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.When more heat assailed her she was scared that her voice would tremble and so only nodded when he said ‘hi’ to her.She was surrounded by three very big, brawny men and her body betrayed her by lighting up like the Fourth of July.They were older than her and looked confidant and more sophisticated and Tori just hoped she didn’t do anything to make a fool of herself by showing her attraction.Not that she had any intentions of doing something about it, but it would be embarrassing if they knew she found them desirable and they didn’t even find her attractive.But that was beside the point.She’d vowed to keep away from men and she was determined to keep her promise to herself.At least she hoped so.She was glad when the men started talking about ranching and hoped that would keep any attention away from her.She thought about what Flick and her men had said about going to the bank and asking about a loan.The more she thought about it the more merit it had.When she looked up she met Luther’s green-eyed gaze and quickly looked away, but her eyes collided with blue-green eyes and she lowered her head until she was staring at the table top.Tori felt their eyes on her even though she was no longer looking at them, and it wasn’t just the two men sitting either side of her.Bryant was looking at her too.She began to fidget in her seat and when she realized she was panting slightly she knew she had to do something.She shoved her chair back and muttered, “Excuse me,” and hurried away toward the ladies’ room, and was pleased to find it empty.She leaned on the counter and took deep breaths as she stared at herself in the mirror.Her cheeks were flushed, there was a definite sparkle in her eyes, and she could see her nipples pushing against her shirt.“What the hell, Tori? Get control of yourself, girl.” She turned the faucets on and ran cool water over her wrists, but it didn’t seem to help to lower the heat running through her veins.“What makes them so special? You’ve seen handsome men before.”Yeah, but not as sexy, muscular, handsome, or sophisticated as those three men.She turned off the tap and then reached for some paper towel and dried her hands and wrists.Just as she turned to walk toward the door it burst open.“Are you all right, Tori?” Flick asked.“I’m fine.”“You look a little flushed.Are you coming down with something?”Yeah, you could say that.I would call it a case of plain old lust.“No, I just felt a bit hemmed in.” She wanted to slap her hand over her mouth when she said that, especially when a speculative look came into Felicity’s eyes.“They are something, aren’t they?” Flick asked.“Who?” Tori hoped that Felicity wouldn’t see through her.“The Katz brothers.” Felicity tilted her head and then smiled.“You don’t fool me, you know.I see that look on my face nearly every morning.You’re attracted to them.”“No I’m not,” Tori said a little too quickly and emphatically, and Felicity’s grin got bigger.“If you say so.” Flick hooked her arm into hers and led her back toward the door.She paused with her hand on the handle and looked at her.“Have you finished hiding out?”“Bitch,” Tori muttered and Felicity burst out laughing.“They like you, too.”“They do not!”“Ah, yeah, they do.Maybe you could go out with them.”“Look, I don’t want to get involved with anyone.Not for a long time.I’ve had it with men and want to concentrate on getting a job and a place to live.”“You can stay with us as long as you like, Tori.There’s no need to have your own place.”“I appreciate what you’re trying to do and thank you for it, but there is every need.I hate interrupting you and your husbands’ lives.The sooner I get a job and my own place the better.”Felicity yanked open the door and they headed back to the table.Tori was glad she’d let the subject of the Katz brothers and her plans drop.All the men stood up when they came back and didn’t sit down until she and Flick were once more seated.She liked that the men all had such good manners.It made her feel special, which she knew was totally ridiculous, because as far as she was concerned she was no different than any other woman.“What do you do Tori?” Luther had leaned down close to her ear so she could hear him over the music and chatter of the other people.Her pussy pulsed, leaking cream onto her panties, when his breath caressed her sensitive flesh.“I’m currently out of work and looking for a job.”“What did you do?” Jeremiah asked from her other side, and when she turned her head he was so close that her lips bumped against his chin.Damn [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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