her usual style of dress, in her sister.Standing side by side and looking into the mirror, they both felt as if they had double vision.“Look at that!” Chris laughed.“It’s you, disguised as me! It’s perfect, don’t you think?”“It’s spooky!” Susan cried.“We haven’t looked this much the same since we were little, when Mom used to dress us up in the same clothes and braid our hair in pigtails the exact same way!”“And now the finishing touch.If anybody has any doubts, this’ll convince them.I guarantee it.” She fastened an ID bracelet around her sister’s wrist.It was a delicate gold chain, and dangling from it was a thin disc inscribed in script with the name Christine.It had been a gift from the girls’ grandmother on their fifteenth birthday.“That’s a great idea, Chris.Don’t let me forget to give you my heart locket with my initials on it.”She looked at the girl in the mirror once again.“I can’t believe it.I just can’t believe it.”“Okay.Let’s do me now,” Chris insisted.“If you can bear to tear yourself away from your own reflection.Christine Pratt may have many faults, but obsessive vanity is not one of them!”The twins proceeded to Susan’s bedroom, where they made another magical transformation.After a few minutes it was Chris who stared into the mirror in disbelief.“The Banana Split Affair has begun!” she cried.With her straight hair, freshly washed face, and pale blue skirt with a flowered blouse, she had become Susan Pratt.At least on the outside.“Here comes the hard part,” said Chris, once she was able to tear herself away from her reflection.“Exchanging clothes and hairstyles is nothing.But learning each other’s mannerisms and the way each of us would react in certain situations—-that’s going to be tricky business.”“I know,” Susan agreed.“The only saving grace is that you and I have been living under the same roof for sixteen years.I do know something about you.And imitating you shouldn’t be too hard.”She immediately launched into her best Chris Pratt act, changing her voice and her stance just enough to copy her sister.“Why should I kiss you, you silly thing? I’ve got hundreds of boyfriends, and every one of them is nicer and better-looking and more interesting than you!”“I don’t sound like that, Sooz!” Chris laughed.“Or do I?”“Not the words, maybe, but I’ve got the voice down perfectly.Now, watch me walk like you.” Susan-as-Chris strutted across the room, chin held high, arms swinging by her side.“Oh, no!” Chris groaned, covering her eyes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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