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.And oh, he wanted nothing more than to release that beast, to slide his fingers over Landon's skin and trace those magnificent muscles, to hold onto Landon's dark hair as his mate touched him in turn.But now was not the time.He had to stay focused.He was in public, and his far too elaborate fantasies weren't helping either of them.Mrs.Jameson cleared her throat, and Landon finally released Angel's hand, albeit with a great deal of reluctance.Angel would have felt embarrassed, but he knew better than to think the human would begrudge them the attraction.Indeed, she shot Angel a smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief."Mr.Boone here has a lot of things in common with you, Angel.Perhaps it would help him if you shared your story."Quite frankly, Angel doubted that.Whatever had brought a werewolf here, hearing about Angel's past wouldn't chase away his anger.Then again, it wasn't like Angel could actually tell the truth."I ran into trouble with my parents because of my sexual orientation.My father tried to pressure me into marrying someone I didn't want, and it all exploded in our faces.Since then, it's been very hard for me to come to terms with what happened and start over."It was a bit vague, but he didn't want to delve into the true unpleasantness of the story.For the moment, he just felt happy and mellow, and he wanted nothing more than to curl into Landon's embrace.Patience, he reminded himself.The class would end soon.He just had to endure for a while longer.It took forever.Angel usually liked coming here—he didn't have to do it anymore, but he enjoyed being around the humans.As a rule, it distracted him from his glum thoughts.Today, he was anxious, perpetually hyper-aware of his mate's presence by his side.The meeting progressed with some other members of the group talking about their experiences and Mrs.Jameson giving them suggestions.Angel fidgeted in his seat, knowing he couldn't get closer to Landon without the humans noticing.And then, ignoring everything—including the humans—Landon reached for him and took his hand.He only turned his attention away from the class for an instant, but that instant seemed to draw into an age when Landon said, "It's okay.I'll protect you."Angel melted in his seat—or he would have, if the chairs had been conducive to such postures.Instead, he smiled and threaded their fingers together.Most of the meeting flew past in a blur, but Angel didn't mind, nor did he particularly care.He had so many questions.Who was Landon Boone really? Was he truly a werewolf or something else? Did he have a family? What was his pack like? What about his likes and dislikes? There were so many things, and Angel was overcome with the need to know everything that very instant.It was a great relief when Mrs.Jameson finally declared the meeting over.Angel had been zoning out so he only realized it because Landon pulled on his hand slightly and got up.Side by side, they walked up to the coach."Thank you for the lesson," Landon said."It was very informative."Miraculously, Angel managed to find his voice."As always, I appreciate your help a great deal."Mrs.Jameson stole a glimpse at their entwined hands, but made no comment.It was probably weird for a human to see two men holding hands mere hours after they'd met, but maybe she thought it was romantic.Mrs.Jameson was sweet like that."It was my pleasure, Angel," she replied, kissing his cheek."Now run along.I'm sure the two of you have a lot to talk about."As they left the room, Landon chuckled and commented, "She's interesting.I'd have expected more surprise."He didn't say why, but Angel didn't blame him, since they couldn't risk anyone overhearing any mentioning of their world.Angel supposed Mrs.Jameson was a neutral enough topic, one that he could actually discuss without being too vague."She's very nice.I had a very rough time in the beginning, after.Well, after the incident with my family.The classes helped me through my recovery."Landon's jaw tightened, and Angel could easily guess what was on the man's mind.He wished he could have been there for Angel.He wished Mrs.Jameson hadn't been necessary at all.Smiling, Angel pulled Landon toward the exit."It's okay," he whispered."You're here now."Some of the tension drained from Landon's shoulders."I am.It's pretty hard to process, even for someone like me.To think that I almost avoided coming today.""You'd have missed out on something great, huh?"Angel said the words jokingly, but Landon didn't seem inclined to let him make light of the situation.He pinned Angel to the wall and brought their bodies close together."Something amazing," he whispered as he pressed a kiss to Angel's jaw."Amazing and so very beautiful.Like you."Angel shivered.He'd heard about the chemistry between mates, but this was ridiculous.The only thing he knew about this man was his name—and of course, the fact that he had anger issues.They needed to step back and reassess the situation a bit.Mercifully, Landon seemed to think the same."Let me take you out.We need to talk somewhere private.What do you say?"Angel couldn't have disagreed to save his life."That sounds lovely," he mumbled."I'm open to any suggestions."Judging by the hot erection currently nudging Angel's thigh, Landon had some suggestions that went beyond talking.And really, Angel wouldn't have minded at all.In fact, it made sense to release some of the sexual tension between them so that they could talk with clearer heads.Didn't it?Despite his previous resolve, he would have probably jumped right into something inadvisable if the sound of approaching footsteps hadn't interrupted them.Landon pulled away with a disgruntled huff, and Angel peered over his mate's shoulder to see another big man round the corner."Alpha." the man said in a breathless tone."Thank the moon.I sensed an.individual of interest nearby.""That'd be me," Angel said, realizing Landon's bulk was blocking the new arrival's view of him."No need for alarm."Landon released a heavy sigh."Angel, this is my beta Jason.Jase, this is my mate, Angel.As he said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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