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.” Daniel lowered his head, ashamed that he’d come so quickly like some untried teenager and upset that he had disappointed his master when they’d only just started.“Take off those jeans and get over my lap.”Daniel nodded and stood up to obey his new master.He felt so ashamed at what had happened that he could hardly even look Casey in the eye.It was easier just to keep his head down and look at the floor while he undid the jeans and pulled the sticky fabric away from his groin.“The G-string too.It’s ruined now anyway.”Daniel peeled the scrap of black silk away from his cock and shimmied out of it, unsure what to do with the clothes now.“Just set them on the floor for now,” said Casey, as if he’d read his mind, “and then get into position.”“Yes, sir,” Daniel said, determined to suffer his punishment as stoically as he could.He walked over to Casey’s chair and draped himself over the man’s lap, feeling ungainly and awkward as his legs and arms dangled either side of Casey’s lap.“You have such a perfect arse,” said Casey, caressing the arse in question.Daniel’s face flamed, no one had ever paid his arse such attention before.“Soft and silken like two ripe peaches.It will be a shame to mark it, but I’m sure you can handle it.Have you ever been spanked before, Daniel?”“No, sir.Never.”“So it’ll be a new experience for you then.We all learn something new every day, don’t we? If it really gets too much for you, say ‘red’ and I will stop.I will be more disappointed that you wouldn’t trust me with your word than if you have need of it.”“Thank you, sir,” replied Daniel, determined to endure the spanking no matter how much it hurt.“Count after each strike.Are you ready?”Before Daniel even had a chance to reply, Casey’s hand had left a fiery stripe of agony across his left buttock.Daniel hissed in pain but did manage to remember to call out the number.“O-one! One!” God, it stung like mad, much more than he was expecting.Two and three were delivered in such quick succession that he almost missed calling their number.He wriggled, trying to get away from the pain, but Casey’s hand on the small of his back prevented him from moving.“Try to move away again and I will give you three extra strokes.”“Sorry, sir,” said Daniel, stilling his hips with an effort of will.Casey’s hand smacked him right across the middle of his arse.“F-four! Four!” Daniel grimaced through the pain but he didn’t move.How many more were there going to be? Casey hadn’t said, and Daniel didn’t want to risk his wrath by asking.Again and again the hand came down and by the eighth stroke Daniel was trying to hold back tears, but it was futile.“N-n-nine!” He sobbed out the number and grabbed hold of the chair legs with his hands, anything to distract himself from the pain in his backside.Tears trickled from his eyes to land on the wooden floor with a soft plop.Oh, God! When would it end?By number twelve, not only was Daniel having to cope with the burning sensation on the skin of his arse, he now had an erection that was pressing into Casey’s thigh.Daniel tried to concentrate more on the pain rather than the sensation in his cock and balls.He didn’t want to come again; he didn’t want another punishment like this one.“Don’t you dare come over my pyjamas!” Casey warned him as he raised his hand and brought it down again on the flesh where Daniel’s arse met his thighs.The skin was thinner there, and it was more painful than any of the smacks that had gone before.“Thirteen! Thirteen!” Daniel howled and sobbed in distress, wondering if he would need to use his word after all.He tensed his whole body as Casey lifted his hand again, waiting for the next blow to fall, but it never did.Instead, Casey’s hand gave his arse some soft caresses, almost as if he wanted to soothe away the hurts he’d just inflicted.Daniel sighed and arched into the touch, and as he did so, he noticed that Casey was hard again too.“You’ve been such a good boy for me today, Daniel.”Daniel shook his head, a few more tears escaping.“I wasn’t good, sir.I got hard when you were punishing me.”“Yes, you did,” said Casey.“It happens like that for some people.But you didn’t come when I told you not to.Already your control is getting better, isn’t it?” Casey lifted Daniel up and settled him sideways on his lap, reminding Daniel how strong Casey was.“I think you deserve a treat for all that.”“I don’t deserve it,” Daniel said, resting his head on Casey’s shoulder.His breathing was still a bit ragged after his crying but he tried to stop sobbing.“I got hard.I shouldn’t have got hard.”“I know you were hard,” Casey said.“I could feel your cock, so hard, so eager for my touch.But you didn’t come when I told you not to.And if I say my pet deserves a treat, then he deserves a treat.A good master doesn’t just punish, Daniel.He takes care of his sub too.Right now, I want to take care of you.” Casey slipped his hand underneath Daniel’s T-shirt, caressing Daniel’s abdomen and chest, before pinching his left nipple.Daniel hissed and bucked his hips, his cock leaking precome down the shaft.Casey kissed his neck.“Oh, my, you’re so sensitive, aren’t you? I love that in a man.I’m going to touch you now, Daniel [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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