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.“It’s good to see you too, dolce.”“I’m serious.Why are you here?”“Oh, you silly Americans are always in such a rush, so many important things to do,” he paused, his eyes roving across her body appreciatively.“What is it that you have to do now? You have nothing but free time in between your meetings with The Overlord.”Ava stood in the doorway, eyeing Marcello carefully.“I don’t need you here to help me pass the time,” she snapped.Marcello stood and walked over to her closet, pulling the doors open.“Mmmm.He really does like you.Somehow you have managed to receive a new wardrobe.”Ava still didn’t budge.“Come in and close the door,” Marcello hissed, “I won’t bite.”Not wanting to stand in the hallway any longer, she stepped into the room and pulled the door shut behind her.“That’s better,” Marcello purred.“Now, tell me, what do you think of The Overlord?”Ava sat on the bed and studied Marcello shrewdly.“Who wants to know?”“I do.”“He didn’t send you?”“No.I’m curious.You’re the first human I’ve ever seen him take such an interest in.”Ava shrugged and stared out the window.She still felt incredibly confused about her encounter with The Overlord.She was repulsed by how she acted, and yet she remembered her overwhelming desire for him at the time.In fact, she was still feeling some of the effects of breakfast and she felt herself eyeing Marcello.He was a bastard but he was also incredibly handsome.“Why are you here? Why do you do his bidding?” she asked sharply, trying to change the topic of conversation.Marcello didn’t answer her and instead moved towards the window.“It doesn’t matter,” he said softly, and Ava’s interest was piqued by the change in the tone of his voice; he almost sounded wounded.“I’m curious.You asked me questions.I can’t ask you any?”Marcello whipped around angrily and Ava shrank back on the bed, surprised by his vicious mood change.“I am no better than you!” he cried.“Do you think I want to be here? I’ve made the best out of my situation!”Ava jumped off the bed and quickly moved to the door.Marcello was faster than she and he blocked her from opening the door.He was so close that Ava could smell his aftershave and she could see the gold flecks in his brown eyes.Marcello was nearly panting and his eyes searched Ava’s.“Leave,” she whispered.“Not yet.”Marcello suddenly looked vulnerable and boyish, his cruel bravado was gone.The energy changed between them and Ava knew nothing good could come from the sexual tension that now vibrated between them.“You need to leave, Marcello,” she said quietly.Marcello came even closer; his breath warm and sweet on her face.“You don’t want to make love to him.I know you don’t.”“What choice do I have? I’m being held a prisoner here and I’ve been claimed as The Overlord's pet!”Marcello’s eyes were suddenly sad and weary.“I was rewarded greatly for finding you.” He hung his head in shame.Ava felt foolish at her sudden wave of realization.Of course, Marcello was responsible for this nightmare.He had handpicked her and Michelle in Milan.“Get out!” she screamed in anger, trying to wrench the door open.“This is your fault!”“No!” Marcello yelled back, pressing his body against her.He was strong and solid and Ava nearly moaned from the sensation of having a full-blooded human male pressed against her.She was still aroused from breakfast and she had to summon every ounce of self-control to not reach between Marcello’s legs.“Please,” she said hoarsely.“I don’t like you, Marcello, and I don’t trust myself now.”Marcello broke away as if burned.“You just ate,” he said.“It’s not real.”He yanked the door open and stormed out of the room.Ava slammed it behind him and sank to the floor, she held her head in her hands as she began to cry.She was so confused.In the span of five minutes, she had felt fear, anger, arousal and confusion with Marcello.Ava wasn’t sure how long she sat on the floor, but a loud knock on her door brought her back to the present.It wasn’t yet time for her to visit The Overlord, and so she timidly opened the door a crack, worried that it might be Marcello again.A different guard stood in the hallway.“You’re being invited for a performance in the Lair,” he said formally.“Do I have a choice? Can I stay here?” She had no desire to go to the Monsters’ Lair.“No.It is a request, not an invitation.”Sighing, Ava left her room and followed the guard downstairs.There were a handful of women and other guards milling around and Ava saw that neither Michelle nor Marcello were present.She did however notice Franco.If Franco noticed her, he certainly didn’t let on, and he looked around the dungeons with boredom.Ava hung to the outskirts of the group and she couldn’t help but let her eyes wander as she studied some of the cages nearby [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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