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.Newman sat up and swung his legs to the floor.His suit was crumpled, his hair awry, and there was a growth of stubble on his chin.He rubbed his bleary eyes, and sighed loudly.'I could use some coffee,' he spoke softly, a tremor in his voice.'We have coffee at ten,' Susan Wylie replied formally.'However, there is coffee, sugar and dried milk in the cupboard if you wish to make yourself a drink.'He stood up, swaying slightly.His head ached abominably.He looked quickly in the direction of the bat cage.There were still a dozen or so of the creatures flying crazily to and fro, bumping, falling, fluttering up again.No more had died during the night, and that didn't add up.Either the virus was dead, they were immune to it, or else the incubation period in these last few was longer.'About last night.' he began, clearing his throat.'I slept well, thank you,' she replied icily without glancing up.'Now, if you will excuse me, Professor, there are certain items which I must go and collect from the stores.''Now listen to me!' he snapped, his level of anger rising fast.Women had cursed him hundreds of times over the years, pleaded with him, cried, but none had ever treated him with indifference.She ignored him and turned in the direction of the door.'I said listen to me!' his hand shot out, grasping her by the shoulder and turning her round to face him.'There are one or two things we've got to get ironed out.''I have no idea what you're talking about, professor.' Only her eyes gave away her innermost feelings, bitterness that an outward show of indifference could not cloak.'You know damned well what I'm talking about!' he rasped.'About last night at the Shoal Hill Tavern.''Oh, so you went drinking, did you?''And that wasn't all,' his voice was raised.'I was with a bird.And I was going to screw her only you stopped me! You put me off my stroke!''Me?''Yes, you.Out on a snooping trip.Well, I don't blame you, but I can't stand liars.''Neither can I, Professor.And just lately you've been telling quite a few yourself.' Her self-control began to snap, and she added savagely, 'You think you're God's gift to women, don't you, Brian Newman? Well, let me tell you this.All you're trying to do is prove something to yourself, though God knows what.Maybe 'conquer and move on' is your motto.Well, I'm not standing for it.You thought you could drive me off, didn't you? That I'd pack and run? Well, I'm not leaving the Centre.'I'm not giving up a good job because of you.I'll move out of your bungalow so you can have her in the bed all to yourself, but I'm staying right here in this very lab as far as work goes.I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of seeing me go to Haynes and ask for a transfer to Rickers's lab.The pair of you would love that, in your own warped ways, but I'm staying put, bats and all.But lay one finger on me again, try to get familiar with me, and I'll be lodging an official complaint that will really put paid to your career.You've got me with you all the time in an official capacity, and nothing more, whether you like it or not!''You bitch!' His left hand went back, and before he could stop himself he had struck her across the face with a resounding slap.She staggered back, tears filling her eyes, gasping with pain.He stood aghast, mouth opening to voice an apology.Suddenly everything seemed to explode inside her, and she was hurling herself at him, beating at his body with clenched fists, tearing, scratching, biting, kicking.He staggered back, Susan Wylie clinging on to him, screaming insults at him,'Damn your he yelled.'I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget.I'll.' His words trailed off as his back met with something solid but movable.The table.He felt the nearside legs being lifted clear of the floor, objects sliding, crashing, splintering, fragments of glass tinkling.In desperation he pushed her away from him, and even as he turned he saw guinea-pigs and other rodents scampering about, frightened, bewildered by their unexpected freedom,'Oh, God!' he gasped.Something flew past his face, a rush of air from tiny wings fanning him.Another.And another.'The bats!' he cried, his face turning a deathly white.'The bats have escaped!'Susan Wylie backed away.It was true [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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