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.“What in the name of Chaos do they think they’re doing? Come on, you lot, get over there and teach them some manners.”His crew climbed swiftly to their feet, grabbed the nearest truncheon or cutlass, and swarmed over the debris of mast and sail onto the offending merchantman.Once on board, they paused and stared around at the lifeless deck in surprise.It was hard to vent anger on people who weren’t to be found.Slowly they spread out to investigate.The first mate made his way cautiously toward the upper aft deck and the ship’s wheel.Something large lay in the shadow at the base of the big wheel, something that didn’t look right.A bundle of laundry or bedding perhaps.“Sir!” called one of his sailors from near a large hatch that led down to the crew’s quarters.“Over here!”The first mate hesitated, then switched around to see what the man had found.He hadn’t gone more than five paces before the stench hit him.He clapped a hand over his nose and mouth and fought the desire to gag.His sailor looked green.Pale as the sheets, the two men lifted the hatch and peered downward.The first mate glimpsed a row of supine bodies, all hideously dead, before he knocked the sailor’s hand away and slammed the hatch shut.The sounds of retching behind him told him his own man had succumbed to the stench of rot and death, and he had to swallow hard to stifle the nausea in his gut.He wiped his streaming forehead.By the gods, it was hot.“What about the rest of them?” he shouted.“There are bodies over here,” replied another sailor from the doorway into the galley and captain’s quarters.“The officers and the cabin boy!”“And here!”“Over here, too,” other voices responded from other parts of the ship.“Rolfe,” bellowed the captain to his first mate.“What’s going on over there? Where is the crew?”Rolfe scratched the back of his balding head as he looked around at the wrecked merchantman.“They seem to be dead, Captain.”There was a stunned pause, then, “All of them?”“So far, sir.”“I think there’s one still alive up here,” shouted one of the sailors.He waved from the aft deck and bent over the pile of clothes Rolfe had noticed earlier by the wheel.The first mate hurried up the ladder to the deck to see for himself.A man lay by the ship’s wheel where he had collapsed, perhaps after a last desperate effort to steer his ship to safety.His skin was a ghastly yellow, like ancient vellum pulled tight over the bones of his long frame.Livid blotches of red and purple, like bruising, mottled his face, neck, and arms.Dried blood caked his nostrils and ears, and more blood oozed from his mouth and the corners of his sunken eyes.Bloody vomit stained his clothes.It seemed impossible that this wreck of a man could still be alive, but Rolfe and his companion leaned closer and saw the faint flutter of the man’s chest.Their eyes lifted and met with a mutual look of fear.“Is this some sort of plague?” asked the sailor nervously.The first mate shook his head.“Not one I’ve heard of, but the absent gods only know what has spawned since their departure.We need a healer.” He rose to his feet, propelled by a sudden decision.“All of you,” he shouted to his crew, “off the ship, now!”Relieved to get away from the death ship, the crewmen hurried back to their vessel and reported to the captain.Rolfe hesitated, torn between his desire to get off this frightening death ship and his compassion for the sick man.After a moment of indecision, he left the sick man where he lay and went in search of water and something to make him more comfortable.To his surprise, the water barrels on deck were dry.No amount of compassion would drag him into those lower decks to look for water, so he returned to his own ship to fetch a bottle.The captain met him on the deck of the Whydah.“The harbormaster’s coming.Is it that had?”The look on his first mate’s face was all the answer he needed.Meanwhile a crowd had gathered on the pier to view the accident and lend a helping hand if needed.Humans, dwarves, minotaurs, a few gnomes and elves, and a swarm of wide-eyed kender waited in loudly talking groups to see what would happen next.Their shouted comments and chattering conversations combined with the lowing of the distressed cattle and the general ruckus of the docks to make a steady din of noise.A wave of movement through the crowd caught the eyes of the captain and the first mate.They saw the tall, slender figure of the harbormaster approaching down the long stretch of the pier, followed by a contingent of the City Guard in their scarlet uniforms.The onlookers parted before them.The first mate waited patiently while the harbormaster greeted the captain of the Whydah and briefly surveyed the damage.Carrying a flask of water, Rolfe escorted the harbormaster over the ruin of the mast and sails and onto the Palanthian merchantman.The City Guards stayed at the dock to keep the crowds off the ships [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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