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.”Wade slapped him on the shoulder.“I agree.Let’s do it.”Together they walked through the room to where Adelaide was still standing by the rack of women’s costumes.Up close he could see the enormous longing in her face.Hell yes, she was ready to play.All they needed to do was nudge her gently over the line and into their dungeon.She was theirs.She just didn’t know it yet.“Hi, Adelaide.If you were to play a scene, which costume would you choose?” Wade asked her.That’s a good question and an excellent way to open the conversation.Adelaide startled and looked up at them both, flipping the hair off her face as she did so.Her big brown eyes were hot with need, but her body was tense.What the fuck was she afraid of?“I don’t know.I like the harem costume, but I don’t know how to belly dance.Maybe the French maid? Or the schoolgirl?” Her words came out in a rush, but her shoulders were still tight.“Would you like to play the naughty maid with Wade and me one day?” Mason asked her, careful not to say he meant in the dungeon, not here in the party room.“Oh yes I would.But I…I…” Adelaide straightened her spine and firmed her lips as if she was facing a huge challenge.“I would like that very much,” she finished.Mason’s dick sat up in delight, and he smiled at her.Wade was looking pleased as well.“We could play a scene with you anytime you wish.There would be time to do that after this party finishes and before you go on shift tonight, if you wanted that,” said Wade.“Today? This afternoon?”Mason watched as a range of emotions crossed her lovely, expressive face.Among them was apprehension and worry, but he thought excitement was more prominent.“Would two thirty suit you?” asked Mason.That would give her time for a shower and to calm down again before she started work at four.“I…I….Yes.Here?”“I expect the staff will need to change out this room to get it ready for clients tonight.But Dungeon Eight will be free.We could meet there.” Mason knew their dungeon was free because that was his and Wade’s break time before they started their evening shift.Adelaide gulped, swallowed, nodded, and then smiled.“I’ll be there.”Chapter TwoI’m crazy.Certifiably insane.They’re wolves.Well, probably wolves.They’ll…they’ll what? This BDSM club is our workplace.They can’t hurt me here.That is, they can only hurt me in an erotic way, but they can’t harm me.But they’re wolves.Wolves.Wild animals.Adelaide couldn’t decide whether she’d just made the worst mistake of her life or whether she’d made the best decision ever.She’d wanted to be with these men for a long time.Wade and Mason, more than all the other Doms in The Dom’s Dungeon, called to her body in the most carnal way.But even though Wade was blond, she had a feeling he was maybe a wolf.Possibly a wolf.Probably a wolf.Yeah, probably.More likely than not.He and Mason were very close.They did everything together.Besides, it was likely wolves came in other colors than brown and black.Arctic wolves would have to be blond, wouldn’t they?I have to overcome my fear of shape-shifters.I have to believe in my heart that they aren’t all bad and that the ones here at the BDSM club are all regular people.Adelaide dropped onto the bench in the female change room.This was the place she always ran to when she needed to hide or to think.She could pace around the change room or just sit on the benches here and no one looked twice at her.I came to work here at The Dom’s Dungeon because I know I want to be a sub.I want a Dom of my own.Or better yet, two joint Doms.I like Mason and Wade.I like them very much, and I’m sure they feel the attraction between us, too.So all I have to do is accept that werewolves are just like regular people, not something to be afraid of, exactly as Juliana told me.Why is that so hard to do?Before applying for the receptionist position here, Adelaide had spent many hours on the Internet, trying to find a logical reason for her irrational fears.The most common reason for such terror was having been hurt by an animal in childhood, or possibly seeing someone she cared about hurt.But if that had happened, Adelaide had no memory of it.She had no inkling that shape-shifters were even real until she’d come across a hate page about them on Facebook.And even then she’d thought it was just a passel of misguided people getting upset over a fantasy.Until she’d read further and found out that the lawyer who got the Facebook page taken down was Allegra Lee.Adelaide’s family knew Allegra and had a lot of respect for her.Allegra was a protégé of Sierra Bond, a senior partner at Bailey and Bond, Attorneys at Law.Allegra was already a senior associate there.Sierra Bond was widely acknowledged as the most likely candidate to be nominated as the next Supreme Court justice.She was a brilliant attorney, and for several years now, some other attorneys had refused to take prosecution cases when they heard she was the attorney for the defendant, as her win ratio was so high they knew they’d lose the case for sure.Adelaide didn’t know if Allegra was going to be that good, or if more than one attorney in a generation was ever that good, but she sure as hell trusted Allegra and listened to her advice.So she’d asked Allegra if supernatural creatures were real.Allegra’s response had been a typical attorney’s reply.“Why would people feel such strong passion if they weren’t real?”Could that be why Adelaide feared werewolves? Because she’d read some items on the Facebook page and her mind had been polluted by their venom? Was that what was ruining her life? Was she letting someone’s evil spoil her best chance of happiness?She’d deliberately taken the job at The Dom’s Dungeon because she was interested in BDSM and wanted a Dom of her own.But a secondary reason had been her desire to overcome her irrational fear of shape-shifters.Now was the time.Wade and Mason had invited her into their personal dungeon to play a scene as a naughty French maid.With all her heart Adelaide wanted to do that.Maybe they were wolves.She’d do her very best to forget about that and just concentrate on the scene.Oh wow.A scene.Her very first BDSM scene, and with two super-yummy Doms.Adelaide walked into the inner room to shower and get ready for her scene.Excitement was bubbling inside her now.She refused to think about wolves.She would focus on punishment, and maybe sex, and the dungeon.Oh yes.She really was ready for this.* * * *The cosplay party went really well, and Wade knew more people would be booking parties like it in the future.Several of the women guests agreed to dress up in the various costumes, and he and Mason took them through a light-hearted and PG-only display of punishment.Ryia sold a surprising number of costumes and a hell of a lot of packs of naughty cards.Gavan, the head barman, mixed batches of mocktails that tasted just as good as real cocktails and had party-goers lining up to get the recipes.But Gavan just smiled and said, “Why not hold your next party here? I’ll mix the drinks for you myself.”Wade had to admire his fellow wolf’s clever answer.Mocktail recipes could likely be found all over the Internet, but the practiced skill of a bartender serving the clients with flair was an extra asset in itself.Finally he and Mason were free to go back to their dungeon.Mason had already purchased several of the costumes with Adelaide in mind.They’d start with the French maid tonight, but if all went well, she’d be back to play some more.Well, he sure as fuck hoped so.A damn good orgasm should encourage her for a start [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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