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.Surprise!"Mike laughed.It sounded a little tense and forced, though.Wes noticed a resemblance between them.Was this the younger brother Mike had mentioned who recently graduated from college?"You should have called my cell phone, Greg, so you wouldn't have to wait outside.""Well, I would have if it had gotten much later.I don't remember you being much of a party animal, so I didn't think it would be too long of a wait."Mike's laugh was a little more sincere that time."Well, it's kind of hard to be a party animal living at home with Dad, you know.""Oh, I know.Believe me, I definitely know!""Oh, hey, Greg, this is my roommate, Wes.Wes, this is my brother Greg.I guess we're both kinda pathetic, since it's not quite eleven and here we are heading home already.""Yeah, alone, too.That's way sad, dudes."Mike's laugh was still strained."It's nice to meet you, Greg.""You, too, Wes." Greg's smile seemed sincere.Perhaps Greg hadn't picked up on the handholding.Either that, or he didn't share their dad's opinions.Mike was getting antsy."Well, let's take this inside, okay? Greg, you're staying with us, right?""Oh, yeah…my bag's in my car." They waited while Greg fetched his bag and then they all headed up to the apartment.Wes quickly refreshed his memory and was fairly certain he hadn't left any of his personal belongings in Mike's room, so he didn't think there would be anything incriminating to be found up there.They let themselves in and turned on the lights.Apparently Greg hadn't been there before, because Mike launched into tour-guide mode and showed his brother around."I have a couple of blowup mattresses for company," Mike told his brother."You can use one of those out in the living room, unless you'd rather bunk in with me." Wes had changed the sheets on Mike's king-sized bed, so that was a safe offer."The blowup'll be fine, thanks.""How long are you planning to stay?" Mike asked him."About a week.That okay?""Sure.That's great! It's good to see you again.It's been a long time.""Yeah, that's what I was thinking, too.I've actually got a couple of interviews here in the city later this week.If all goes well, you might end up seeing a lot more of me in the future.""Hey, that would be terrific.While I love being out of the parents' house, it would still be kind of nice to have some family nearby." Mike sent Wes a rather weak smile after that comment.His brother seemed like a nice enough man, but if he actually moved to Austin, then there wouldn't be any way of keeping Mike's sexual orientation from him.Hopefully, Greg wasn't the kind of guy to throw Mike under the bus to their parents."Uh, I'm going to head to bed, guys.It was great meeting you, Greg.I hope you enjoy your stay and good luck with your interviews.Goodnight, Mike.""Thanks, Wes.Goodnight.""Goodnight, Wes." Mike flashed Wes a look that had 'sorry' written all over it.Wes headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth and pee.Then he went into his own room, where he hadn't slept since his first night there.Damn.He could hear Mike and Greg setting up the air mattress in the living room and the usual nighttime noises as they prepared themselves for bed.He tossed and turned for about a half hour before finally falling asleep.Chapter Five Mike felt cold when he woke up…cold and unsatisfied.He'd been rather used to going at least a week or two between sex hookups, and almost always sleeping alone.But after just one week with Wes sleeping in his bed…with the most satisfying and pleasurable sex of his life every night, as well as some mornings…and damn, he was spoiled.He was flat-out spoiled rotten and had to admit feeling just a little pouty about it this morning.He felt pretty guilty about it, too.He loved his brother.He really did.Greg was three years younger, so they hadn't really hung out together too much growing up, but they'd always gotten along well.So he felt more than a little guilty about half-wishing his brother wasn't there, because really he was quite happy to see him.How should he handle the situation? Maintain the secrecy about his homosexuality unless Greg was successful with one of his interviews? Because, then…damn…it would have to come out then.He would definitely just tell Greg outright if Greg got one of those jobs, so there wouldn't be any hard feelings later if it was a problem and he'd only moved to Austin to be near Mike.Mike rolled out of bed and headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day.After he got dressed, he walked down to the kitchen to fix them all some breakfast.He grilled some bacon, fried up some home fries, and scrambled some eggs.Either the noise or the smells woke Greg and Wes up, because Mike could hear them rustling around and taking turns in the bathroom.Greg wandered into the kitchen first."Good morning, oh-favorite-brother-of-mine."Mike laughed.Greg had always called him that when they were growing up, whenever he wanted something."Oh, you just want an extra ration of bacon, don't you? Admit it!""Why can't you be my favorite brother even if I'm not after something?""Well, since I'm your only brother, I certainly hope I'm always your favorite brother." Mike smiled at him."You're my favorite brother."Mike heard Wes chuckle as he entered the kitchen."Boys, it's just too early in the morning for me to stomach that kind of sappy talk."Greg smiled."Do you have any brothers or sisters, Wes?""Yes, in fact, I do.I have an older brother and two younger sisters.""Yeah? Do you see your family much?" "Well, lately it's been mostly just for the holidays and a couple other times a year.Now that I'm starting my residency, I don't know how much time will be available for traveling." "Yeah, it's hard," said Greg."Our sister, Helen, settled down near home.We see her quite a bit still, but with Mike way down here, we've really missed him.I got the impression he was pretty antsy to leave home by the time he graduated.He seems happy enough here, though.I guess it's all good.He always comes home for the holidays, so far at least.""Breakfast is ready," Mike told them.They all filled their plates and sat down to eat."Greg," Mike asked, "is there anything in particular you'd like to do here this weekend?" "No, not really.I was just hoping to be able to spend a little time with you.You don't have to make any special plans to entertain me or anything.I know I took you by surprise, so I'm happy to fall in with anything you already have planned.""Well, we hadn't really made any actual plans.I was just going to catch up on housework and laundry today, and just be lazy and kick around tomorrow."Greg laughed."Sounds like a typical weekend back home!""Sad, isn't it?"Wes shook his head at them."You know, we can go out on the town and have some fun tonight.""Now you're talking!" said Greg."I'll even pitch in with the housework with that incentive at the end of the day."Mike agreed with them."It's a plan, then.I know a nice little pool hall nearby.How about we head there tonight?"Greg and Wes agreed.Wes volunteered to clean up the breakfast mess, so Mike introduced Greg to the dusting stuff and headed off to sort laundry.Between the three of them, they pretty much got the housework all done by lunchtime, so they spent the afternoon watching movies, reminiscing, and catching up.Greg filled Mike in on how Helen's kids were doing, how Dad was the same as always, and how Mom sent her love and wanted Mike to be sure to let her know if there was anything he needed.Then he dropped his bombshell news on Mike [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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